International Black Summit Interview Series
The International Black Summit Interview Series is a Podcast that interviews current and past participants and facilitators of the International Black Summit. The Podcast explores their Summit experiences and the ways in which they use the Summit Tools and Distinctions in their lives. The International Black Summit, Inc. is a 501c3, 100% volunteer-led organization. Founded by, attended by, and delivered to people of Black African descent committed to empowering and transforming the lives of people of Black African descent around the world. The purpose of the International Black Summit is to provide an opportunity for participants to bring into being their vision for the Black community and the world.
International Black Summit Interview Series
IBS Interview Podcast: Dawn Armstrong
March 5, 2023
Black Summit Interviews
Season 1, Episode #12 - Dawn Armstrong
In this podcast episode, Glenn Greenidge and Grace Lawrence interview DAWN ARMSTRONG:
Dawn Armstrong is a communication and learning consultant, committed to the development of people who are seen, heard, and valued for the gifts that they bring to the world. She has over 20 years of consulting and leadership experience.
Dawn has been a facilitator with the International Black Summit for more than 20 years. She describes herself as B.O.L.D – a Black Older Lady with Disabilities. Although she has 20+ years of experience in training and communications, she says that she never truly saw the gift of herself until she had a paralyzing stroke 16 years ago. Dawn uses this experience, and all of who she is, in her commitment to be a vehicle for B.O.L.D people seeing and sharing the gift of themselves.
Dawn is currently finalizing her book, A PATH TO SUCCESS, and plans to launch it with BOLD Mastermind later this year.
During the interview, we’ll be asking our guest about their life and career, with a focus on how they effectively use the Summit Tools and Distinctions in all aspects of life.
For more information about the International Black Summit, please go to:
Website – blacksummit.org
Twitter – @blacksummit
Facebook – facebook.com/blacksummit/
IBS News Sign-Up – bit.ly/IBS-signup
IBS Annual Summit Event Registration – blacksummit.org/ase
The views and opinions expressed by the person interviewed are their own and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the International Black Summit.
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Hi! Everyone! Welcome back to the International Black Summit. Interview Podcast as many of you know, the International Black Summit is in organization that was created in 1,991 and the purpose of the International Black Summit is to provide an opportunity for participants to bring into being their vision for the black community and the
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world, and the purpose of this interview podcast is for us to interview guests current and past facilitators and participants of the International black Summit to find out how the International Black Summit has affected or changed their life, and how they use the tools and distinctions of the summit in their work their
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lives, their families, their communities. So before we introduce our guest for this evening, our guest for this evening is Don Armstrong.
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But before we introduce her, Glenn's going to share the International Black Summit Declaration.
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The Declaration of the International Black Summit, we declare ourselves our community and all communities, whole and complete.
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There is nothing to do except B. We assert that we are responsible for generated community as possibility and distinction.
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We listen for and grant being to the possibility and creation of unpredictable results, our conversation of about and for those of African descent is one of power, self generation, abundance, respectibility, unity, and integrity, with the possibility of being we stand for the expression of ourselves, ending the murders of
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our men, women, and children, building economies responsible for funding our community, maintaining wellness of being in our bodies, providing human services, establishing nurturing relationships.
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Altering the conversation of who we are in the media, empowering our youth, we declare that our community manifest itself in the world as a contribution in the transformation of the universe.
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Atlanta, Georgia, October seventh, 1991.
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Back to you, Jacky, Grace!
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Thank you. Glenn. Thank you. Thank you. So that really just sets the foundation for us as we go into this interview with Don Armstrong.
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Many of you been following us once since we started these interviews back in April of 2,022.
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And now we are in March of 2023. So we are rounding out an incomplete a 12 month cycle, and our twelfth guest this evening with us is Da Armstrong, a fellow Canadian, and an inspiring human being.
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I'm just going to read Don's Bio here, and then we'll have her join us in our virtual studio.
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So let me read this really interesting background for Don Don Armstrong is a communication and learning consultant committed to the development of people who are seen, heard, and valued for the gifts they bring to the world.
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She has over 20 years of consulting and leadership experience, including collaborating with private public and nonprofit organizations in North America, and the Caribbean.
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She has a passion for God, dancing, music, and the creation of multimedia learning opportunities which bring people together to foster the development of a more sustainable and loving world.
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Don has a master of library and information, science and a master's of theological studies.
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She has been a facilitator with the International Black Summit for more than 20 years.
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She describes herself as bold B. Old, which she constantly uses as an acronym for a black older lady, with disabilities.
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This newfound boldness and authenticity began to emerge 16 years ago, after she had a perilzing stroke.
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It was then that her eyes, ears, and spirit were truly opened, and she began to see the many gifts that she brings to the world.
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1 s, gift is a path to success which is a faith-based multimedia, initiative that provides tools and guidance to assist people of African descent in their quest.
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To be seen, heard, and loved, for who they truly are, and prosper.
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As a result, this initiative is delivered virtually through bold mastermind, where global participants are harmoniously blend their minds to bring into being their personal and collective goals.
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Dawn is currently finishing and finalizing her book a path to success and plans to launch it with bold mastermind.
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Start your video.
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Later this year. So you just wanna welcome, Don. So if we can have Don enabled to turn on her per video.
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There she is!
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Okay, there you are, Don. Great to see you.
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Great to be here. Thank you guys so much for this invitation.
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Welcome, welcome, very excited, to have you.
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You know one of the things we do. This is just a conversation.
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We will ask ask questions. Don. Primarily. Just asking you about how you were introduced to the summit.
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Your engagement this is just a conversation. We will ask. Ask questions, Don, primarily, just asking you about how you were introduced to the summit.
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We go.
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Your engagement with the summit, etc., but but feel free as we engage in this conversation, to just let it go where it goes right.
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Spirit's going to lead this conversation. Life energy is going to lead this conversation.
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Thanks. Exactly.
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It'll go how it goes. So first I wanted to ask you about how you first found out about the international Black Summit like who first introduced you.
