International Black Summit Interview Series
The International Black Summit Interview Series is a Podcast that interviews current and past participants and facilitators of the International Black Summit. The Podcast explores their Summit experiences and the ways in which they use the Summit Tools and Distinctions in their lives. The International Black Summit, Inc. is a 501c3, 100% volunteer-led organization. Founded by, attended by, and delivered to people of Black African descent committed to empowering and transforming the lives of people of Black African descent around the world. The purpose of the International Black Summit is to provide an opportunity for participants to bring into being their vision for the Black community and the world.
International Black Summit Interview Series
IBS Interview Podcast: Olubode Shawn Brown
February 5, 2023
Black Summit Interviews
Season 1, Episode #11 - Olubode Shawn Brown
In this podcast episode, Glenn Greenidge and Grace Lawrence interview OLUBODE SHAWN BROWN, one of the original drafters of the Declaration of the International Black Summit:
Olubode is hired by organizational leaders, entrepreneurs and creatives to help them as they think through the complexities of their lives, businesses and enterprises. He is the author of two books on Well-Being, Life-Purpose and Balance: BLOOM The Essential Journey- A New Guide to Balance Growth & Well-Being and FINDING YOUR B.I.G. - Finding New Purpose In Changing Times. In them he introduces a new way of thinking and asking fundamental questions based on the five elements that grow and balance life. This body of thought is called “The Philosophy of BLOOMING.”
He is the founder of BLOOM Education Institute where he offers Coaching & Guidance, Online & In-Person Courses, Keynotes and Corporate Consulting.
His work is focused on working with diverse leaders who are thinking collectively, working cooperatively, and acting globally in the fields of Well-Being & Mental Health, Social Justice, Economic Empowerment, Equity and Community Development.
Olubode spends his time between Accra Ghana, New York City, Los Angeles, California and the island of Jamaica.
During the interview, we ask Olubode about his work and about how he effectively uses the Summit Tools and Distinctions in all aspects of life.
For more information about the International Black Summit, please go to:
Website – blacksummit.org
Twitter – @blacksummit
Facebook – facebook.com/blacksummit/
IBS News Sign-Up – bit.ly/IBS-signup
IBS Annual Summit Event Registration – blacksummit.org/ase
The views and opinions expressed by the person interviewed are their own and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the International Black Summit.
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Welcome, everyone. Welcome to the International Black Summit. Interview. Podcast. The International Black Summit for those of you who aren't familiar with us is an organization that was created in 1991,
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and our purpose is to provide an opportunity for participants to bring into being their vision for the black community and the world.
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I'm Grace Lawrence, and with me tonight is my co-host.
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Glenn Greenwich.
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Good evening, good evening, good evening.
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And our guest tonight is a Luba day, Sean Brown, for those of you who are our past participants of the International Black Summit you may be familiar with Aluba Day.
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He is one of the amazing drafters of the Declaration of the International Black Summit, and he has gone on to create his own institute.
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Really supporting people in creating lives that work for them and fulfilling on the visions that they create for themselves their lives, their communities, and the world.
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So. So first, I want to say a little bit about Aluba day.
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I'm just gonna read his bio, a biography here.
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So, albeit is hired by organizational leaders, entrepreneurs, and creatives to help them as they think, through the complexities of their lives.
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Businesses and enterprises. He is the author of 2 books on Well-being, Life, purpose and Balance.
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The first book being Bloom, the Essential Journey, a new Guide to balance growth and Well-being, and the second book is finding it your big, your Bi.
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G. Finding new purpose in changing times. So in these books he introduces a new way of thinking and asking fundamental questions based on the 5 elements that grow and balance life.
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This body of thought is called the philosophy of Blooming.
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He is currently the thought leader in residence at the Aw.
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Hub, a global collective of creatives based in a craw.
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Ghana. He is the founder of Bloom Education Institute, where he offers coaching and guidance online and in-person courses, keynotes and corporate consulting his most recent project is bloomfest, a global festival by and for creatives it's the
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Second year, this festival is a year long celebration.
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The festival is created by creatives, benefits its creators.
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He currently is in the process of building, create space. A global community of black creatives worldwide.
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Here members network and offer free peer-led creative co-labs online.
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And in person meetups, presentations and workshops.
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His work is focused on working with diverse leaders who are thinking collectively, working cooperatively and acting globally in the fields of well-being and mental health.
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Social justice, economic empowerment, equity and community development. His big is to create a self-sustaining ecosystem.
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Social enterprises, ecosystem of social enterprises that impacts 5 million lives in Africa and its diaspora in 2,023, alubae spends his time between a Krogana New York City, Los Angeles California and the island of Jamaica so
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So let's let's bring a lubidate in and then have him with us as we go and look at the declaration given that he was one of the drafters of that document.
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So so a loop a day if we could
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Go ahead and start your video a little bit. Okay, there you go
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There you go!
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Okay. Great. And let's just spotlight you great. And have you unmute.
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But that's not
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So we can hear you
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Thank you, Jackie Grace. Thank you, Ben, for having me on, and a privilege to be here. It's an honor
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It's an honor to have you, and let's jump it right into the Declaration, where where things started back in 1991 and closing me with that was here from New York, those about 8 of us from New York that were at that first International Black summit and Aluba
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Day was one of the chief drafters of the Declaration.
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That was established for the International Black Summit. Inside of the International Black, and and was done overnight.
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So we had sessions that day to come up with some different areas of expertise that we wanted to include, that we're about economic development relationships, nurturing relationships.
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Use media, all of those things that you'll hear in the Declaration.
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But this was crafted after the session, and Luba Day, and a smaller group of people actually created the the word smithing of this document.
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And this document lives as our mantra as our way of being as our vision for the world.
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No, with that I'm gonna read you now.
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You could just MoD get closer to your Mike Glenn.
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Okay. The deck. One of the international black summers. We declare ourselves our community and all communities, whole and complete.
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There is nothing to do except B. We assert that we are responsible for generating community as possibilities and distinction.
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We listen for and grant being to the possibility and creation of unpredictable results.
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Our conversation of about, and for those of African descent is one of power, self, generation, abundance, responsibility, unity, and integrity.
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With the possibility of B, we stand or the expression of our spirituality ending the murders of our men, women, and children, building economies responsible for funding our community, maintaining wellness of being in our bodies, providing human services, establishing nurturing relationships, all in the conversation, of who we
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Are in the media empowering our user. We declare that our community manifest itself in the world as a contribution in the transformation of the universe.
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Atlanta, Georgia, October seventh, 1,991
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So that's the declaration of the International Black Summit, and we use it as part of our starting and ending of our sessions to make sure that we're grounded that we're grounded inside of the vision that was created in at the first internationals black
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Summit in 1991, in Atlanta, Georgia.
