International Black Summit Interview Series
The International Black Summit Interview Series is a Podcast that interviews current and past participants and facilitators of the International Black Summit. The Podcast explores their Summit experiences and the ways in which they use the Summit Tools and Distinctions in their lives. The International Black Summit, Inc. is a 501c3, 100% volunteer-led organization. Founded by, attended by, and delivered to people of Black African descent committed to empowering and transforming the lives of people of Black African descent around the world. The purpose of the International Black Summit is to provide an opportunity for participants to bring into being their vision for the Black community and the world.
International Black Summit Interview Series
IBS Interview Podcast: Bonita Grant
June 2, 2024
Black Summit Interviews
Season 2, Episode #7 - Bonita Grant
This month, Glenn Greenidge and Grace Lawrence interview BONITA GRANT:
Bonita Grant is the founder and owner of Cure My Credit. She is steering financial literacy initiatives throughout her community and nationally. As a former public school teacher and non-profit development professional, she brings an integrated approach to her work, which changes client's lives through credit counseling.
Some results of her work include: renters becoming home owners and small business proprietors growing their financial capital. She achieves this by implementing a personalized plan for each client with the goal of transforming high-risk borrowers to low- low-risk borrowers by raising their credit to a 700 score or more.
During her teens and 20s, Bonita was also one of the original youth facilitators of the International Black Youth Summit.
For more information about the International Black Summit, please go to:
Website – blacksummit.org
Twitter – @blacksummit
Facebook – facebook.com/blacksummit/
IBS News Sign-Up – bit.ly/IBS-signup
IBS Annual Summit Event Registration – blacksummit.org/ase
The views and opinions expressed by the person interviewed are their own and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the International Black Summit.
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Welcome everyone. Hi, welcome to the International Black Summit Interview Podcast. For those of you who are not familiar with the International Black Summit, where an organization that was created in 1991 and our purpose is to provide an opportunity for our participants to bring into being an opportunity for our participants to bring into being their vision.
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For the black community and the world. In these podcast interviews, we interview people who are current or past facilitators of the International Black Summit or participants in the International Black Summit to find out how they have used the International Black Summit experience.
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The summit tools and distinctions in their lives, in their families, in their communities, and in creating what they want in their lives.
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So tonight we are interviewing Bonita Grant and I'm just going to read a brief bio.
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About Beneta so let me just read that and then she'll join us. So Beneta Grant is the founder and owner of Cure My Credit.
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She is steering financial literacy and initiatives throughout her community and nationally. A former public school teacher and nonprofit development professional.
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She brings an integrated approach to her work, which changes clients lives through credit counseling. Some of her hurries, some results of her work include renters becoming homeowners.
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And small business proprietors growing their financial capital. She achieves this by implementing a personalized plan for each client with the goal of transforming high risk borrowers to low low risk borrowers.
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Borrowers by raising their credit score to a 700 score or more. Now during her teens and and twenties bonito was also one of the original youth summit facilitators of the International Black Youth Summit.
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So welcome, Benita. Let's see if you can join us in here in the Zoom virtual studio.
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So I see you coming on screen there. Here you are. Okay, Benita, how are you?
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Welcome, welcome.
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Amazing. Life is great. Thank you. Okay.
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It's amazing to have you with us.
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Oh! So good to see you. Yes it is. Yes is.
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Very exciting. Very excited.
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Thank you. I was good.
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Thank you for having me.
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Yeah, thank you for being here and creating the time. Appreciate it.
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How old are they?
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Yes, thank you. Yes, I have 3 beautiful precious spoiled boys. And so the twins are 9 now.
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And the baby is 5. He's my baby. I know Flight is not a baby. But.
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Wow. Wow, I'm sure.
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Yes, he's my last child, my baby. Yes, they will always remember babies.
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Well, always be your babies, okay? Right, absolutely, absolutely. So, so we usually start the conversation with What was your 1st introduction or how did you find out about the summit?
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How did you get involved?
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Yes. My mom did the form. When I was, I think, 9 years old.
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And then, after she did the form she found out about the summit and then it was like.
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I don't know, maybe like 3 weeks after she did the forum, we went to New York.
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The summer was in New York and that's where I fell in love with the International Black Summit.
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So the forum being the landmark forum, right?
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Yeah, she did the landmark form. And in the beginning that was the prerequisite.
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For yes.
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For that to national.
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Yeah, yeah. So that New York, that New York, summit, what year was that?
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Do you guys remember?
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95, okay. So that was before my time. Okay.
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95 yes It was awesome. It was. A room full of, What was 9?
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I was 9 or 10. So I think they started it at 8 years old. I think you could do this summer when you were 8.
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Yeah, the, 8 years old, yes.
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Yes, so I was one of the young people in there, but there was there was so many different people from all over the world, all over the country.
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I don't know if we had gotten all over the world by then, but. And we would just talking about real stuff.
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And emotional. Intimate, loving, healing. Stuff and I was hooked. I was like, this is, this is how.
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This is how I want to communicate. This is the types of conversations that I want to have with the people in my life at home and my family.
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With my friend circle and I and I got addicted and I realized I didn't even do the form.
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And so, I don't know, maybe like. 4 years later or so. But I realized that the way to create those types of conversations.
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Like in my life with my family and friends is to have my family and friends. Do the International Black Summit.
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So I became a master in roller. I'm 9 years old. I made sure. Every single person in my life, my aunts, my uncles, mine.