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What was your first exposure or your first event, you know, like that?
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Peter travel! Wilson introduced me. I I think I was working with him at the time and he wanted to tell us about this.
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Amazing group that he was he was working with. So he brought us all and gave us the introduction.
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I'm only sure if you were there, Jackie. He gave us this introduction.
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I think what really amazed me and got me hooked was a Pre.
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Work set. Cat was one of the leaders of that we had in Toronto and I, before they even finished.
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I would. I was already in Memphis, so that that was just so powerful.
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I remember that event, you know, for people who aren't yet familiar with the International Black Summit, or haven't attended any of our events. Events.
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One of the things that the International Black Summit does is have an annual event.
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And back in 2020 back in 2,002. So 20 years, almost 21 years ago, it was held in Toronto, and so there were a number of events around that, and I believe, after Toronto was Memphis correct.
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Oh, it was before Toronto.
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I think my first is before Toronto, because I got so hooked after you know, even Memphis.
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I came back, and the 6 months after that I was really on a cloud, and I saw myself doing things that amaze me.
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I was so clear I even got contract with a bunch of other consultants. It was like, Huh!
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About a 1 million dollars. I mean, like I was so clear. And that was also when I unfolded about 9 people brought them all into the summit.
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I was so I was so hooked by what the summit was giving me.
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I wanted everybody to have it.
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So Memphis was your first event.
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Memphis, of my first and.
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So don tell us a little bit about what it what it is that you actually got for yourself.
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So I heard some clarity. I heard some other things.
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Can you be a little bit more specific? And what you actually received?
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Ownership. That was the distinction that I got there, because I felt I was owning all these things, that really they weren't.
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They weren't mine to own, and saw that I had to own me, and that that was so.
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Something I actually needed, the own. Em embrace me and it enabled me to relate people in a totally different way.
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Would. I'd always take it on. There's stuff, you know.
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Okay. Okay.
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I remember around that time that we were engaging in a lot of conversations around.
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Ownership and creation and community in and around that kind of 1,999 to 2,004, 2,005 each year.
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The organisation would engage in an inquiry for the year, and that inquiry would change each year.
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The question for that inquiry would change each year, and in and around that time I'd have to look it up.
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I don't remember which I year, but I remember one of those years.
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It was, who am I being as the creator of my life and community?
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You know, and I remember also. So that was one year we really delved into that question.
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Who might be being as the creator of my life and community.
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And another year we engaged in the question, what is available in consciously owning all that I create?
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Yep, Chris.
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What's available and consciously owning all that I create.
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That was the inquiry. Another year in and around that time, and so it's interesting that you talk about the ownership.
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And having that being part of what you got at that time.
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That. Yeah, don't pass the people. That was some point to me.
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Here was a group of people that were me that were like me, and I was no longer felt kind of odd in my thinking, or on the outside, and people who were inquiring who was seeking, and so beyond the distinctions that this group of people that that attracted.
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So how did you get to that first Memphis event?
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Did you get by yourself? Did you go with friends? Did you drive?
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Did you fly like? What was that like for you?
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I cannot really, specifically remember but I'm pretty sure we got this through by flying.
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I got you.
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Ha! Ha! Ha! That only makes sense. Yeah, a whole bunch of us to all the people.
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I think that may have been the first one, for Jackie to Ottawa.
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Also I hope, until 20 people went down, I believe Karita went down a bunch of us went down so.
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And it was, yeah, amazing.
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It was good. My father went to that one actually I think that was my father has been to 2 of the annual events for the organization, and he did attend the Memphis.
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One and the one in Brazil. Yeah. So so let's talk a little bit about the 16 years ago, life transforming event, because, as you say, you don't remember everything about that Memphis, because of this, this, this life changing event that happened for and how so much is growing it's coming
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up for you now in terms of being a bold woman, bold bold woman, and everything that you're creating, and the book that you're writing about, that.
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So tell us a little bit about that.
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Take your time.
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It's not an easy thing to talk about briefly, but I will make may do my best, because at the time, just before I had the stroke, I was having some problems in the summit, actually, and we know that when we are bumping up against stuff something is going on in us
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and I kind of separating myself on everyone and in my own world.
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I actually, I was doing great in my job. I was looking at a major bank in Toronto, and then they bought in another manager who decided things had to be done her way.
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Now I know this is my mind talking so, and my I I couldn't do things her way, and there was a conflict and a really thinking that things had to be done a certain way.
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My way, and all of that conflict going on, and and really not liking this person for the things she did, she said, I have a real resentment in me, not only for that person, for people in the summit who were my among my closest friends at the time, and interestingly enough after this person
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who came from the U. K. Came, I found myself, after being kind of dubbed.
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This kind of what the stars are through all organizations I found myself walked to the door, surprisingly shocked because, in a way I thought, well, they're not going to let me go, and nobody knows what I know but no one can do what I could do.
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Well they did they walk, and and I'm in my forties.
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So you start to think, well, no, I don't want to start over again.
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And when that happened to me, and I have to bring up the summit because the tools are there.
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But I didn't use them. I didn't clear.
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I just let that stuff seep inside of me, I cried.
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For 2 3 s. Then I had to be that superwoman that I liked liked to be, and just try and figure out what I do next.
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But I couldn't figure out what I did do that an interesting love.
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2 weeks after that happened I had a stroke, and the interesting thing about the stroke was, I remember, when I sit in the hospital the doctor came to me and said, Mind you, my mind was not all there.
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So I'm just seeing what I remember he said to me.
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I have good news and bad news. The good news is, you're perfectly healthy, which is a funny thing to say to someone who just had a stroke and a paralyzed on the right side, and the bad news, since since we don't know what caused your stroke we had no idea, what to tell you to do to prevent it.
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And so, you know, I had to the whole. So I knew somehow that my mind, my spirit, all of that.