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So a loop a day
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The drafters, the word Smithers, the the creative genius.
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That's it.
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Clearly that you continue to contribute and generate. How does this sound?
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30, some odd years later.
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Well, the fourth thing still acknowledges that, you know I set in the room, and I heard what felt like a declaration, and I was invited to the summit to be part of a constitutional declaration.
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A moment that was akin to. They are coming together.
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The formation of the Constitution of the United States. I mean, that was the urgency of the decision.
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So I was in the space like this is a Seminole moment for black people, and this was a kind of a convocation, pretty much so.
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My listening was at that level, and that's how the space was held, and that was the frequency in the space.
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And so those words floated into on my memory, and the memory of folk were gathered there, and I was in a position to catch strands in it, and when I caught the strand I reflected it back to the room that I'm hearing this declaration that's emerging from the
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Conversation, and so that's how it's happened. You know.
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I'm not the architect of it. I'm listening and give them the context.
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That was the call out that went out during that period of time that was a frequency on the listening, so that a declaration emerge from that space is just a part of life giving birth to itself.
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And so I might have heard it. I heard, yeah. And then other people heard pieces of it, and there was a time, in the night when we were retired to write it out.
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You know, I keep telling the story, but I tell it again.
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I really wasn't up for that. I wasn't up for the old night, or we're in Atlanta.
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I wanted to party, so I went out. I was like, I'm done.
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You're not keeping me up here for clicking in the morning, and some folk were there.
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I remember. You know you're really from Chicago.
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Charles Robinson, Courtney, Kazimby, and others were there, and they labor through the night, and then in the morning we miss again for breakfast.
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Oh, that's okay. That sounds good. And then I happen to be the one that went on stage to facilitate and to be consensus.
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But there are other people in that room of like Pat, reporter and Barbara from Detroit, you know, who are at that point doing the communication course, and you know the possibility of being.
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That was a language that I had that was coming directly out of the work that so many people in that room had done. So.
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The work was chiseled right there in the morning session, and that's how it emerged.
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It was a collective listening for the possibility of who we are as black people in the world. So that's as truthfully telling of what happened there that I that I that I you know that I offer. Yeah.
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Wha what? Well, you know, I want to add 1 one thing, that the International Black Summit is about.
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Listening. Let's listen. In the space. And so you are in the space.
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Listen. In the space and feeding it back, and consistently for those of you who have not attended the international black summer, we don't have.
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We don't lead from a manual. We we are in the conversation with you.
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Listen in the conversation, listening for the the pearls, the the the agitation, the conflicts that arise in us as we people are blackout.
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What is wanting to be spoken? What is one to be cleared up? Which is another one of our distinctions clearing? We'll talk a little bit more about that as we get into the day. You have jerky grace. You had a question
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I did. I did. I was unlike the 2 of you.
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I was not at that first event, and one of the things that I'm curious about is what what?
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How did you find out about the event? How did you become involved in the whole process where you, at any of the pre meetings, like all of that kind of lead up stuff to your first, your first international back summit? You got
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Well, I thank you for that, Jackie Grace. The thing is that the International Black Summit, as a call, went out, Kim would have a particular historical period in time, and so for me it I was 31 years old.
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I'd been in New York at 24.
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Many of my friends up to that point had passed from the Aids epidemic art and I were working in a black owned enterprise that was strongly about self-employment in the black community.
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You know this is a period in which Spike Lee came of age.
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Big is small. The whole hip, hop, movement was happening. So we're very mindful of uniform, and I what we were engaging at the time with this business that had so much tremendous promise.
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Bill Ester and Moller, Mandela was the owner, and it was a cooperative, collective business right there in the heart of Brooklyn, with 3 stores.
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I was a business manager, Arn was the bookkeeper, and so we were in the mid-level affirmative action was right beside us at the Slave Theater, and we were dressing to the nines every day, going to work in the highest fashion that Adamola Mandela could put
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On us at the time, so we were like we were black we're in part.
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I just didn't completed the Forum. I think it might have been a year and a half after that.
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So when this arrived, and I think I don't remember the exact words aren't probably does, but it was again.
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Yeah, that's that's that's the body.
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Yeah, right, yeah.
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You probably do, too. It was something about you. Better be there under the pain of messing your body something like that, and but it resonated
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Oh, I think I've heard that you better be the only thing is is what is death in your body?
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It's the only thing that should prevent you from being at that first event
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Yeah. Yeah. Somebody should get their hands on that, because that that is the that is a tone, and the urgency.
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And so when we set up a tone and an urgency like that, then whatever drops out so the summit really is a dropping out of that call, and it was really frequenced very, very highly.
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So when Arnold and I saw it, and then I think it's for probably first came to Paddig, and Roy Brown was circulating into New York. We're like we got to be there.
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So I jumped on a plane and Arnold and I, you know we scrabble together, got our resources together.
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We stayed in in Dr. Roy Brown's room, and it's important to call Roy Brown's name, because he was one of the elders that made it possible for Arnold to be there, and holding the space for the summit during its formative years and so when we showed up there we showed up
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Like, you know, we're in charge, you know. So a lot of what you're experiencing came from a particular historical moment.
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It wasn't, you know the summit was a product of the early ninetys, the birth of hip, hop, and blackness, and much of what we were seeing in the world today, as we step into black lives, matter really, that early nineties, 1991 92 was really a threshold for that kind of thing, we
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Were really ready to go, and still are.
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You you mentioned Padig Glenn, if you just wanna I don't remember what that acronym stands for.
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People, of African descent Empowerment Group were out of New York and we were working out of landmarks.
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New York area center and what we were were black folks that were organizing ourselves, using the technology of landmark education to to promote and get trained so that we could bring the work back to our community.
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And so, of course, when this call came out, we had been working together for probably about a year, or you know, earlier that year, and so for us to get the call actually, they called me can kind of be on J Kenneth Young actually directed the invitation to me.
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Because, he said, Glenn is in New York, and that we had done some work together inside of land.
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Mark, so he sent it to to me to describe it, and we had as a as lubber, as Sean Brown has said, is that we were already organizing ourselves inside of Landmall, and we were doing introductions by the way we started the first guest introductions.
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We actually started that Angie Carson was the person that actually created that.
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And so we had Kwanza at the area center.
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We had all of these things that were kind of bubbling up.
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So when the summit came through, it was like, Oh, heck, yeah, we got to be part of this, you know, there's no way we're gonna miss out.
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And and so we showed up, as I said, like 8 8 of us showed up to that particular event.
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So back to you
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So so so curious! Aluba day, as you go to that event, and you become part of the the drafting team.
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Part of the body, listening for what was present in the space, and then documenting it to create the deck, to create the declaration.