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Friends, you know, work at the summit every year at the, well, and yeah, at the prerequisites at the summit, like.
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I knew that that was the way that I could have the same vernacular, the way that I could have.
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This type of energy in my life. Not even like. I don't have to wait until the event once a year.
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I could literally have this all the time.
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And did that show up for you like after you had family members participate and begin to access like the summit distinctions and all that kind of stuff.
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Did that show up in your regular life?
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It still shows up. Like it shows up in. Yes. It.
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Almost every single friend of mine that I'm still friends with. I still have A lot of friends from when I was that age because we went deep early so we got we it just got it became the intimacy in the relationships I was building.
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In those formula years in my life were
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How powerful and it wasn't BS. It wasn't about the club. It was about like how we don't change this world.
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How are we going to, you know, work on our confidence? How are we gonna, you know, move past pair pressure?
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Like how are we gonna heal from the stuff that happened to us when we were younger? Are we gonna heal our parents?
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How are we gonna kill? You know, I mean, those are the types of conversations we were having and yes.
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A lot of those people that came to the summer with me when I was a kid are still my friends.
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Oh, that's nice.
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One just left a few minutes ago. I told her I was going to do this. Her name is Nikki, but she went to I think 4 summits.
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So yeah, a lot of, yeah, it's, it's, that's why.
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You know, it's just important when you find your your family or when you find work. Like the International Black Summit, when you find this type of energy that you.
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Bring the people you love to it. Because then it just keeps going. It doesn't stop.
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So, Benita, say a little bit about the formulation of those things. I mean, because, you, because in the use, we talk about what it is to be black.
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And we discover all the different nuances about being black. And about myself identifying to my blackness. How important was that to you at that point in time?
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In your life?
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Well, I grew up in Boston and people always like this black people of Boston. Yes, there's me and my family and then my friends, yeah.
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But so Boston is one of the most racist, places I've ever been.
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Didn't know that until I left Boston and I was like, wait, the whole world isn't like this.
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So going to a place where you know, it was celebrated, being black was celebrated.
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And not only celebrate it but was. Wasn't like fight to you know but it was more like yeah like a celebration it was like you know like let's talk about how beautiful being black is as opposed to where I grew up where you just had to defend yourself like I'm still a person.
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Like I'm still a good person. You know, even though I'm black, right? So having that experience.
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Was was very important. That's why I brought a lot of my friends from Boston to it so that we can look at it in a different way.
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I the summit chain, that something helped me.
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Focus in a different way. Focus on. Beauty and on on creation like creating things as opposed to reacting, you know, understanding that.
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We are creators and we choose our lives and we're co-creatives with God like that was everything for me and it still is.
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I teach my kids this now. I'm like. That didn't like you. Why did you create that?
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Like why did you create that experience? You look really hurt by that experience. What were you trying to get from creating that, you know?
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So yes, I hope I answered the question.
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You did. You did. And what I want to underline is the accountability and the responsibility in your speaking.
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Yes, being responsible. That was one of the huge things for me because, the way I grew up
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Meaning the people who were my influences, responsibility wasn't really looked at like, it's a good thing, right?
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It was more like I have to, right, as opposed to I get to and then understanding and the summit.
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Taught me like understanding that responsibility and power are connected, right? And when you're responsible. For your life.
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Like that's when you get your power, right? As opposed to things happening to you, you're creating them and you can hold the responsibility.
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Learning that at a young age. Was it was like gold. Like it just it just changes the way you or changed the way I.
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Viewed the experiences in my life like what am I creating what is the what am I trying to learn from this What am I resisting?
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Where's the reflection here? Like why am I triggered? What is this about me that makes me triggered because of something that I perceive you're doing to me, right?
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So just even that trigger was huge for me. Like reflection was huge for me. Because I got early that the only thing, the only person in this world that I can change is myself.
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Right? Trying to change other people or trying to make other people do things. Is funny. It's it's it's it's It's not possible, you know what I mean?
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Okay. Hmm.
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And just saying, oh, another huge thing was being versus doing.
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Being versus doing. Is, will just. There's nothing to do except be. That is a lesson that I'm learning.
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Over and over and over again and every time I learn it. I need you knew this. There was nothing to do.
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You just, you knew this. You know this. You know,
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What did you say?
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Yeah. You know? I was just, no, complete and then I'll, and then I'll ask your question.
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Yes, it's really, you know, transformation, even the word transformation and how things don't have to take.
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You know, the moon aligning and it in the 7 day and then, you know, taking a week vacation before I can create the change I want in my life.
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Transformation is a dot and it happens like this as soon as you Get responsibility and you get charged and you get you get those things it lines up And everything shifts.
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It's a lesson I keep learning. Over. Yeah.
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You know, that's so great. I just, I hear you, I hear you. You know, I certainly keep learning lessons too.
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That's for sure. That's for sure. And one of the things that you mentioned was the being versus doing, which and there's nothing to do it except B, which makes me think of the International Black Summit Declaration.
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So I was thinking this might be a good opportunity to actually. Chair, the International Black Summit, declaration.
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I used to know this about heart. Let me see, I still do it. I just, Let's.
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Let's do it. No, no, no, let's do it.
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Do you want it? I'm usually Glenn brings it up on screen, but we don't need to do that if you think you can do it by heart.
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Is that big enough?
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You gonna wait it for?
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No, I don't want to read it. But I would read it along.
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You know, Open. The Declaration of the International Black Summit. We declare ourselves our community and all communities whole and complete.