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What was key to to overcome in that? And then then one part that I specially like to tell when I talk about this is that even after that, on my birthday, soon after I had the stroke, I was in a rehab facility, and I had a seizure, I had to go back
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into emergency, and I came back. And I say this so many times.
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I was always saying, I said to God, Who am I? I'm no longer the superstar, kinder sorta that I thought I could be I'm not climbing anymore.
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Who am I got? I'm obviously not who I thought was when I heard loudly, you are love!
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And that was the beginning of the shift for it, and that was what I think, beginning of what save me.
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And and another time. Once I got out of the hospital, and still Doug love's not going to save me.
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What am I? Gonna do, you know I have to deal with all these other people, and I actually heard and quieter this time.
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Believe, and may take a long time, but and you may not come all the way back.
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But you will come back, believe. But so that's really when everything started and believe in, and having people like the summit into those in summit. Baba Body, surround me and help me with this very long journey and beneficial journey.
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So that would have been, you know, 16 years ago. Would have been 2,007.
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So that would have been about 6 years after your first summit event.
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So in that first 6 years leading up to that that event, had you?
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How many, how many summit events had you attended during that period of time leading up to it?
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I believe that I just kept on with since the first one I just kept on attended.
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Okay, okay, so, and were you of a member of the facilitator body at that time?
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Yeah, right? Right from Toronto, I believe.
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Okay. Okay, okay, so it's interesting looking at the time that you spent in the summit space before that.
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And then going through those experiences, hearing the messaging that you were hearing, and having both access to the summit community and access to the summit, tools and distinctions as part of the support.
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So when you look at that, were were there any specific summit distinctions that became favorites, or that you tended to look to at all?
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Clearing. Yeah.
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Well, I always looked to clear, because whenever something is in me that I can't, they go off?
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It reminds me of the smoke. You gotta get that stuff out.
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Do you have to get to the root of whatever it is that is bugging you.
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You know there is no out there. It's all in you.
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And so I had to find a summit person to clear with, because other people tend to tell you what they think you want to hear.
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But what I love the love and still love about my summit.
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Family is that they tell you like it is, and will he help you to look at sea?
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And I need that because if I don't clear, I I headaches.
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It's crazy, all of that. So I'm not getting another straight cloak to.
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So clearing is one of my favorite and necessary tools.
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I you know I love the reference to that.
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You know. I remember when I first started using this distinction, clearing regularly in my life early after you know, the first couple of years after joining the facilitator body, and I remember having the thought at the time, how do people go through life without this you know like how do people go through
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life without. You know, life gives us stuff, and it builds up, and it builds up.
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And we need to. You know, the same way that we need to clear out our closets.
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Every now and again we need to clear out the garage or the attic.
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Every now and again we need to clear out our emotions.
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We need to clear out our mental blocks. We need to clear it like this stuff that builds up on inside of us.
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Mentally, emotionally, spiritually, we need to clear. So so I just find it so interesting that you are pointing to that one absolutely absolutely.
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Now, Dawn, you also mentioned no out there. So there's an aspect of you certainly being retrospective or introspectively looking at.
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Where you are, what you're bumping up against, and so forth.
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And you talked about the facilitated body as a support for that, were they any other distinctions that were that about statature?
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And while you're thinking about that, let me let the listeners know.
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So distinctions are sounds like words that we use in inside of the International Black Summit.
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But they actually have a particular meaning of a particular context. And so Dawn talked about clearing.
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We use it as a verb, as an adjective, as a way of clearing the field or clearing our head, or clearing the space so that we can listen and hear what life God's Spirit has, and inside of Dawn's example she heard believe, and so that was
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something that came to her inside of her clearing. So don't were there any other distinctions that that that you were able to use in your recovery?
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Recognition, a similar recognition of Trigger. You know.
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Trigger. Okay.
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Yeah, because the especially in family, they can pee you off, and sometimes I can.
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Again. My emotions are very important because they actually they affect my thinking.
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And if I get triggered, anxiety, if I get really seriously triggered, you don't want to see me like a crazy person, so I can stop myself by saying, Okay, Dad, you're looking over there.
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What is it in you? What is it in you that's been triggered?
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That's not being attended to. And so once I do that doesn't mean I'm not gonna get crazy triggered.
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It means that I can move from there. I don't stay there, so that that is a big one for me, too.
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I I think when when I look, I think for a lot of us, that trigger capacity occurs, and it and for me, when I look at it for myself, I am on automatic pilot, I'm not even I don't even
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know myself inside of that space, cause. I'm reactive.
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And I, and I am, and I'm not rational.
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And so so I look to avoid that for myself, and as other people use it, how they use it now, the something that we use with it also, which is called noticing.
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So inside of the trigger. So one of the things that Don pointed to just now was that she noticed that she was triggered like she recognized herself going down that tunnel or about to go down that tunnel.
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And so sometimes noticing, we want to be able to notice where we are in the process and you know, am I going there?
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I'm feeling a trigger coming on, or I'm getting a little testy.
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And I noticed and and I'm able to then stop the actions so that automatic pilot is not right there playing.
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It game on me. I actually have some control on myself. So noticing allows me to look outside as if I'm outside of myself.
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Looking at the what action that I'm taking, or in this case what's triggering me like like?
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Don said, Well, what? It is not over here with me. It it is over here with me, but but it's being sounded by over there, and I and I wanna blame over there.
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But the truth. Is it really is over here with me. So what is it in me that it has me be annoyed?
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Has me be upset, as may be agitated, such that I can, that I stop communicating, that I'm because I'm no longer engaged in the conversation at that point. When I'm triggered.
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I am somewhere else.
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You know, Don. I have known you a long time. Thank you for that clan.
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I have known you a long time, and you know we're both Torontoians here in Canada.
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And you know part of the international aspect of the International Black Summit, and excuse me, and I'm just present to the expansion of your power, like as you talked about act using trigger.
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And you talked about how you use it, and going down that path of being triggered.
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And it just was. It's it just landed with me with such power like the distinction between having life push you around versus you standing looking at what the source of the trigger is taking ownership and responsibility and being able to move and and take life on whichever way it's coming at
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you like just such a grounded center of power in how you and how you describe that.