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After that my understanding is that there was eventually the creation of a facilitator body, that you became a part of what was your
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Your journey from that first event to becoming a participant, an active participant, as a facilitator of the International Black Summit.
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I mean obviously you facilitate it. The the the drafting of the Declaration.
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So you work facilitator in that in that sense, from the get-go
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Well, let's pause for a moment and acknowledge the facilitators.
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Anthony, Anthony Angela K.
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You know Kathryn and Robin and Perry, and you know Jk.
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Wasn't in there as yet by the person I'm in.
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Not until the end of the first year, right
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Yeah. So when I walked into the room, and saw these giants and stage, these are people who had done major work with, we're not here hard the led seminars inside of we're not your heart and associates.
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I mean, I was a year and a half 2 years. Just did the 4 by the form in action.
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So you know, to see, you know black folks standing there in front of me, having just come from Jamaica 24, and seeing us take possession of our space, and the whole way in which the summit at the time was negotiating with landmark whether or not it would be part of
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Landmark, and you know a step up for ourselves. These facilitators, you know, really were my role models. And so there's a transmutation of energy, and we have being that they demonstrated that as a young man 31 years old looking at these folks really standing in
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Their power. There's something powerful that's transmuting.
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And so I don't remember consciously making a choice to be in the facilitator body.
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I remember I I went to the planning meetings and then go at some point, Jackie, you'll appreciate the padding meeting more marked into the facilitator body, and then, all of a sudden, I was in the facilitator body.
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But it was something that I was avoiding pretty much, you know, for other reasons, that we can get into.
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But yeah, I don't know that I consciously had a desire to be a facilitator, to be on stage facilitating the conversation.
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But what I'm saying is that there was a transference of of being, you know, the way the space was held, and facilitation anyone at the summit can facilitate from where they were, and essentially facilitate and intern has, as I understand in the summit as again just said, it was really about
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Listing for the room and allowing making welcome everything that showed up in the room.
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To see what was there. So I became trained just by simply being in those rooms where those conversations were being
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You're muted, Jackie
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Thank you in terms of being in the space and being trained just by being in the space I do actually want to get into some of the.
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I think that might have had you resist being a facilitator I do want to get into that, but not quite yet.
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First, I want to ask you about being trained, and how you have used that training in your life or in your work, or, you know, like, when you think of what you were trained in, how has that had an impact on your life and and how do you use? It?
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Consciously on. Do you use it unconsciously, like what do you see in that?
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In that kind of area
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Well, for most of my life professionally as a coach facilitator, consultant, and you know, party promoter, or your author.
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I have made most, if not all, of my money. 99% of it from working with people of African descent all over the world.
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So you know the summit was just a demonstration of what happens when you get black folk together and ask us to work together towards a given end.
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And so it was always trying to get all the ducks in the role.
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I remember the end of each summer trying to decide where the next summit was going to be, and what alignment felt like, and and it wasn't, and it was a discourse in the mind.
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So there was no embodiment. There was no breathing, you know, quiet meditation or nothing, and so part of it as a young person watching that, how do we get?
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You know, for coming from different cultural backgrounds, living inside of a huge possibility.
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And when you live inside of a huge possibility for myself, I know it's very triggering, so everything that's on healed within us is going to come up.
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So when you send out a declaration like that, you know the kernel commuter, all communities holding complete everything that's incomplete is going to bubble up to the surface.
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So the way in which those processes took place really is part and parcel of how I think of the word that I'm doing in Africa here in New York City and the work I'm doing around the world.
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You know? How do I create that alignment? And at the point, weird do I strike the balance between listening for the group and saying Here's where we're going, you know, it's a little different, because the summit is collectively owned.
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Bloom is very clearly centered around my vision.
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And so there comes a point in how do I listen for the alignment?
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And how do I check in with people who have spent time listening for that alignment with me and saying, This is direction that that we need to go, and and calling it so there's a balancing act going on, you know, the summit.
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No one person can say this is I mean, Lord knows you've tried.
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I've tried. It doesn't work. So I actually haven't learned how to balance both dynamic.
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You know, and created the ownership structure and the decision-making structures that allow for things to move forward in the within the context that we're working on something that's really big and impossible.
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And all that triggering is going to get driven up in the space.
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And so the tools that we'll summit in particular.
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There is no out there and understanding what's triggering you out there is in there is inside has been very helpful, and it's a deepening distinction that I continue to deepen in my own work.
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Now we say, my body is in, you know, so it has kind of morphed into that.
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But what's that process unfold? So the summit is, was, is, and continues to be for me a laboratory in which I observe, and I learn just observing and being in the process
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Yeah, let me let me, just for the folks who have not been at an international black summit, Lubby Shawn Brown just spoke to alignment, and no, no?
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Out there. Those are part of the distinctions that we use now.
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Yes, those are regular words in the English language, but we use them in a particular way, so that we can stay present so that we use them to so alignment is that nothing moves forward until everybody is spoken to, has their objections heard so that the group moves forward in a particular
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Manner. That's consistent with the entire group. And so the alignment that has spoken to.
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Is and still exist as one of the major distinctions for decision making inside of an international black summit.
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And I must say that I've been part of lots of different organizations, and I've never had an organization that considered and include everybody before they would move forward in decision making.
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And so it also has some of some downfalls in terms of moving quickly.
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But you have the consensus of the entire body.
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The note out there. Distinction is that whatever you think is happening out, there is really happening inside of you.
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And so we also have another distinction called Trigger, and a lot of people triggers in them in the mainstream of conversation.
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But how we use trigger is something that we're unable or unwilling to be with, and and anytime that you lay out a particular possibility or alignment, or a vision.
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And like again the International Back Summit works around people getting clear what their vision is.
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And inside of that vision take action consistently with that vision.
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So all of these distinctions are there to help you not be stopped bye day to day, living by being triggered by somebody saying something to you.
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So you actually use the work to keep yourself present and focus on what you're committed to back to you.
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Thank you, Glenn. Thank you. So I actually, I actually want to get into something that you touched on earlier aluba day when you talked about being resistant to being a facilitator.
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So I want to touch on that. And then I want to actually talk to you about the work that you're doing now, and some of what's and how that may or may not connect to to your participation in the in the summit.
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But first the resistance. I'm just curious curious when you said that there were some things that maybe were holding your back or having you resist being a facilitator at that time.
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I'm just curious. Do you recall what any of those things were
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Well, the spaces are triggering, and the processes are very long, you know.
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So I didn't have the patience for that, you know.
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I really didn't. And so that's that's me, you know me dealing with that.
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How do I sit in a conversation long enough to keep listening?
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And so that's how those are personal things. And then it's a it's a vocabulary.
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And and you know I I love words and vocabulary, and so you know
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I get the inspiration I took from that was like, Okay, great.