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There is nothing to do except be. We assert that we are responsible. For generating community as possibility and distinction.
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We listen for and grant being to the possibility and creation. Of unpredictable results. Our conversation of about and for those of African descent.
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Is one of power. Self generation abundance Responsibility. Unity and integrity with the possibility of being.
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We stand for the expression of our spirituality. Ending the murders of our men. Women and children.
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Building economies responsible for funding our community. Maintaining wellness of being in our bodies. Providing Human Services.
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Establishing nurturing relationships. Altern the conversation of who we are in the media empowering our youth.
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We declare that our community manifests itself. In the world. As a contribution in the transformation. Of the universe.
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Atlanta, Georgia, October, 7.th 90 91.
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It was amazing. Like.
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Thank you, Glenn. Yeah, what part of the declaration typically calls to you, Benita? Like what part of the declaration is the part that you tend to go back to?
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Honestly, the whole declaration is I mean, every time I read it and listen to it. It is inspiring and I'm so grateful that.
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I just look at my kids who are 9. And I'm like, my kids are they're not thinking about this, right?
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They're like, it's just so. That felt so blessed and so Grateful to all the angels and all my ancestors.
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In everybody that. On everybody. On earth and in heaven that made it possible for me to live in that world at such a young age and how much it has influenced my life like I'm listening to the declaration and I'm like.
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Is what my life has been. Since I 1st read it and I just feel so.
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As it said so honored to I love I love it all.
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Can you give us an, can you give us an, well, you know what? Yeah. Can you give us an example of that when you say this is what.
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My life has been. Can you give us an example or 2?
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Yes, I I
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I was just talking to my friend and came about. It was after the summit. Created my own purpose, right?
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What my purpose is and my purpose. Is, at 9 years old, what I said my purpose is, is to help people achieve the highest possibility in life.
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And there's been so many worlds, so many places in my life since 9. I'm 40 now that I've been able to in my being.
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Been able to inspire. And activate people. To to go after the highest possibility and and right now you know the way I'm doing it is through credit repairs.
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You see, it's my background. Like, and It's real for me, like. I see people and they come to me and it comes to my company and they have been told no.
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They've been told that they can't get a slice of the pie, right? And we talk about, you know, financial, you know, building abundance, you know, in the black community.
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I would say 99% of my clients are in the black community. And It just to see people be able to buy their houses and now I'm working with business owners and helping them buy multiple houses and create multiple streams of income.
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It's like Thank you, like I just feel like My, you know, I say I have angels on earth and angels in heaven.
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That are conspiring. To to use me. And and I feel like it's happening and it's and it's happening in different ways when I was a teacher and I was working with.
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You know, the middle school kids and the high school caves and at some point I was working as a teacher in the jails and you know in those moments I was like okay use me I don't I don't know what I'm doing They use me and It just, there's a.
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It's when I when I just listened to you read it I just
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It just brought me back to how like.
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Having that as a foundation has created. A very My life, I feel like my life is of service to my community and in makes me feel very.
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Yeah. You know.
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Thank you, like, and, Okay. Feels good.
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Well, I was gonna ask you so so you mentioned trigger that's 1 of our distinctions inside of the summit and we use these distinctions.
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Tools, what would you say were some of the other distinctions that you use and and for those of you who haven't participated, we use these tools to basically keep us on track.
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With our commitment. Sometimes Life gets in the way and we get a bump in the road. And the tools called distinctions and these are words but we have a particular context around how we use them and how we work with them.
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Such that they are they leave us empowered to continue to pursue our commitments when we get stopped by different things.
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So, so what were some of the most powerful distinctions that that you probably are still using today.
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Yeah, trigger was huge. Reflection is really big seeing like, whoa that that goes on trigger it's like when some when something or somebody debates you and you get angry or you get in your feelings about something.
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There's usually some sort of reflection that you see that you may not want to deal with in yourself.
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You know, like it's easier to try to fix somebody else than to like go within. And so that one is really huge.
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The being one, the note out there. Like that also goes back to reflection, like we.
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It's for me how that shows up in my life is. Around being responsible and being a creator.
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Like I feel like I'm gonna co-creative with God and there really is no out there everyone is literally They have no choice but to play into the stories that I created already.
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Like before they before I even met like if I'm still living in this story that people are only here to use me I can start a brand new relationship with you and it could go really well but by the end of the story you're gonna use me because that is the story that I created.
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And you have to play into that story because I got to be right. I've got to be right, right?
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So and just That one is huge because like I say, we learned, well, at least I learned.
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Some of the same lessons over and over again. I'm getting better at it. Every year I'm getting better at all.
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I'm doing that thing again. I'm doing that thing. I'm making you show up this way.
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To me. That was not. So, but it is. I think, I mean, one of the hugest things, like I said, Is responsibility in understanding that we're all creators.
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In our life and our experiences and I feel like.
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I feel like the way we tell our stories. In responsibility, I feel like I got that work in the summit.
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Is that? I don't know what that distinction would be called, but. Which is understanding how to tell our stories responsible.
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Yeah, there's a level of Well, I hear a level of noticing that's the self reflection that you're pointing to.
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No out there. Certainly being responsible for yourself and your actions and the consequences associated with those actions trigger.
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You know, it's not the person over there, because when I point my finger In that direction, I got 3 point back up myself.
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So it's like, you know, what am I contributing to this conversation? What is my part of this creation?
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As well. Yeah. Yeah.
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Ownership ownership. Yeah.