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So I'm just curious. Do you have a sense of your own expansion of power over this 16 year?
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Uhhuh. I have it's that's a big question.
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Yes, for sure. And and the main thing is that I have to use a Biblical reference.
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I think it was second current. Age 12, 9. The whole idea of my grace is enough for you.
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Because my power is perfected in weakness. This real sense is that I am.
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I am weak, but I'm strengthened by source that I should listen as we do.
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Listen! Learn, to listen. Authenticism in the summer, so I can hear what sources saying, what source is saying through our alignment.
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All of that, and that as become so so powerful for me, learning that I am not that just one amazing, independent.
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Do everything but that when I become dependent on this body, not interdependent on this body, and I listen.
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I like all of that. Then something powerful happened just the other day.
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Had it. I had a huge clearing with a person, a facilitator in the summers, and she said to me, Hold on!
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Sometimes I hear you, and you just sound. You just sound. What was the sense?
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He said, pissed off, and argumentative, and the good thing about that there was appointed my life.
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What I'll be saying she can't say that to me.
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I would have been, yeah, piss off that. She said that, but I was able to just hear it.
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I know the person who is speaking to me, and I know the love that is within her, and if I am love, then look at what that is.
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I know that she is also speaking about what's going on out there.
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What I had to look to see if I noticed anything. They're all to that in me, and it was an amazing thing for me to see like who I was being, that that I really was out of alignment with the group, because I tend to do things on the outside sometimes because I'm sure they're not gonna
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let me do things my way. I'm kind of different.
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I'm this, I'm back, and and the and that's not so, you know I can bring it into the the alignment.
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You know where we all work together and see what Spirit is saying to all of us, and so that's where I rest.
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Actually, that's where I am most of the time. I cannot say I'm there all the time, but that's where I am.
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Most of them here in that, and hearing that amazing contribution from other people who helped me see what I sometimes cannot see, and I'm able to listen to them now, because I understand who I am and the a power of my weakness.
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That's so great. That's so great. And you also referred to another summit tool in their authentic listening, you know, which is another, very a significant aspect of the International Black Summit Facilitator body and the tools offentic listening which is a particular that particular you know cause of
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listening. A particular depth of listening, you know, and so, and powerful a powerful tool as well.
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So for me. I kinda wanna go in a little different direction in terms of just event-wise.
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Have you had a favorite Summit event that you've attended? And why was it your favorite?
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Well, like I. I have to say my my first one was my favorite, because it was so groundbreaking for me like I never imagined such a thing could happen, and Toronto was also favor, because I just brought all my peaks in there, and it was so cool and it was also the first year that Shannon
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came along until I was able to bring her into space. And seeing, is it?
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Johnny, your daughter.
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Yeah, and you know, sometimes in Canada, here, we don't really know.
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I say, I don't really know how black people can be, and in a space bringing my daughter in that space, and everybody taking her as if they were hers and bringing her to Summits.
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After that. Oh, I've loved it! That has been special.
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So we wanna let you all know those of you who are listening.
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We have 3 summits that are going on simultaneously at the annual event.
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So we have the adult, of course, 18 and over. We have the young adult.
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The youth. Yeah.
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That starts at 18, that goes to 35, and then we have the young young people, the the Youth Summit, which is from 8 to 17, and so we have they're all occurring at the same location in different rooms.
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So that the people can really be with their peers and really experience the things of life that they're going through together as a subgroup inside of the context of the of love and empowerment.
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And being with your blackness around other people that are sharing those same.
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Standards and insights, and just a lot of excitement.
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So, so bringing your daughter was a lot of fun. Huh? Yeah, yeah, it's consistent with the family environment that we great inside of the structure called International Black Summit.
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And we have the annual event. Dawn talked about a prerequisite.
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That's a standalone course that we do usually to kind of orientate people inside of how do we operate?
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But it also is again as I said, a standalone can be a standalone program that we can bring to different communities to allow people to really engage and to use the the distinctions, the tools that we've been talking about to really work together and and to work on projects locally so it's a
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real opportunity to. You know. Dawn talked about some of the people that she worked with in Tehrano, and and having them come out so that they can share that conversation and then bring it back into their community in Toronto.
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So very!
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Yeah, and if I I may add Glenn, I've gotta mention this.
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Oh yes!
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When we went to Jamaica, and we went to Top Hill and did a youth Summit.
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And it was so amazing seeing those.
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What year was that done? Because you were the spearhead?
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You were the person who who was caused the cause of that happening.
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I don't know what year was that Glenn?
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So what year was that?
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Let me go. Pick a quick look, and I'll tell you.
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On the thing. I know that we was Pre. Stroke.
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It was in 2,005, because we're in Miami, Florida, Chicago, and Top Hill.
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Oh, yes, I remember that. So, Don. That for me takes you.
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It takes me into looking at your connection with youth and your connection with youth in different parts of the world.
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You know Glenn just mentioned that we do have youth events in addition to adult events, and you have been involved in a number of the youth events, both in the International Black Summit and elsewhere.
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So so share with us a little bit about your passion for you and your involvement with youth, as it relates to the summit.
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Well first, my really more young adult. At first I guess my passion grew after my nephew was killed was shot, and I, my!
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I kept on thinking. You know, I just want to connect. I didn't connect with him.
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I just need to connect it and and see what I do.
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I can do so to have been exploring that with the young adult team and we're looking at, even see if we can get something going in Jamaica.
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And Nigeria, Nigeria and Ghana, and for me I've been, you know, kind of helping out with the school in top-level, which is a school I went to was a little girl.
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Oh, really that you want to!
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Yeah, towel. Phil, that's my community. Everybody. That community practice related to me.
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In some way shape or form. You know my great, great, great!
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Whatever grandparents are buried up there. So it's like, you know, there's that that root.