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That could have been said differently. But the facilitator body you know, I remember Joe Hampton and Carla Hampton.
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Of course. Yes.
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You remember them? Glenn Joe is a complete model of what it takes to be in a space like international Black Summit, and I remember that Joe would just sit in the space and just listen.
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And laugh, and you know the you just laugh, and I always remember, Joe.
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I was not like General. Very few people are like Joe, so and Carla would just sit there, keep each other's call pretty.
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I laugh, I just enjoy themselves and listen. And so anything decade is that without stop me being a facilitator, was the gap between where Joe Hampton was have it types?
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It was that earthlation of the subject process. It was just this, you know, this whole, my own process in transformation.
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Now I think I'd have a little bit more patience, a little bit more joy sitting on observing, now that I've become a little bit more of an elder, you know. Probably like, let me sit and listen to this for a while. Okay.
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Well when it also it also speaks to what all that you created as well.
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And so you've now you've now taken a body of work, and you now honed it to your own personal viewpoint.
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You've added your your flavor, you know blueberries show on brown flavor to it, and you created a a set of entities not just one, a set of entities that have your DNA on it that that are also consistent with the vision of the declaration that you help
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Craft as well as creating your own vision for your, for your work.
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So let people know a little bit about what you've created over the years, because I mean, you've created.
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I remember the you remember, remember the game that you created.
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Remember you have the
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Oh, yeah.
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Can I say 1 one quick thing before you, before you share that a little bit day?
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Because for me what you're about to share is for me part of the summit purpose.
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The summit being to provide an opportunity for participants to bring into being their vision for the black community and the world, and how I personally hold that is, that the summit can be an often is an incubation space where people come in they clear themselves.
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They get present to what their vision is, and what they're committed to, and then they can go out into the world and cause and create that.
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And so for me, I feel like that's something that you've done in many different ways.
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You've you. You use the the summit as an opportunity to clear and be present, to connect and and to for fine, perhaps your vision, and then to go out into the world and create it.
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So let's hear what you've created over the years
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Well, but let's say this for us, that the summit has been the space in which I've been most affirmed.
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Seen and heard. It's one. It's been a sourceful space for me as much as I've been triggered in a space.
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You. You know I can be in the summit and feel complete as a human being in terms of my potential.
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There's no one limiting my potential and to receive that kind of affirmation from other brilliant black people in which we are all winning gives one the confidence, and you know, so I mean, I'm being birthed in an ecosystem that is affirmed me
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Completely so with that I can go into the world and do whatever you know.
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It's like, Okay, great, you know. The summit got me, you know. I'm good.
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I'm good to go, so bloom is created principally as oh, we're healing my own trauma on my own triggers around being growing up in Jamaica, invisible working class without access.
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And so it gives me an opportunity to be in the world, and to be seen authentically, as who I am.
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So it's a space that I created for myself to be able to show up as fully myself, as authentically myself.
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And then I take that space and I offer it to other people.
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Who one to be in a space where they can show up with him, to create as themselves.
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And so when I do the work of bloom, it's offered in a spirit of remember who you are, you know you can show up authentically as yourself, and so in that regard, it's healing for them as well.
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So I'm I'm making sure that in in offering room it's also a healing journey for myself.
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So it's, you know, it's not just simply because, you know, I wanted, you know.
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Be a good person, and do right by my community. The vision that I carry is a vision that includes myself, my own wellness, my own authenticity.
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And so everyone who comes in contact with Zoom is here in the same way.
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This is a place where you can be at home, where you can feel connected, where you can hear yourself.
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Where you can be authentic in your own self expression.
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And so that's what boom is a greater vision.
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It grew out of a vision that was birth from my own trauma in life, and it says, a space where every gift is delivered, every journey celebrated, and all are free, and that includes me
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Hmm! Gorgeous! Can you repeat that every gift celebrated can repeat that
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Every gift is delivered, every journey is celebrated, and all are free
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Oh, beautiful! I love that
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So that is great. Give us, give us, tell us a little bit more about the kind of activities that are organized by bloom, that that.
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So, yeah, if I were wanted to join Bloom or to participate with the activities of bloom, what kind of activities would I be engaged in
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Well, the the auto courses are no online, and we have 3 courses, 3 level, of courses.
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The first is finding a big, which is the premise of our work.
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Everybody carries within them a big, impossible goal. That's birth out of our trauma.
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Our passions are talents and our gifts. 2 so we have a journey that helps each of us to get in touch with what that big is.
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So my big for this year is the impact. 5 million lives in 2,023 through the philosophy of booming.
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And so that goal nigger like. So am I. Gonna do that.
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So again. It's a it's a journey that's gonna trigger us.
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It triggers me so the nervous system goes into this kind of thing, and then we deal with that.
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So there's several steps beyond that. How do we bring some calm?
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How do we work through? Bring some embodied practices to come down our nervous system, our anxiety, and to be able to move forward.
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But it begins with finding your big so in the finding of being you're going to go.
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Actually, I have a big an then sometimes you get responded.
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It's too big. I don't. Wanna you know we go through all of that kind of stuff.
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So that program is online, it's offered through a website@themedication.institute.
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And there you can access the course online. It's in 10.
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It's a 10 video series. Eventually, this year, we're gonna do it in person.
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Because for the pandemic I did it in person across 3 or 4 times I've done it on Whatsapp with people.
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So it's done in different forms. If you're going to do one-on-one coaching with me, we're still going to do it, one-on-one.
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So it is the seminal journey, and then after that, we have the intensive journey and the intensive journey is 10 of our core distinctions, and the first one is re meditation.
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We engage there in the process of just being still and being aware that we are each spiritual beings having a human journey.
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And that's when we start with, you know, by bodies in.
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And the first 5 declarations are, I can hear myself.
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I can feel myself changing. I can see myself. I'm connected to all life.
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I'm home, and so when you have a big just like the Declaration, Glenn and Jackie Glaze that's how we start our mornings.
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That's how we start all our programs. We're spiritual beings having a human experience.
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We can hear ourselves, and each person has the ability to hear themselves.
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So the intensive was given before the pandemic of about during the pandemic, and before that, probably 3 or 4 years.
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So their people have done cycles on the intensive right now we're busy putting the intensive online and video courses and all of that kind of great stuff.
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And so their guides, who have been trained to lead the intensive, and also the finding of the program.
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I see Jake is on here. She's involved with that process. My brother.
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Quick! Who art in a crowd is trying to lead finding a big intensity, and so is Chantal George.
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She's a psychotherapist, a drama therapist working here in New York City.
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So there's been a collective of people who are trained to deliver these distinctions.
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So those are the training programs. Just also the collective leaders journey that we're developing now.
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So these 3 levels finding your big, how do you keep yourself down and send a collective unit visa journeys?