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Yes, that's real. There's so many goodies. I mean if if we just broke down the declaration over and over again for days I mean there's so many goodies in it.
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You know, leaving people touch moved inspired, like just taking care of your community and the universe. Like it's just.
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Being in service.
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You know, one of the things. You know, you were so young when you 1st came to the international Black Summit and then you chose to become a facilitator, and then you chose to become a facilitator, youth facilitator.
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In the International Black Youth Summit. Why did you choose to do that? Like what had you decided?
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You know, I'm gonna be up at the front facilitating this conversation. Yeah.
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Good. I found my tribe. I found my tribe and once a year when enough of me. I needed, I needed more.
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And I remember, you know. I was I started doing fundraisers. I was I was always doing some sort of fun raisers to give my friends or anybody who wanted to come.
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To the summer to the summit. I remember. Taking like, I don't know, like 15.
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To 17 people to Jamaica for the summit. I remember we we would walk around the neighborhood knocking on doors with our cans.
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Asking people for money so that we could go because none of us have money but that wasn't stopping any of us or it wasn't stopping me.
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I was like, everyone I know gets to go. So let's let's figure out how to go.
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I remember.
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Atlanta and taking a huge group to a Lanza and to filling. But yeah, no, for me, I I am what I've noticed in my life is I'm a promoter.
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When I find something good and I find something that changes people's lives in something that Is it? Is the agent of change, and I want everyone to be a part of it.
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So yeah, so and and being a facilitator just allowed me to be in the room longer or more.
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Well, you know, one of the things that I I must I must point to actually 2 things and that fundraising because that's what I remember.
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One of the most profound things about you was that you were selling cupcakes and cake. Cookies and all of that to fund yourself to come to the planning body meetings that we were had all over the nation different places.
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I know!
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And and and that because your mother had been with us trusted us enough to take care of you. No, so that, so that we, kind of shepherd you in.
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And we're able to participate. Pretty much on your own, at, at times.
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No, I was like, it was like 1112 taking flights by myself going all types of places in the support.
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In the summit, you know. To make sure that I was safe because I mean so much can happen like I look back like how my mom was so Would never.
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I'm nine-year-olds can't even like walk down a street by. I'm just like, where are you going?
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Thank you.
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Let's hold hands, you know, so just like I said angels on earth and angels in heaven like there was so many amazing, helpful.
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I remember. I remember. David Pay.
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But he drove me and my brothers from Boston to, I think, silly for a summit weekend.
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Like literally just drove us and and we didn't know him. He didn't know us, but he he let us get in his car and drove us and we became present for that.
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It was just it was so much like come on. Come here, we'll take care of you.
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My grandma like, you know, she She was, cause I divide planes against and at that time you needed a credit card and I was like, 1112.
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I didn't have a credit card and something like, that honestly my my grandma's taught me about credit through the traveling with something.
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But she, helped me buy my tickets and help me get tickets for my friends and even other summit.
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You've some made facilitators like just like it was just it was a it was literally a lot of Amazing support.
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It made me feel at that time in my life. Where you know you're going through you know, preteens becoming a teenager.
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You, it's just like a crazy time. I used to be a teacher. So like looking at it, you know, in because you're in your own body, right?
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And so you're just doing, you just think. You know, whatever, but looking at it, being able to be taken care of in that time in my life, the way I was taken care of made me Like there was no way I could.
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Could deny mine. My light, my brigance, my, my shine, my. There was too many people that were.
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Behind me and pushing me forward. yeah, that, I mean. Just a good life.
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So, so the second thing I wanna acknowledge you for. And most people don't know the realize it.
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But you were the kind of like the organizer. Around having the youth have their own prerequisite.
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Okay. Go into a team. Okay.
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And, and we as the adults. Yeah, where do you mean you want your own prerequisite?
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What does that look like? You know, got all nervous and stuff. But the thing and the thing that that was like, okay.
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You can do that if you can sell fund. So I had to pay for itself. And you all Did it you put it together you made sure that there wasn't costing to summon anything it was going to be a profit and you created the 1st prerequisite that was within the summit.
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Body and and and created the standard for the adults to follow. And create their own prerequisite internally.
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Even though there was a little a little stuff of little egos about that But but it was but it was out of the Youth the Youth Summit saying we shall have our own and not necessarily have landmark as being the the predecessor or the prerequisite to this body of work.
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So I just wanna make sure that. Folks out there know about it. So what was that experience like?
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As a
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That was. That experience changed my life because you know, I was there in the room when we literally created the curriculum for the preagus, which A lot of time the person just led into, you know, the actual format.
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It just, creating that. And seeing it live and seeing it live and seeing it literally change people's lives and allow people to heal.
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From things that they didn't necessarily think that was possible to heal from, you know.
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It did. Like I said, it changed my life. It made me feel like I could create things.
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I could create experiences. That empowered people to take on their lives. And, and honestly just like healing, aren't you, Hill?
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I'm shy, especially stuff that you think you can't heal from without somebody doing something better.
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Without someone apologizing or without, you know. And I mean, this was like, or healing from stuff that literally.
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Would take people out, you know, and, and these are eight-year-olds.
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You know, these were, you know, 17 year olds healing from stuff that like. We're taking people out and and it just inspired you to like release and let go like it inspired you to like
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To shift as soon as possible to just how much pain, how much like you can we could literally see people lose weight in front of us.
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Right, we could see people. Good. And like, people would look lighter in, in, healthier afterwards like they would be skipping out of the room when they came in like what are we doing?