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And so for me, giving back to those I said little people, those awesome little people, and seeing their growth, which which I'm even doing now is is an amazing opportunity.
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So backup how I'm a little bit about the phone top hill and then let them know about the top hill.
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That's happening now, cause you were the person that were the focal point, it would not have happened without you.
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We had Orin and Rosemary and myself in Top Hill, making that happen.
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In 2,005 yeah.
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Yeah, so. And Jake, that's right, Jake.
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Yes, yes, yes, sir.
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And Jake, too. Yeah, you know, I just like that was just me standing when we all come in.
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To decide in where we would have the next summit, and I understood that I wanted it to be Top Hill to make a and then I think you guys kind of stood with me.
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I said that you would go, and that's how that came about.
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And it was an amazing event. Not only did we have the summit having these youth come out in a way I hadn't seen them before.
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I had them saying things to me. One young lady said to me, I said, What did you learn?
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She said, I learned that I can be anything I want to be.
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And I said, Yeah, but you knew that before, and she said, No, I didn't.
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You know, and even the little boy who kept on going home to his mother and talking about what cell determination. And it was.
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It was an amazing, and I remember us being one with them and really help them with the school and just celebrating.
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And that's something I love about the summit, especially those of the past.
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Music and dancing, and just celebrate in our celebration of herself.
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It was amazing. So, and this now what we're looking at, these young kids have grown up.
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So now it's a different set of use that we're looking at.
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And the Ucs. They get, but I'd also like to see some young young adults.
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Looking to see get involved in this school in that way.
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You know it's such.
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Bye, bye. Well, I just gotta give a plug for Top Hill.
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St. Catherine, in Jamaica.
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Beautiful, gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous you in the mountains.
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You look down into the valleys. It's beautiful in the mornings we went down and bathe ourselves in the fresh flowing river.
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Jamaica is beautiful.
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Oh, my goodness! Had mangoes and stuff anyway, so you you can, you can tell we have.
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We had a wonderful time, and the kids let us, and we had like a group of children that will go with us down to bathe, and was, was a lot of fun.
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Yes, yes.
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Jamaica is a beautiful, beautiful place, all of Jamaica. All of my my people aren't from Top Hill, but but all of Jamaica is beautiful.
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Which is it? Yes!
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But but it's important to note that I didn't have that experience until I did it with the summit.
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I I didn't bring. We bought, I think, marching bandits. It they've never seen on these little Barris streets that didn't happen that didn't come out of me until I was a part of the summit, so that you know it's important to say.
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We. We also took a trip to the department of tourism, and because Top Hill wanted to look at eco tourism as a community, and and the first thing that the the Jamaican department that we were meeting with the tourism department is
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like, what are you guys doing here? We're just here to support this community.
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And they were like they gave us that look for real. You came all the way from America to just have this conversation to support them, and you don't want anything, and they were just they it took them a little bit.
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They were taking a little a back, buy it, but we have the same conversation in Brazil when we were in Brazil.
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You know, then believe that we were just there to support black empowerment.
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So, anyway. But Top Hill was grand, I must say.
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Back to you, Grace.
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Well, I'm just. I mean back to Dawn, you know.
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I just really appreciate you talking about the feedback from these young people who attended the event.
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Like as somebody who is personally, I mean, immersed in the summit conversation.
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The kind of words that we use as distinctions that give us access to something, give us access to an ability to be and live life from a place of ease and power, and flow and and so to hear the young people you know, going home talking to his mother about self-determination.
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Being clear that they can stand for themselves, becoming whatever it is that they are committed to like the the access that it gives an individual, and experiencing that in a context of community, because the individuals, not just you know what I mean like for me, I'll just say this about the facilitator body.
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And its design. One of the things that I've personally found powerful about the design of the facilitator, body trainings that I participated in back when I was a member of the body was that the trainings were in a Circle.
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Everybody sat in a circle in the physical space, and everybody talked almost like they had a talking stick like while you are talking.
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You have the talking stick, and you have your space. You're given space to speak until you pass the talk.
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The talking a stick to the next person, and for me personally, although there's never I've never experienced any conversation about this in the summit.
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But for me personally it feels very African like I feel it feels very African to me.
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It feels very natural to me. I feel very grounded and connected to my ancestors in just that style and way of being just and and there's just a space of love and acceptance even earlier in the conversation.
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You talked about another facilitator saying that you were being.
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I can't remember but you were being Xyz, but you were clear that they were coming from a space of love, you know, like the summit in a conversation we will be straight with each other, and we will, you know, Speaker, quote unquote stank naked truth, another distinguished but
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it's in in a foundation of love. At least that's but being my experience for me, it's being always in a foundation of love which just makes a huge difference.
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For me!
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So, Dawn, I've got a question. If what would you say to someone who was considering coming to these summit annual event, what would you? What would you say to them?
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The way I operate. I'm gonna ask them some questions first, to really see who they are.
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I will, of course, tell them about my awesome experience, but I would face what I tell them on what they're saying.
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And you know another thing. Probably I would tell them in a way, the summit helped save my life, because even after the host stroke thing, I didn't.
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I don't know how many of you knew that, but I went partially blind in one eye for a while, so I went through like 4 operations, and I really had a difficult time at that whole thing when I tried to, when I and I said that was quick.
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Because I was sure I couldn't do it. But then, really, putting all that aside and leaving, and then coming out with like amazing performance, a lot of that is because I had people in my corner.
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And and the summit that I would tell them that story.
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You know of really what the summit has done for me.
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Every minute I'm quitting, but I can't see to do that.
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Because no, no, you just month especially now I'm in a space of created.
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I have now find my creativity. I cannot do a lot with my brain that I used to be able to do.
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And I often get confused of points, and I cannot talk, and that's only because of the damage to my brain.
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Yet the love that I have that I get through the family.
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When I look at the distinctions, when everything is saying I'm this on that I hear this distinction and that's on with the distinction.
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The declaration, your hold and complete, you know, and for people that I think, is something I would seriously with them, especially with them, especially if they're going through something.