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How do you work with others to create a connective ecosystem that keeps moving forward?
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So those are the 3 journeys that's on the education side.
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But the great thing that we're doing roomfest and the clients I've I've come to realize that our clients are creative and not just artists.
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I mean, I've worked with a lot of artists over the years in Los Angeles here in New York, in Jamaica, in Africa.
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But creativity is the essence of human beings. So each of us are creative beings.
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And so our work is premised on supporting people for bringing you value into the world.
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Specifically people who are going through the terror and the excitement of birthing something new.
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Whether you're in a corporate job, or you in a community organization, or you're an artist.
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Creating, something really beautiful. There's terror, and there's excitement attached to it, and we want to be there to support that journey as well.
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So that's why we do bloomfest. And that happened in a crowd last year. And it's happening here in New York on the 20 first, the 20 sixth of June, and also we went back to our cross August one from 26 this year
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So tell us a little bit more about these collectives. Could you?
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Have you mentioned the education? But isn't there also kind of like a business?
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So if I had an idea for a product or or something that I wanted to create, there's an opportunity for me to kind of launch that inside of this collective
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Yeah, that's that's called create space. It's a collective that we've always existed in that format.
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Whether it is the Whatsapp group or on Facebook, or in the meetups that we have, or in the actual courses.
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People, are always collaborating with each other, so whether it is withering a party, or reading a festival, or doing any event, it's a collaborative event, and the what we ask, as you come to the event is, what are you working on and how can you use?
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This as a platform to get what your opt in the world does.
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What is your win in this? So no one is volunteering you know.
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We're just offering our open platform. Here's what we're doing.
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We're doing festivals. We're doing events.
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Now tell us, how does your participation with this get to forward what you're up to as you're big.
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So the other thing Glenn. It's not everybody coming with them.
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I do. You know we don't do that. We ask the question, What is your big and so
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Okay, so so inside of your big, you really are discovering what it is that you're up to.
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And inside of that discovery you're you're supported to the next level next level, next level, next level.
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Yeah, because there are a lot of ideas. But we also want to hear, what are you healing for yourself?
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So it's not washing for Chong Kong, you know.
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So the space is like this. So we can listen to knowing someone has a big, and when someone really is is has not really escalated the urgency.
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And what you're healing for themselves. So the big either floats to the top or it goes which have it go because you're speaking to an ecosystem that's frequenced in a particular way.
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So when you share out what you're doing, people here with us? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
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I want to do that. I I see the reason you're doing that.
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And they're facilitators or guides in the space that are listening.
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You know? What is this healing for yourself? You know what is the story you're telling about what you're doing.
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So it's a frequency of the speaking that we're listening to.
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So when I see, okay, 5 million P creatives supported by the philosophy of blooming other big people here.
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That so, my friend quick! Who can hear that sequel, can hear that in New York City, and so he jumps in there with his filmmaking quick.
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Who is in the Uk. And he's talking. Hey, here's what we're doing.
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We're building a community of 5 million people. So to resonates with him because he's already operating at a frequency where his impact is also in the millions.
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You see. So we here and we echo each other back, based on the big.
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So because it's a spoken frequency. And we're learning to embody it.
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Then what happens to begin to take on momentum in the space so we're listening for the frequency of the speaking.
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So you know it's not help. It's not.
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Come, help me support it's kind of like. What's the frequency you're bringing.
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And then, when you bring that frequency, we jump on because we're riding waves of frequency based on speaking.
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So what happens when you have a big elementally calibrate in your bone, your trauma, and excavating your voice?
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Your passion is air, your fire is your talents. You know the water is your gift, once it gives you making this helium the biggest like that measurable impact.
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So when you speak, you know I will practice that long enough.
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There's a frequency to it. And so the community, vibrates on the frequency of we speaking a big.
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And so we are writing that. And when people jump on a big, they're jumping on.
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Yes, I want to use this platform to support my big as well.
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So in the festival people are building it by pursuing their own big.
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So it's just an open space in which anybody can jump on that has a big, and said, Oh, I'm coming to outcry because I want to do a performance but it's going to support my big my friend I needed a whole video of himself I know he took it back to new York and use
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That to raise money, and you know I come back to New York is that I'm expanding massively because he used it.
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A big that was spoken, jumped on. It, created something else, and took it somewhere else.
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That's what we call blooming
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So one of the things that I find intriguing about what you're sharing around the the big is the connection that you're making between the the the big, impossible goal and people's.
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And each individual's heel. And so I want to ask a little bit more about that.
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You spoke about it for yourself, about how what you're creating is also part of your own healing journey, and as you look, and as the as the bloom institutes different courses and opportunities support participants, it sounds like it's always going back to that connection between your own, healing journey and
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The fulfillment of the vision that your give it.
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I guess so. I'm I'm just wanting to.
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00:46:42.000 --> 00:46:59.000
I think. Have you speak a little bit more about that? Or perhaps give some example, some additional examples about how that connection is that connection needed to provide the fuel for the vision?
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I mean, and really distinguishing it from past ways of being right distinguishing it from chity, distinguishing it from from I don't know.
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Enterprise. But you know, distinguishing it from other other ways of being, and how this this because there's something, I think, very deep in it, that for me, feels like the new world that's being asked to be earth.
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And so I'm just interested in hearing a little bit more about those connections
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That could Grace. You really know how to get to the niche gritty, don't you?
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As much as you're comfortable sharing
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It's it's a it's a it's a beautiful question, but it's very important, because you're in here.
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We have in the Declaration, we declare our community as holding complete, yet we are committed to ending the murder of our men, women, and children.
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You have to hear the young man who gets brutally murdered, you know.
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So it's standing in. Here's my big, and here's here's what's present.
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Now and then, when we think of the question that the summit has now, which is what's available.
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Standing in. I am. What's available in standing in. I'm complete, you know, and here I am with 5 million people as a goal to impact right?
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And I look now when I see okay. But I only have this level in impact.
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These are the resources that I have in my hand. You know how do I stand in that gap inside of I am?
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There's nothing to do, and I think that's the question you're asking.
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How do we close that gap? So imagine that there is Jesus having to feed the 5,000 and imagine that that's a big right.
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And a young man came up to him, and he had, as a 5 loans and 2 fishes.
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And what did Jesus do? He took the 5, 1, 2, 2 fishes, and he said, Father, I thank you that this is enough.
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And then he started to break it, and then he shared, and then somebody else brought something else.
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And then, before you know it. And then the story came that he fared 5,000 people.
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The 5 of those and 2 fishes, he began with what he had in his hand, and she gave gratitude for it.
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So in every person I speak to there is 5 million. There, so I'm present, to that.
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The resources that I have is enough, and so for me it's a continual sense of gratitude and appreciation for what is what is now.