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What is this? Change when I change everyone around me because it's our being not our doing everyone around us changes and so I really got to see, like we really got to see that.
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It was like one person at a time, one family at a time, one community at a time, but it started with one person.
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You know, and how it just vibrated out. It's amazing.
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Seeing what what people are doing that were you know a part of this that are part of this work, like what they're doing in their communities and their lives and, you know, once you're hills or once you have healing and you have a choice.
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Once you get choice. Like there's so many doors that are open. Once you get responsibility.
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As opposed to people doing things to me than I'm creating. Like it's like so many doors open.
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You know, I wanna wanna say this. For the folks that are listening. And so the healing that Benita is talking about I just got present to it in in you know works Trauma is the trauma that we've carried in our lives.
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Trauma from a bad experience with a teacher. Maybe an experience in the playground. Maybe something. With your family members.
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Whatever that is, we carry with it. Carry it with us and so the space of the International Black Summit the youth the adult and the young adult space We allow that healing.
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To take place so that you can move on so that you And I love what you said, Benita.
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Creating choice when we begin to realize that we that we're not victims that we actually have choice in the matter and the situation that we're in right now.
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I caused it. So what did I do? To undo it or to move it to another in another direction and and what Exactly.
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Why am I causing it? What am I trying to get? What am I trying to be right about?
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Why am I causing it? What am I trying to resist? What, where's the change?
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Who is the resistance and the change that God has for me? I was just talking to my brother about this today.
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You know, he was telling me a story and it was so irresponsible. And I was like, what are you talking about?
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You know, somebody doing something to him and he had to do, I was like Brian. You know, we've been doing this work for years.
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You already know that that's not even going to fly with me. Like, why? Why? You know, there's a piece and we talked about it.
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We got to it and he was like, you're right, you're right. I mean, let me change my conversation.
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But there was a piece that I get and that we both get and that you know once we get this It's like.
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Resistance to change, you know, the mode like changes the only constant, right? And, you know, God has a plan for us, right?
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And it does require changes, changes in relationships, changes in our bodies, changes in just changes. And a lot of times we're so resistant to the change that we create.
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Drama. We create a lot of drama. And then we're like, you made me change.
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You made me change. We create a lot of drama because we don't want to change. And once we get to the change, we're like, I'm so glad that happened.
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Because if that didn't happen, then I wouldn't have did this. I wouldn't have created that and you know.
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It's true, but it's just like how how resistant we are to change or God's purpose or our next steps is what.
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Causes the most pain for us like the most pain. And it shows up over and over again.
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Okay. Okay. You wanted me to do that. I wanted to go left because I liked left.
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Left was great. That's a really good left. Now you want me to go right.
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So which was your favorite annual summit event? You know, we have these courses, the International Black Summit started with just the annual event in August every year.
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Then there was the creation of the prerequisite that you in the end others in the youth summit spawned and now we have the the community and regional events team and other things as well.
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But what was your favorite annual summit event that you attended? Do you remember?
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I don't know. For like I have like a favorite. I feel like.
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There was there was amazing moments in every event like I mean, it's for me.
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Relationships are everything and people. The energy that's created when like-minded people come together in work on.
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Creating a beautiful world is always going to be an amazing event. So there wasn't like one that I was like.
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That, that was it. I just wanted to keep recreating that. It was like.
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Every time we decided to, every time we came together with that purpose in mind, when you start off the day with the declaration, what are you gonna create?
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You know what I'm saying? You gotta create some magic. So. Yeah, no, I think.
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I don't know, I, I just think that. The people. The people that I.
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I've met. The intimacy and loving beautiful relationships. Yeah, are developed in this space. It's gold.
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It's pretty awesome. Yeah.
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Well, I'll say this. I remember my first, st my 1st summit was in 1999 in Jamaica.
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And, Jamaica! Yes.
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So that Jamaica Summit, yeah, so that Jamaica summit where you brought the whatever the teams of people.
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I remember that and I remember being in the adult summit. And looking around at the youth and being like, I just want to leave these adults, join the youth.
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You guys look like you were having. You guys look like you were having so much fun and I was still young, youngish at the time.
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So a lot of the adult room was older than me. And I was like, oh, I need to go join those youth over there, whatever you were doing.
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It, it was really creating like a wonderful energy. That I wanted to be a part of whatever you guys were doing over in that space.
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Yeah, it was yeah, it was beautiful. I think that
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I don't know, Glenn brought it up earlier. It's like As.
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I don't know when I was younger, it was just, there was just a lot more.
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Let's shifting and changing was super. It was, cause that's how life is when you're that age. Like nothing is, everything is changing.
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Your body changing every second. Like everything is changing. And The older I did. The more I realize that my ego and my resistance to change causes so much freaking pain.
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You know, like it does. And so When I and and having fun was super important. At a young age, right?
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So yes, you, you would see a lot of fun, you know. It's super important at our age.
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Yeah, at every age. Yeah, for sure. Yeah.
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Like it's super important, but but you know sometimes we're just like we're always like we I've done so much to get to where I'm in where I'm at right now.
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I need to, to just stay right here, you know? And our egos will have us thinking that that's real, you know?
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But you know like at the end of the day like that energy and that's why I love my kids and that's why I love I love kids, right?
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It's because they remind you. That. Like it's supposed to be fun.
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It's like life. Is a gift and it's short. And it's very long at the same time.
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You know, so like, said it short. So like, what? What are you doing to create?