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It's realizing just because it going through this. It's good going through that.
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And I can tell you, stuff I've been to. But knowing that none of that is stopping you from being who you are here to be.
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In fact, it makes you stronger.
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You know one of the things I would add to the conversation is that the summit is definitely a space where you interact with your vision.
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And so, if you don't have a vision, that's something that you'll be working on when you get to the International Black Summit, because the vision for me let me speak for myself.
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So for me. Having a vision helps me kinda track where I wanna go and gives me a perspective.
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And a series of action and commitment consistent with that.
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And my vision is health, wealth, and abundance available for all. And so that has me.
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That gives me purpose, and that purpose I inside of that purpose I take action, and so that action is consistent with my, my vision.
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And so dawn for you. What would you say?
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Is your vision, and and visions change, and sometimes you complete on a vision, and then you create a new vision.
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200. So are you. What vision are you inside of?
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Bold people's queen and black people, all the people, ladies, and personally persons with disabilities being seen, heard, and valued, for who they are.
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That. That's the vision I'm inside of.
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Clear, Clinton, and you clearly a demonstration of bold.
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And I and kids are a part of that, so that kids of African descent, yeah.
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So speaking!
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And so that's sorry to say that I get the sentence.
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The in the summit body, the International Back Summit.
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It actually oppose you, energize you not to see that vision, but to realize that with vision. And I'm not sure I would be so much on my way to realize in my vision if it weren't for the summit and my summit peaks.
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Well, thank you for saying that, Don, because the purpose of the International Black Summit is to provide an opportunity for participants to bring into being their vision for the black community in the world, which means that people who participate, if if they don't have a vision that's the first question is designing the vision and
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then following up on that fulfilling on that vision.
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So thank you for, or being a demonstration of the summit purpose in the process of being fulfilled.
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So I wanted to ask a little bit about the 2 things.
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First I wanted to ask you a little bit about your experience in the facilitator body, and then I wanted to ask you about the bold and the book.
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00:52:43.000 --> 00:52:47.000
So first, the facilitator body. So you've been in the facilitator body.
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Now for over 20 years, and we asked you earlier about inviting people to attend one of our events.
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Not just the annual some event, but some of the other events that can happen at any point throughout the year.
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But if someone was already eligible to join the facilitator body, why would you suggest that they might consider that?
00:53:11.000 --> 00:53:23.000
Again. I'm a processor. So these questions are not necessarily easy for me, because I will sit in my question for 2 2 days before I am.
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But but now!
00:53:29.000 --> 00:53:39.000
Yeah, and the way I get my mind working, I really have to get them talking to see how they are, what they want.
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And whether or not they can be contribution, I mean, we all can be a contribution.
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But yeah, I think I need to hear people authentically.
00:53:52.000 --> 00:53:59.000
Listen to people before I can recommend anything, and.
00:53:59.000 --> 00:54:05.000
I got you. So it was very, very tailored to each specific person.
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Your response. I get that that you.
00:54:06.000 --> 00:54:25.000
But yeah, but if yeah, and if I can, if I'm talking now to a group when you're in the facilitated body, and what has really benefited me is that this work has gone on over years like we don't diss.
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Overcome self, clear way, to stop, achieve self and oh, we're perfect now.
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Stealth keeps coming up, in the facilitator body.
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We get to work on that clear ourselves so that we can be a clearing for other people.
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It's Summit so we're not only given to others wherever we go all over the world we are given to ourselves and for me that given has been, you know is, I've even noticed that I sort of creativity.
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I really kind of didn't notice that before, and I practice a lot of that through the summit.
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Oh, Grant, I got it. So yeah, I see that part of it is the opportunity to practice the opportunity to the ongoingly clear the opportunity to ongoingly engage in ways that are supporting you in what you're committed to creating on who you're committed to being.
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And the opportunity to realize your vision, realizing my vision, is it's also done with the support.
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Of people, you know, in the facilitated body, you know.
00:55:50.000 --> 00:55:51.000
I got them.
00:55:51.000 --> 00:55:55.000
Of the energy that gives me yeom.
00:55:55.000 --> 00:56:02.000
So then let's shift to bold and book so bold.
00:56:02.000 --> 00:56:08.000
Right black older lady with disabilities. I guess I'm just a bowl black older lady.
00:56:08.000 --> 00:56:23.000
Yeah, you know, you know why that came about. I've worked in diversity training for a while, and then, and Kai looked, and I said, You know, kind of looking at myself.
00:56:23.000 --> 00:56:27.000
Here I am I've been admin for the categories.
00:56:27.000 --> 00:56:33.000
They come disadvantaged. I'm black. I'm older.
00:56:33.000 --> 00:56:40.000
I'm a woman lady, and I have disability, and I realize but they really are.
00:56:40.000 --> 00:57:10.000
They are all gifts to me. They are not and I and I refuse to fall into the Trappist name that they're not their their gift, even in my disability I have to walk with the King like I especially outside.
00:57:17.000 --> 00:57:18.000
00:57:18.000 --> 00:57:19.000
I have to use mob mobility, vehicle, but I've met so many amazing people that I can listen to, and because I'm unable to do some things I discover other things.
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So I don't in any way. I tell everybody, and people look at me.
00:57:25.000 --> 00:57:34.000
Say, Yeah, really, I say, it's all been aift to me.
00:57:34.000 --> 00:57:35.000
Yeah, yeah.
00:57:35.000 --> 00:57:36.000
You know. And I, yeah, I've and I've.
00:57:36.000 --> 00:57:48.000
I can hear that. Yeah, I can. You know. I'll say, if anyone had told me that I was going to enjoy my fifties as much as I do right I would have thought they were lying right like so.
00:57:48.000 --> 00:57:56.000
But yeah, I'm thoroughly enjoying my fifties.
00:57:56.000 --> 00:57:57.000
Yes. Yeah.