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So the 5 million is accessible through this particular moment. And so each time when I go and jump out of my body and think that 5 min will make me look good, and I will be ashamed if I don't get to the 5 million then inside stuff and so it's a continual, process, because when you set that
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Big out there. It's a training device. It's a practice so you're clear that as a practice so that I can ground myself on the present moment of appreciation.
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And that's where the work is that's where the practice is.
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And I I think I on the Mississippi, on the estimated earlier level of vigilance and care that I have to take for myself to steal away from the Terror, and to live in the present moment, and it means getting up in the morning, and it means you know staying off the Internet first thing I
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Hear, we could buyers say, trusting the gift with him, trusting the dog, I step with greed greater faith into the world I go, and I play this for 5 min.
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I get on my yoga match, I take a breath and remind myself I'm a spiritual being, having a human journey, and I see the mantra, and then I put on my coffee, and then I I do my yoga, and then I start bouncing, around and then my energy. Comes up.
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I actually do things to shift my move, to tap into my intuition, to remember who I am.
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You know. That's the practice. I then imagine. How do I want my date?
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All my goals are written out in all the 5 years of my life, and I see it is a whole bob prop to practice.
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Now I'm so happy and grateful now, but I'm burning Xyz, and retraining my nervous system because I'm literally breaking the power.
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Dye so I see that in the morning, when I got I'll see tonight before I go to bed to remind myself what I'm present to, so that the goals that I have are presence right now until they live they just come out of my mouth like that I would you know things just start to appear but it's
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a practice. It's not. This is, this is us being responsible for the, for the abilities that we have.
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We can. We can. Here, we can taste. We can smell.
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We also have 5 innocent senses. We have memory, you know.
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Those are God. Give, and higher faculties. We have the ability to embody, change, to choose tem body change, I have the ability to imagine and choose the life that I want I have the ability to connect to change perspective and exercise compassion.
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I have the ability to into it my next move. And so that training those senses is a practice. And so that's how I move between the Tara and the excitement of having a big
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Staying, present.
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And it's an embodied practice you know the thing with transformation in landmark's version is that, and I have to be careful.
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Here is that a lot of the work is not in embodied
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It's in thinking, and they're coming a point where, you know you have to.
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We have. I have had to deal with the narrative system, you know and understand.
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You know all of that. You sign that you're learning, you know, and get into breath work.
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Get into Yoga, get into stillness, get into meditation, get into movement, get into daily study and reading widely across the many disciplines of transmission, you know, so I can be deepak trooper in one move and I can leave my Harvishina hash yogi I can go back.
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And read a card to listen to what Deepak is saying.
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Listen to what the guys saying about, you know, religious science.
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But consciously training myself and developing my mental faculties, understanding, emotion that I can feel and acknowledge your motion.
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But I can use the motion as an indicator for what I need, and being able to ask what I need without having to miss it.
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So these are practices. So having a big is, is is not an easy thing.
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It's a courageous step, you know. That's an invitation to to transformation
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Just a a curious question for me, very fascinating and beautiful, beautiful, and and something that I'll probably be going on your website after this interview.
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But question that popped in my mind is, whether or not spirit speaks to you, and if so, how
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Synchronicities, I'll be writing something, and I I would send him that.
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I'm writing the word life something on the TV says, life.
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And that's how I know I'm I'm in the right place in the right position. You know.
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It's getting on the phone with Ari and I'm saying, are in help, you know, and things shop in my bank account, you know.
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That keeps me moving forward. It's it's those synchronicities.
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But I know that life is speaking, and so, you know, it starts for me with listening first to myself and an understanding that the universe is consistently blooming through each of us, resting in that.
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And that's a practice. And then understanding. As I realize that I watch for the synchronicities, I watch how things unfold.
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It's kind of like in the summit, you know.
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You listen for the alignment, you know, and there's something that's speaking.
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There's something that's speaking through each of us.
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It'll only give it our attention. And who that it is, is us, you know, when I say God is speaking to me like spirit exists in our pronouns, and in all you know, all all verbs.
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So when I say you know, I can listen to myself.
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I hear you, I hear what you're saying. I hear you.
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What the you. What I'm saying is I am because I exist to never pronounce.
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You know, exist in. I am this, I exist. I am existing.
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I'm doing I am is having. So I can always join the IM, even as I'm doing it. An assignment app
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I, I,
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We are.
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Let me ask you. Let me let me ask you this, this shares inquiry as I become present to I am.
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What is it to rest in the IM this now you've heard and participated in a lot of the inquiries, the questions that we had over the years?
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What does this particular inquiry cause? I I hear you pointing to the I am and the I am, miss.
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What what is? What is this year's inquiry inside?
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International Black Summit. How do you relate to that
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Give me the inquiry again, then, is, what's
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As as I become present to I am. What is it to rest in the I am Miss
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Well, let's just rest in the IM this for a moment. Here
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Hi! M is hearing!
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I am a scene
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I am is feeling itself change.
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I am, is
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Feeling, its connection to all. I
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I am. Never moment is arriving. Home
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I am. That's I am in action.
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I am is grateful for that. I can hear I am, is grateful for all I can see.
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I am as grateful for what I have
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So I am. This gives access to the doing. This of N.
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Exercising of who we are, as hearing, as seeing, as changing.
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It's arriving home connection. And I am. This is able to be grateful.
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And so there is no struggle in that, you know. Once I can live in that, once we can live inside of that, instead of gratitude inside of appreciation, that all that we hear.
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So I am. All that I see is
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It's a wonderful inquiry. I think I love that the summit is doing this because it's at the root of our work.
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And let me see, there's nothing to do except B.
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But there's a mischief in it in the sense that you know everything that we desire.
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You can sit a goal and have that be an expression of yourself without feeling that you have to do anything, because the desires that I have for my life are part of.
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I am seeking its own expression. So I'm I'm not ashamed of my goals.
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The amount of money I want to make the kind of lifestyle I want to live.
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You know where I want to live. All of that. I hear it as I am.
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This wanting to exercise exercising. It's imagination to see what it wants to experience.
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And so the more I'm at ease with my own desires, without thinking that I have to know something to deserve it and make it happen.
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I can just say, Yeah, that's what I want this year.
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I'm present to earning X amount of money, you know.
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I'm so happy and grateful now that that's happening, I'm so happy and good for now you know that the people I work with are prospering for financially and increasing their lifestyle as a 100 full.
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You know, and I live in that space of gratitude, the practices to live in that space of gratitude.
01:00:13.000 --> 01:00:20.000
Yeah. So I am doing. And I am is doing with all the facility and faculties.