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What am I doing to create? Joy in the moment. What am I doing to give back? What am I doing to create change?
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How am I feeding my spirituality, how my feet in my body, how am I feeding my soul, you know, like those are the things that.
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Our kids show us it's important. And so yes, I can see why.
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Okay, why I want to.
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You know, looking at the young people is, is inspiring, cause it is.
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Yeah. It was fun. You know, I have a conversation about. About adulthood being something to look forward to.
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You know, like there's been, at least when I was growing up, there was this whole conversation around adulthood being something to dread.
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Like, oh, like dread adulthood just looked so awful. We had this movie called Children of the Corn where after a certain age, you remember children at the corn glen after a certain age, like you just didn't want to be like, I think was older than 25 or something.
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Older than 25, you just like forget it that was it you just agreed to you know move on because cause life was essentially over like this whole this whole conversation and I just I.
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Yeah. Yeah.
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Just for me one of the things I'm standing for is that adulthood. Being something that is actually worth looking forward to, like that it actually creates and what joy looks like and what fun looks like is different.
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At the age of 10 versus the age of 30 or 40 or whatever. But, but yeah, I really think that the way that we have created adulthood as a society doesn't make it very appealing and it doesn't have to be that way because we are the ones creating it.
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I totally agree. I love being an adult. I wouldn't change it or anything. It was fun being a kid.
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So we can create a whichever way we like. Yeah. Me too. Me too.
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Every every year was fun, but every year I'm like, I was a hot mess back then like last year, like 6 months ago, right?
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Like I feel like every year I get I get a little bit more wiser and smarter and Like I like.
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I like my. I like my freedom. As an adult I love how I can choose what I do every day like I literally choose what I do every day.
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I love being a parent. I love, looking at my kids. And creating experiences with them and for them.
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Yeah, I, I love.
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Like and again, I get it's a choice because You know, I could literally choose to be irritated by shit.
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But I, but honestly, I love like some of the stuff that adults like the adult team. Like my brother, to my brother, like.
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Right actually love paying bills. Like I love paying bills I like I'm like and I love paying people like I have employees I have like over 20 employees it gets guys tell him one of my employees like one of my favorite days of the week is payroll.
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I love paying people and the more I get to pay people the better I feel like it makes me feel like I am contributing to the communities and families and all that's like.
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But they're like, I remember I had a boss. His worst day of the week was payroll.
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And he would literally get crabby. He'd be like, and I said, why is this your Wednesday?
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He's like, because my bank account gets smaller. When I pay people. And I was like, and it literally, it would bring him down.
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He knew that Thursdays were going to be the worst day of the week for him. And he made payroll every 2 weeks because he knew that Thursdays would always piss him off and did it and I was like, yo, when I become a boss, when I become an owner, I'm not gonna be like that.
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I'm going to literally change that conversation and enjoy payroll. Because that looks like that's not fun.
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And so I know things are conversations and I know that. You gotta fake it until you make it, but for me it really is true.
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Like payroll is a fun day for me. I love it. I love paying people. I want to pay people more.
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I want more employees. I can pay more people. I want more clients. I can help more people.
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But that's Yes, I love. Hello, nice.
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I get it. You know, I get it. And for me, what I'm really hearing and what you're saying is what you shared earlier about the saying is what you shared earlier about the responsibility and the shift in the context from I have to do this.
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I get to do this. And so, so much of what has been around me is responsibility as I have to as burden as not choice as being something that's imposed on me.
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As a opposed to the freedom of choice that I'm choosing this. This is a responsibility that I get to take on out inside of my vision.
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And it's fulfilling something that I am committed to and I'm contributing to. And so it's a whole different come from.
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Yeah, absolutely.
00:48:46.000 --> 00:48:53.000
Because because you chose this You chose this at some point you chose this at some point you were like this is what I want and now you're getting it and it's like How are you going to experience it?
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Yeah. Yeah.
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Like, we choose everything. We literally make contracts before we came here to Earth. And we chose it all, which was our parents.
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We chose, we tells it. And it's like. The sooner we choose our choices. The list.
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Pain we experience, the less. You know, the more joy we get to experience when we when we remember to choose our choices and and just because we know that that we're co-creators with God we know that we're creating this experience.
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Called your life or life you know And, and we're the ones telling the story, you know, we're creating through our stories.
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It's like, you know, but people call me and they're always like, how are you doing been eating?
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I'm like, amazing. This is awesome. Life is good. And they're like, Benny, your life is always good for you. I'm like, it sure is.
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Like, what's next? Or it could be horrible. I could, I could answer the phone differently.
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I could be like, what do you mean? I'm busy, entire. Like I have 3 kids, one doesn't sleep, so I'm stuck in 9 years.
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What's next? And, and, and I could experience that and I could give you that experience and, and that could be my real experience.
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Through how I talk and through how I show up and through how I'm being. Now sometimes I do feel tired.
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You know, like I do feel tired, but I also know that it's a feeling it's a moment.
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You know, and it's again what I asked for. Prayed for my kids not like me and my wife weren't Suppose to have kids like Like I literally, physically was not, the doctor said you weren't going to have a child.
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You like you can't have a child you know, and I said, no, this is what I want.
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I want a baby. I want a baby out of my body. And I lost 50 pounds when I was pregnant. I was sick.
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I was sick. I was, I thought I was losing my baby for the 1.st 4 months of my pregnancy, I dread like I had a period every single day.