00:57:57.000 --> 00:58:10.000
And you have to enjoy where you are wherever you are, because actually, my doctor, soon after I came out the hospital actually signed a form tended to the government, saying, I would never walk or work again.
00:58:10.000 --> 00:58:11.000
00:58:11.000 --> 00:58:17.000
And you know if you don't start to see yourself as someone.
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More than that.
00:58:21.000 --> 00:58:38.000
And if your mind doesn't see it, and you don't surround yourself with people who also see it, then it will never, will never happen, and and that's what I think made a difference for me.
00:58:38.000 --> 00:58:41.000
So tell us about book.
00:58:41.000 --> 00:58:42.000
Yeah. The book. Yeah.
00:58:42.000 --> 00:58:47.000
Now, book, I'll path the success. How did this one come about?
00:58:47.000 --> 00:58:50.000
00:58:50.000 --> 00:59:01.000
I guess around the time that I I release of my first, my memoir, which really just processes the whole Stokes thing.
00:59:01.000 --> 00:59:02.000
I was looking at at that, and I said, Oh, there are some poems in there, I think.
00:59:02.000 --> 00:59:20.000
Whoa! That sounds like summit stuff. But around the time that that I I did that I found this book online in Poland Hills love success and succeed in essence.
00:59:20.000 --> 00:59:24.000
And I've read. It was like a 1,000 pages online.
00:59:24.000 --> 00:59:35.000
And I said, Whoa, this is some stuff. This is the this is what I've been doing, and it's like a 100 years old.
00:59:35.000 --> 00:59:54.000
And so something that call them call them up. But see if you can use some of their stuff, you know, because it's so old and a lot of it is amazing. You could work with that, you know, in my, my, I can twist things around, I love to work with.
00:59:54.000 --> 00:59:57.000
So sorry!
00:59:57.000 --> 00:59:58.000
No problem.
00:59:58.000 --> 01:00:01.000
I'm just waiting for that. Okay, that's all.
01:00:01.000 --> 01:00:06.000
So I called up the Napoleon Hills Foundation.
01:00:06.000 --> 01:00:10.000
I didn't call the Max Assembly, and I know how to write.
01:00:10.000 --> 01:00:16.000
Nice emails and something. This told me just to do it.
01:00:16.000 --> 01:00:21.000
So I got a letter back from the lawyer, who wanted to know why I wanted it.
01:00:21.000 --> 01:00:29.000
I told him why I told him who I was and why I wanted to do it, and said Sure, go ahead and use what you want as well as it's.
01:00:29.000 --> 01:00:37.000
It's positive. And so I decided, as some over the training background, I wanted people to learn different things.
01:00:37.000 --> 01:00:44.000
So what I decided. I turned it into a path to success which is an acronym.
01:00:44.000 --> 01:00:49.000
And so a, for example, stands for Amen for what you want.
01:00:49.000 --> 01:00:56.000
Status of video visits. P. You kind of have to is, please impersonality.
01:00:56.000 --> 01:01:02.000
You have to understand that one, but the other age is alliance.
01:01:02.000 --> 01:01:12.000
A lot of it, and and then 200 T just is, thank you.
01:01:12.000 --> 01:01:17.000
Thinking accurately, and that it has a lot to do with distinguishing your mind.
01:01:17.000 --> 01:01:34.000
So all these things I love. 2. I mean, I do in the book. But the point is that it's done with an acronym, so that you can measure them all just by thinking of the acronym.
01:01:34.000 --> 01:01:35.000
01:01:35.000 --> 01:01:36.000
01:01:36.000 --> 01:01:44.000
And so and so really, it's kind of like the summit, but kind of done in my little way with some stories and using a lot, some stuff.
01:01:44.000 --> 01:01:47.000
Napoleon, here!
01:01:47.000 --> 01:01:48.000
01:01:48.000 --> 01:01:51.000
That's great. Napoleon Hill. He's the one who wrote thing and grow rich right?
01:01:51.000 --> 01:01:52.000
Yes, yes.
01:01:52.000 --> 01:01:59.000
Yes, and the funny thing about thinking girl rich is, I came out of the law of success in secretary missiles.
01:01:59.000 --> 01:02:02.000
Because Napoleon Hill did this huge research of all these people, and then a lot of stuff came out of that.
01:02:02.000 --> 01:02:13.000
So I have all that original kind of research stuff that I could use.
01:02:13.000 --> 01:02:14.000
Oh, nice!
01:02:14.000 --> 01:02:17.000
Yeah, well, that's exciting.
01:02:17.000 --> 01:02:25.000
Yeah. But interestingly enough, I I've been. I was supposed to finish it last year, but I couldn't.
01:02:25.000 --> 01:02:37.000
Something was stopping me. Something was stopping me, but after that clearing that I had with the facilitator, I told you about the vicinity came to me.
01:02:37.000 --> 01:02:42.000
It all came to me. It's like my mind opened up and came to me.
01:02:42.000 --> 01:02:43.000
01:02:43.000 --> 01:02:47.000
Yeah, the power of clearing absolutely. Well, I'm looking forward to seeing that book a path to success.
01:02:47.000 --> 01:02:49.000
01:02:49.000 --> 01:02:54.000
We might have to have you on after the book is complete.
01:02:54.000 --> 01:02:55.000
So I.
01:02:55.000 --> 01:02:56.000
You know, next season.
01:02:56.000 --> 01:02:59.000
01:02:59.000 --> 01:03:11.000
Bringing you on as a guest next season, so I don't know if you have any other questions, Glenn.
01:03:11.000 --> 01:03:12.000
Go for it. Yes.
01:03:12.000 --> 01:03:15.000
I was going to present the 2 final questions to Dawn for her to consider.
01:03:15.000 --> 01:03:21.000
So, Don, we have 2 big questions. We call them that we sometimes ask.
01:03:21.000 --> 01:03:32.000
We don't always, we sometimes ask. And last last month we asked our guests to pick one of these 2 questions, and I'm gonna do the same tonight.
01:03:32.000 --> 01:03:37.000
So to pick one of the 2 questions and ask the one that you'd like to answer.