01:00:20.000 --> 01:00:29.000
That is, I am hearing, changing, appreciate it itself
01:00:29.000 --> 01:00:36.000
In. You know what I hear. I hear you
01:00:36.000 --> 01:00:56.000
Get rid of the guilt. The trauma that that that you know, that we've been carrying around undistinguished as such, and when you can get to the essence of who you are, all of that kind of just falls away, but you're right.
01:00:56.000 --> 01:01:01.000
It's it's a practice to stay in it to keep it being present.
01:01:01.000 --> 01:01:16.000
So so you've actually created a a support system to be able to keep you inside of that conversation, focus, present and moving forward in inside of the directions that you want to create for yourself
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I'm working and working with other people, too, because that's part of it.
01:01:20.000 --> 01:01:27.000
Who are in that practice as well, you know there's something aligned about it says, or I don't summarize you.
01:01:27.000 --> 01:01:33.000
You can pray prayer greater than what God once for you
01:01:33.000 --> 01:01:35.000
So you can relax. You know you can dream anything you want to imagine.
01:01:35.000 --> 01:01:36.000
Like, what
01:01:36.000 --> 01:01:41.000
Any life you want. Prayer greater than what God wants feel so hey!
01:01:41.000 --> 01:01:43.000
Go for it.
01:01:43.000 --> 01:01:46.000
Go for it. That's right. That's right, absolutely
01:01:46.000 --> 01:01:56.000
Is there a connecting to what God wants to you in in in this exploration, or inquire in this work?
01:01:56.000 --> 01:02:02.000
Are you? Are? Are you creating? What's there, or are you?
01:02:02.000 --> 01:02:09.000
Are you listening for what God wants for you, or wants you to create
01:02:09.000 --> 01:02:10.000
01:02:10.000 --> 01:02:13.000
If there's a distinction there
01:02:13.000 --> 01:02:21.000
The listening is always inside of. I'm being created as an expression of life right now.
01:02:21.000 --> 01:02:30.000
And so live. This is part of the structure. Life wants to be heard
01:02:30.000 --> 01:02:37.000
Life wants to change and evolve. Life wants to be seen.
01:02:37.000 --> 01:02:49.000
Live ones, to connect life, wants to belong, to be safe, and those I understand, our desires of consciousness.
01:02:49.000 --> 01:03:04.000
And so this is where we get a little bit into how Bloom has language, the desires of life, and so that's the philosophy of the and it's based on the 5 elements of venture, because minerals hold the memory things.
01:03:04.000 --> 01:03:14.000
A. You're sometimes called nature cools our ability to change fire our our need and ability to see that's what you see.
01:03:14.000 --> 01:03:22.000
Water. Just touch where we touch each other, and can con each other down emotionally, you know, that's water and issue.
01:03:22.000 --> 01:03:30.000
Life wants to connect. T. The whole idea of being fed and nourished, and feeling at home.
01:03:30.000 --> 01:03:31.000
So I understand life to be that so, and everything that I desire I'm like, Oh, yeah, life.
01:03:31.000 --> 01:03:42.000
Wants to be heard here. Life wants to write this book, you know.
01:03:42.000 --> 01:03:57.000
Life wants me to show up here, you know. Get myself together, and this and I just speak to you and to interact here with everyone in such a way that you might hear something is lifestyle speaking to life some memory.
01:03:57.000 --> 01:04:05.000
I remember that about myself. So I show up to live, you know.
01:04:05.000 --> 01:04:09.000
01:04:09.000 --> 01:04:16.000
Thank you. I don't know if you've noticed that some of my questions have been coming from my own.
01:04:16.000 --> 01:04:25.000
It's okay. Hello.
01:04:25.000 --> 01:04:26.000
01:04:26.000 --> 01:04:32.000
My right, my own, like, okay, how do I map this on to me, cause I have this thing where it's like my mind versus my body or my mind versus my heart.
01:04:32.000 --> 01:04:36.000
What year were you born? What's the last? Did you took your birth year
01:04:36.000 --> 01:04:37.000
01:04:37.000 --> 01:04:47.000
7. Fire, fire, energy. Okay, good. So I was checking because there's a part that we we got from Dagara in West African.
01:04:47.000 --> 01:04:50.000
It less distributed. Your birth here tells us a little bit about.
01:04:50.000 --> 01:04:51.000
You know your second spiritual disposition, and you're born in a fire year.
01:04:51.000 --> 01:04:56.000
So you're the people get behind you because you're blazing away through things.
01:04:56.000 --> 01:05:03.000
You know you're kind of like the woman with the torch.
01:05:03.000 --> 01:05:11.000
You know.
01:05:11.000 --> 01:05:12.000
Very interesting.
01:05:12.000 --> 01:05:13.000
Really, I haven't had that. Sometimes people get behind me. I'm like, I'm not going anywhere
01:05:13.000 --> 01:05:16.000
But what you are, what you are. See, that's the thing
01:05:16.000 --> 01:05:22.000
You know, and then be careful cause you're gonna get burned
01:05:22.000 --> 01:05:35.000
In, in the city together. It's a little bit like a truth telling she can own that, Jackie Grace, but you tell the truth, you can.
01:05:35.000 --> 01:05:36.000
Yes, absolutely.
01:05:36.000 --> 01:05:39.000
You can be trusted to tell the truth. So that's that's just kind of like, so that I grabbed from the Daggera tribe again.
01:05:39.000 --> 01:05:48.000
They see the world in 5 elements. And so for each year there is an element of nature.
01:05:48.000 --> 01:05:51.000
And so we're able to like an expand. Which are you born?
01:05:51.000 --> 01:06:06.000
And so one of the questions we ask when I'm starting to coach, you know, so I can get a kinda read on where someone is but I'm constantly listening through the frameworks of the 5 elements of made sure to wherever I'm interacting with the space and all of that kind
01:06:06.000 --> 01:06:08.000
Of so
01:06:08.000 --> 01:06:14.000
Okay. Thank you. Well, I I have to say, we have. We have 2 questions that we have on our list.
01:06:14.000 --> 01:06:25.000
I'm looking at the big questions, Glenn, and and we often don't ask these questions.
01:06:25.000 --> 01:06:26.000
Okay. Good.
01:06:26.000 --> 01:06:29.000
We have them as potential questions, but we often don't.
01:06:29.000 --> 01:06:35.000
Don't get to them. Don't ask them. I'm going to read both of them, and I'm going to invite you to pick one
01:06:35.000 --> 01:06:37.000
01:06:37.000 --> 01:06:42.000
I'm great to invite you to pick one to answer.
01:06:42.000 --> 01:06:43.000
01:06:43.000 --> 01:06:44.000
You can choose to answer both if you'd like, but if you'd only if you only want to answer one, you can pick one to answer.
01:06:44.000 --> 01:06:59.000
So we're gonna read both. So the first one is, what are the biggest things you learned about yourself as a result of the pandemic.