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Everything with the, I went to the emergency room so many times they just knew my name. I didn't I think that baby every time they would do the ultrasound Davis my baby would be in there dancing like I'm right here and you know what happened because we talk about conversation we talk about manifestation we talk about conversation, we talk about manifestation, we talk about manifestation, we talk about being co-creators with God.
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The day that I, we talk about manifestation, we talk about being co-creators with God.
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The day that I remember I went to my natural doctor and is my partner in this so she talks like she she's like Benev you got this that baby is fine don't worry about it you want me to take your hospital again why we already know that baby is fine did she After I had the baby, she was like, buddy, that was scared out of my mind.
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I'm scared every single day, Anita. But I was never going to tell you that. I knew it.
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But the day, my, my natural doctor, he said, you need to claim this baby.
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You need to, like, you need to stop saying this baby's not happening. You debate, you need to claim this baby.
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That day I named my child. Like I gave him a name and I named him after mind you the other crazy thing is while I was pregnant I lost 9 people 9 people died 9, I'm sorry, like 9 of my people.
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Like, mentors, my friends, my grandma, like 9 of my people died while I was pregnant.
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And then dealing with, I was in pain the whole pregnancy. It wasn't just like. Was in pain, you know.
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When I named my child. 2 days later, let's stop bleeding. Cause soon as I name my child.
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And I claimed my child. So, so we know that we're, and we, and we have so many instances of this throughout our lives.
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When we we get on board to God's plan when we realize that we're co-creators and all that good stuff like that we show like we experience what we ask for when we claim it when we, you know, so.
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It's just about changing the conversation. You can experience. You can experience a adulthood as.
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Struggle as hard as. It's something that I have to do. Or like This is some awesome stuff.
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I made it. I'm here. Yes, my knees hurt. And I got knees, you know what I'm saying?
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Like, I could still walk, you know, like. It's all about pharmacy is all about how we Choose.
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To tell our story.
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Yeah, choose our choices. I love it. And I love it. I love the way you say choose our choices.
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Choose our choices for sure.
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So is that what you would say? What would you say to someone? Who was looking at at the International Black Summit as something that they want in their lives.
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What would you say to them?
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No would say jump go run like it's a great community. That, I mean, we just, we just saw the declaration, you know, any, any community that has that as a foundation.
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Is doing good things like. Yeah, I am I am like yes
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I love you guys in the chat. Hey, Sta, Kaye, Petal.
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Thank you guys.
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Yeah. Okay.
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You have 3, your 3 questions, Grace.
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Yeah, the final question. So the final question, Bonita, is there anything that you wanted to say before we ask the final question?
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Good. Now I love you guys. I'm very grateful.
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Tell us a little bit, tell us a little bit more about Cure My credit.com and then we'll go to the final question.
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Yeah, good, good.
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Okay, yes. Oh, oh yeah, education just acts. What is that number behind you? That's just, so I own a business, called cure my credit scores and we help people achieve their highest possibility of getting a house.
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And so we mainly work like like, 99% of our clients are trying to buy a house and their scores are too low to do that.
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Credit scores up. We actually guarantee that we can get them to a 700 or greater. On Shred, amount of time as long as they do their part which is known to negative items whether in the program and they have to keep their credit cards between one and 10% My companies were big on education.
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Like I said, I used to be a teacher, so we're really big on educating people on how your credit works and how you can get your scores even higher.
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Also help small businesses build their business credit. Which is my jam. So I am.
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A serial entrepreneur. I flip houses, I do Airbnb's. I
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But I got my landlords. We do Bitcoin machines. Some I don't know some other stuff we do but my, like I really, really.
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Love real estate and I feel like I want to. How people buy their 1st house, buy multiple houses, and create multiple shapes of income.
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Because I abundance is real for me and and we are We're worth it. We're worth it.
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We like we did too. Experience all the beauties of life. And we get to use credit like I just, you know, especially as Americans, a lot of us don't get it because cause we've just been Americans for, the whole time.
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But Americans and credit, it's a gift, not. You know, like not all countries have a credit system like we do.
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Where you can actually be given the money to buy a house or buy a car where you can actually be given the money to buy a house or buy a car.
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Without having it. A lot of places in the world if you want to buy a house you need all the money to buy a house.
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Or you need at least half of the money to buy a house or you need all the money to buy a car or at least half of the money to buy a car here you can buy multiple houses using your credit profile and maybe a little bit like 5% or 10% of the value in cash, you know, that that is.
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One of the reasons why. You know, we have the American dream. Because of credit. You know, we can.
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Build a business on credit. In a lot of places in the world, you have to have all the money to build the business or start the business.
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And that's why in so many places in the world. Rich people stay rich, poor people stay poor, you know.
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Because there's no way to get to that next level. And we have that still here.
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And I don't know how long it's gonna last, but you know, things are changing.
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But, so yeah, so I'm really adamant about helping people fix their credit, not having it.
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Being something that stops them for ever or them from, you know, moving to the next level. With their generational wealth and abundance.
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Thank you for that. Thanks. Thank you for that.
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So then let's go to the final question. Oh, okay, I'm just gonna say Lupi if you have a question you can type it in the chat.
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So. Here we go.
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Yes, Petal said, there's nothing to do except B. That is, again, that is another.
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Lesson that I am learning over and over. I've been trying to do things all the time.
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We're gonna like yeah, this gotta do. And it's soon as I shit to the being.
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If it's done, it gets done. As soon as I said to the being and I realize also I have plenty of angels on earth and angels in heaven, I don't have to do it all.