01:03:37.000 --> 01:03:45.000
So the 2 questions are the first, what are the biggest things you've learned about yourself?
01:03:45.000 --> 01:03:51.000
As a result of the pandemic. That's the first question.
01:03:51.000 --> 01:04:01.000
The second question is, What are 3 wishes that you have, or the world right now?
01:04:01.000 --> 01:04:06.000
So I'm just gonna repeat the 2 of them again, and you can pick one.
01:04:06.000 --> 01:04:10.000
What are the biggest things you've learned about yourself.
01:04:10.000 --> 01:04:19.000
As a result of the pandemic, or what are 3 wishes that you have for the world right now?
01:04:19.000 --> 01:04:26.000
Yeah, it would have to be the the second, because, yeah, the first, not I.
01:04:26.000 --> 01:04:31.000
Yeah. I didn't learn anything. I didn't already know.
01:04:31.000 --> 01:04:32.000
So the second Uhhuh.
01:04:32.000 --> 01:04:37.000
Okay. So 3 wishes 3 wishes that you have for the world right now.
01:04:37.000 --> 01:04:51.000
Oh, the first one, love, love, love, love, love, love, that if we could just learn to love each other and be there for each other, and you know, take care of each other!
01:04:51.000 --> 01:05:03.000
It's so hard to even go beyond that cause. That's all you know.
01:05:03.000 --> 01:05:15.000
Just without, you know, and related to that is, relationships, nurturing relationships.
01:05:15.000 --> 01:05:36.000
You know, that's so important to me that that even that we again, as love, that we're not only there for each other, but we we can call on each other, you know, as and that's for yeah, that's what the summit is for me.
01:05:36.000 --> 01:05:39.000
This is. This is something I could write about. It.
01:05:39.000 --> 01:05:44.000
Yeah, so that's 2. That's 2. There's somebody in the background.
01:05:44.000 --> 01:05:51.000
There, that's 2. And so there's a third. What would you say?
01:05:51.000 --> 01:05:53.000
Your third wish is.
01:05:53.000 --> 01:05:54.000
Okay? And if I answer, I know it's not my answer.
01:05:54.000 --> 01:06:05.000
I know it's my mind. Answer in a moment, because I have to answer, because normally I have to be really, really reflect.
01:06:05.000 --> 01:06:14.000
01:06:14.000 --> 01:06:15.000
01:06:15.000 --> 01:06:28.000
Closeeness to God. Understand that that we are nothing without source, and that our mind will say this and that.
01:06:28.000 --> 01:06:39.000
But when we get closer Coast Guard will you allow herself to listen and feel God's presence and respond?
01:06:39.000 --> 01:06:47.000
That makes all the difference in the world exactly.
01:06:47.000 --> 01:06:48.000
Would be, believe.
01:06:48.000 --> 01:06:49.000
01:06:49.000 --> 01:06:51.000
Oh, that's great! So number one love, believe so!
01:06:51.000 --> 01:06:52.000
It's true.
01:06:52.000 --> 01:07:00.000
Number one was love. Number 2 was nurturing relationships, and this is obviously a no particular order.
01:07:00.000 --> 01:07:05.000
And then the foundational ones, the third, closeness to source, to God.
01:07:05.000 --> 01:07:11.000
Beautiful. Thank you, Don.
01:07:11.000 --> 01:07:12.000
Is there it? Yeah, this is being fantastic.
01:07:12.000 --> 01:07:18.000
Been such a pleasure. Yeah, yeah, just love you. Dawn.
01:07:18.000 --> 01:07:27.000
Thank you for being with us tonight. Thank you for all of what you do for Top Hill.
01:07:27.000 --> 01:07:37.000
The last time, and this go around, you know, it's just fantastic sharing the summit with your with your family the way you do.
01:07:37.000 --> 01:07:41.000
It's very powerful. And it's a contribution to us as well as to them.
01:07:41.000 --> 01:07:50.000
But thank you for allowing the partnership.
01:07:50.000 --> 01:08:07.000
And I must say that. Thank you for this one reason.
01:08:07.000 --> 01:08:08.000
01:08:08.000 --> 01:08:17.000
I say this is because another thing that didn't tell you about when I was in hospital, and I heard the second voice I heard sad share your story with the world, and you get you gave me that opportunity in another way, and I truly appreciate it.
01:08:17.000 --> 01:08:19.000
You know.
01:08:19.000 --> 01:08:40.000
We truly appreciate you sharing your story. You know one of the things that I was going to thank you for is your commitment to sharing everything that you learn with everyone else like you are such an inherent and innate teacher, that all of your knowledge is something you wish to give to the world
01:08:40.000 --> 01:08:50.000
all of your wisdom. It's like it's like pouring out of you that this wisdom that you have. You want everyone else to have it too, and I thank you for that.
01:08:50.000 --> 01:08:54.000
Thank you.
01:08:54.000 --> 01:08:55.000
01:08:55.000 --> 01:08:58.000
So don't go anywhere, Don, cause we are going to.
01:08:58.000 --> 01:08:59.000
We're gonna complete the the podcast recording.
01:08:59.000 --> 01:09:07.000
But we do have a live audience who's with us, with the recording?
01:09:07.000 --> 01:09:14.000
And so, after we stop the recording, those of you who are in the live audience, we're gonna continue with a question and answer session with Dar Armstrong.
01:09:14.000 --> 01:09:24.000
And if you are ever you're listening to this, and you ever want to be a part of our audience, you can connect with us through our website@blacksmit.org.
01:09:24.000 --> 01:09:32.000
That's blacksmith.org. I send us a message through there, and we'll be able to get you access to being in our audiences in the future.
01:09:32.000 --> 01:09:35.000
So thanks again, Don. Thank you, everyone for being with us, and we'll talk to you next time.
01:09:35.000 --> 01:09:37.000
Hmm, thank you.
01:09:37.000 --> 01:09:40.000
Good night.