01:06:59.000 --> 01:07:11.000
That's question number one. Question number 2, what are 3 wishes that you have for the world right now?
01:07:11.000 --> 01:07:19.000
Those are the 2 questions. Do you like me to repeat them?
01:07:19.000 --> 01:07:25.000
No, I think I wanna do the pandemic one
01:07:25.000 --> 01:07:27.000
01:07:27.000 --> 01:07:36.000
Okay, what are the biggest things you've learned about yourself as a result of the pandemic
01:07:36.000 --> 01:07:42.000
Wow! So I'll see this at the pandemic was very triggering for me.
01:07:42.000 --> 01:07:43.000
I spent a lot of time in my apartment, looking on the window, watching black lives.
01:07:43.000 --> 01:07:49.000
Matter passed by, and people don't know, and it's really triggered for me.
01:07:49.000 --> 01:08:04.000
A sense of not belonging, you know, not being safe, and see the anxiety was very real for me, and the recent trip to Africa, and staying as long as I did in Africa was really me.
01:08:04.000 --> 01:08:08.000
Recovering from that
01:08:08.000 --> 01:08:11.000
So the gift of the pandemic was really me.
01:08:11.000 --> 01:08:18.000
Checking myself and checking myself in, and being in a space where I could.
01:08:18.000 --> 01:08:32.000
Listen for myself. Listen to myself where I could learn again how to breathe, to learn again how to who I am, and my ability to keep my own sales centered, during the pandemic.
01:08:32.000 --> 01:08:39.000
I broke up with my partner, someone who's my best business associate no longer.
01:08:39.000 --> 01:09:00.000
Was associating with me. One of my best friends died, my sister and I had a big altercation, so I was pretty much alone in my apartment a lot, and so, finding your big came out of the commute room community gathering a meeting, and all of this kind of stuff until the book was written out
01:09:00.000 --> 01:09:15.000
of that. But in the background of it I was dealing with a lot, and so no, I feel like I can hang.
01:09:15.000 --> 01:09:16.000
01:09:16.000 --> 01:09:25.000
I can deal with that. I have some tools, so gave me some tools to negotiate, anxiety to negotiate, not having to negotiate lives and possibilities
01:09:25.000 --> 01:09:26.000
01:09:26.000 --> 01:09:32.000
And the biggest lesson is, I'm possible. I'm beyond.
01:09:32.000 --> 01:09:36.000
I had to get out of my body. I've become bigger then.
01:09:36.000 --> 01:09:45.000
Who I know myself to be, you know, to survive this time
01:09:45.000 --> 01:09:49.000
Well, thank you. Thank you for answering that
01:09:49.000 --> 01:09:51.000
But you did ask
01:09:51.000 --> 01:09:55.000
You do that? Okay.
01:09:55.000 --> 01:09:58.000
Hmm, hmm.
01:09:58.000 --> 01:09:59.000
You're welcome.
01:09:59.000 --> 01:10:08.000
Thank you for answering. Well, you could have picked the other one, but but but thank you for for picking that one and answering that one, and thank you for being here with us this evening.
01:10:08.000 --> 01:10:09.000
01:10:09.000 --> 01:10:10.000
I just want to turn to Glenn to see if there's anything that you want to ask Alubaday Sean Brown before we
01:10:10.000 --> 01:10:11.000
I I just I I just wanna actually acknowledge.
01:10:11.000 --> 01:10:29.000
And I wanna actually go back to the declaration last line in the Declaration says, we declare that our community manifests itself in the world as a contribution in the transformation of the universe.
01:10:29.000 --> 01:10:37.000
And to me your work is an expression of that transformation.
01:10:37.000 --> 01:10:57.000
And so I've watch to learn from you, and and and delighted at what you have put together to support all the people of black African descent around the planet.
01:10:57.000 --> 01:11:02.000
And I so appreciate
01:11:02.000 --> 01:11:13.000
Where you are, and where you're headed, and you know, thank you, for you know, being part of my life all the way back from Paddock.
01:11:13.000 --> 01:11:23.000
To the first international Black Summit, and to now to bloom log into one or 2 events, party events, I might add.
01:11:23.000 --> 01:11:37.000
Oh, and just love the energy that you energy in the space that you provide for people to be themselves, to just come and be themselves powerfully so.
01:11:37.000 --> 01:11:44.000
Thank you for the continued work that you do. I love you, my brother, and no, you know
01:11:44.000 --> 01:11:54.000
Thank you. Glenn. It's been a pleasure I receive that acknowledgement fully. You know.
01:11:54.000 --> 01:11:55.000
01:11:55.000 --> 01:11:58.000
Reflection, something here. I just want to hold up my 2 books room this journey, and finding a big please go.
01:11:58.000 --> 01:12:07.000
Please go to my website and check out the program. This Bloom Education Institute broom, education, dot institute.
01:12:07.000 --> 01:12:16.000
So not.com bloom education dot institute, where you're exploring the elemental frameworks that keep us blooming.
01:12:16.000 --> 01:12:30.000
Check out finding your big, enter, create spaces. A global community of 5 million creatives are worldwide that we're building are going to be supporting each other, in manifesting and realizing our possibilities for big impossible goals.
01:12:30.000 --> 01:12:34.000
Jackie Grace is a pleasure. Thank you for those questions.
01:12:34.000 --> 01:12:38.000
Wow! Right?
01:12:38.000 --> 01:12:39.000
Thank you. My brother.
01:12:39.000 --> 01:12:48.000
Thank you. Thank you. And don't go anywhere. So we are going to complete the podcast but for those of you who are listening or who are watching later on Youtube, we do have a Q. A.
01:12:48.000 --> 01:12:55.000
A that we have with the live audience after we stop the recording.
01:12:55.000 --> 01:12:56.000
No problem.
01:12:56.000 --> 01:12:57.000
So we're going to shift to that now.
01:12:57.000 --> 01:13:01.000
And and just want to give them our website, blacksmith
01:13:01.000 --> 01:13:02.000
Please, do.
01:13:02.000 --> 01:13:15.000
Www. Dot black summit.org, so you can get more information about the International Black Summit, we have an annual event that occurs the first full weekend in August.
01:13:15.000 --> 01:13:19.000
Every year this is gonna be our 30 third year or thirty-fourth.
01:13:19.000 --> 01:13:22.000
I'm not even sure. And and we have other events that we have as well.
01:13:22.000 --> 01:13:41.000
So check out the site and find out a little bit more about the international black summit and showing a little bit of a brown, it's been somebody who's been there at the first 1991.
01:13:41.000 --> 01:13:46.000
Thank you for being here
01:13:46.000 --> 01:13:47.000
01:13:47.000 --> 01:13:50.000
Thank you with everyone. Thank you. Good night.