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I don't have to do it all.
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Absolutely. Absolutely. Take a advantage of the partnerships that you have.
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Exactly, exactly, the relationships. The Yes.
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Okay, so here's the question. What are 3 wishes? That you have for the world right now.
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3 wishes that you have for the world. Right now.
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The world.
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Choice. I like I really get you know like if people got choice You know, okay.
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It would really help. People enjoy life more. And so that is important.
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01:00:14.000 --> 01:00:16.000
The world is hard because there's so many parts of the world. Different stuff going on in different places.
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Freedom. Freedom is important. Freedom, like to be able to create. The life that you want.
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Freedom is important and
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01:00:35.000 --> 01:00:45.000
I think another wish I would have for people to experience. Is.
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Healing through forgiveness. Is the
01:00:50.000 --> 01:00:51.000
01:00:51.000 --> 01:01:05.000
Yes, like without anything else but just forgiveness like without like a I don't need like a whole world behind it, just like being able to just.
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Forgive and release. And then get back to. Beautiful self.
01:01:13.000 --> 01:01:14.000
Hmm. Nice.
01:01:14.000 --> 01:01:27.000
Yeah, that's that's so perfect. Bonita. Just want to acknowledge who you've become, who For me, who you have always been.
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I love you, Glenn.
01:01:28.000 --> 01:01:35.000
Which is a leader which is someone innovative out there bubbly and effervescent. Even if the little kid, that's how you were.
01:01:35.000 --> 01:01:42.000
Okay. Okay.
01:01:42.000 --> 01:01:49.000
Hi, thank you.
01:01:49.000 --> 01:01:50.000
01:01:50.000 --> 01:01:51.000
01:01:51.000 --> 01:01:53.000
Okay, so it's like nothing has changed and And here this vibrant woman in front of me that that's got 3 kids and business and doing all these great things out in the world.
01:01:53.000 --> 01:01:54.000
Thank you.
01:01:54.000 --> 01:02:04.000
So, thank you for taking on this work. And really having your life be reflective. Of the work that you've chosen.
01:02:04.000 --> 01:02:18.000
And thank you for the The prerequisite? That you help to conceive.
01:02:18.000 --> 01:02:19.000
Hello? Yeah, it's a good stuff. Yes.
01:02:19.000 --> 01:02:20.000
And to because we still use parts of that by the way in the, Okay, It's timeless.
01:02:20.000 --> 01:02:24.000
Yeah. Okay.
01:02:24.000 --> 01:02:25.000
01:02:25.000 --> 01:02:41.000
And and and just who you were as enrollment. You weren't afraid to talk to anybody about this work and about your commitments.
01:02:41.000 --> 01:02:42.000
01:02:42.000 --> 01:02:45.000
And you were selling them cookies and cupcakes and whatever it took. Get you to, make things happen.
01:02:45.000 --> 01:02:58.000
So I just want to really acknowledge the beautiful person that, you've blossomed into. And you've got branches now.
01:02:58.000 --> 01:02:59.000
01:02:59.000 --> 01:03:01.000
It's not just the one branch, but you got multiple branches. That you were born into the world so thank you
01:03:01.000 --> 01:03:31.000
Thank you. I love you. Thank you. Yeah, you and Joyce were always, you always had our bags and you were always there to help pushes and make sure that we We're well taken care of and safe and enabled to just create and so thank you for always being a stand and I love you and I really, really appreciate you for, for continuing to stand for young people and continuing to
01:03:38.000 --> 01:03:39.000
You're welcome. You're welcome.
01:03:39.000 --> 01:03:40.000
stand for people of color and transformational work. It shows that. Pretty awesome. Thank you.
01:03:40.000 --> 01:03:48.000
Hmm. Thank you so much, Benita. Thank you so much for being with us tonight. It was great.
01:03:48.000 --> 01:03:49.000
01:03:49.000 --> 01:03:52.000
Okay. Yes. Very good. Let me go put these babies to bed.
01:03:52.000 --> 01:03:53.000
01:03:53.000 --> 01:04:01.000
G, Grace. Okay, thank you for staying with us. Jacky, Grace, you want to let the folks know how they can get a hold of us and any of that good stuff.
01:04:01.000 --> 01:04:06.000
Sure, you can find out more about the International Black Summit by going to our website, Black Summit.
01:04:06.000 --> 01:04:14.000
Org. Black, Summit. Dot O or RG or you can check us out on our YouTube channel, International Black Summit Inc.
01:04:14.000 --> 01:04:29.000
On YouTube or also on Spotify and other places. I think we have a beginning TikTok and a And I don't know, I think we're kind of on Twitter and the Instagram, you know, look around for us.
01:04:29.000 --> 01:04:34.000
You'll be able to find us. International Black Summit, Inc. And you'll find us blacksmith.
01:04:34.000 --> 01:04:36.000
Dot org and we hope that you'll join us again. To watch the International Black Summit podcast.
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And we have a Yeah, we have a prerequisite coming up.
01:04:42.000 --> 01:04:54.000
We do June 20 second 2024 we have a 1 day prerequisite course if you're interested check go to the website and, and also you can also register for the annual summit event, the 1st full weekend of August every year.
01:04:54.000 --> 01:05:05.000
And this year that's August 1st to August 4, th then you can register for that and join us there.
01:05:05.000 --> 01:05:06.000
So thanks everyone. Have a great night.
01:05:06.000 --> 01:05:13.000
Correct. Thank you again, Benita.