International Black Summit Interview Series
The International Black Summit Interview Series is a Podcast that interviews current and past participants and facilitators of the International Black Summit. The Podcast explores their Summit experiences and the ways in which they use the Summit Tools and Distinctions in their lives. The International Black Summit, Inc. is a 501c3, 100% volunteer-led organization. Founded by, attended by, and delivered to people of Black African descent committed to empowering and transforming the lives of people of Black African descent around the world. The purpose of the International Black Summit is to provide an opportunity for participants to bring into being their vision for the Black community and the world.
International Black Summit Interview Series
International Black Summit Interview Podcast: Dr. Mwangaza Michael Bandele
September 11, 2022
Black Summit Interviews
Season 1, Episode #6 - Dr. Mwangaza Michael-Bandele
In this podcast episode, Glenn Greenidge and Grace Lawrence interview DR. MWANGAZA MICHAEL-BANDELE about how she effectively uses the Summit Tools and Distinctions in her career, in her life, and in the Summit.
Dr. Mwangaza Michael-Bandele—veteran educator, facilitator, and higher education administrator—is an executive leader and elite performance strategist who supports individuals and organizations with accomplishing what they envision. While senior director at a national higher education association for 16 years, she honed executive and organizational leadership skills directing multi-million dollar education initiatives. With a terminal degree in history, Dr. Michael-Bandele uses skills of the historian's craft to track and leverage patterns that inform strategic winning.
Dr. Michael-Bandele specializes in leveraging historical knowledge of African American achievement to teach heightened self-regard and self-accountability. She is currently CEO of the Blacknificent Life! Digital Learning Complex where people of African descent learn how great they already are, and how to become even greater.
Dr. Michael-Bandele enjoys nothing more than activating individual and organizational strengths, often undistinguished. As a mother, grandmother, and community resource, she is honored to bring maternal wisdom and community regard to work that celebrates the infinite capacity of every human being.
For more information about the International Black Summit, please go to:
Website – blacksummit.org
Twitter – @blacksummit
Facebook – facebook.com/blacksummit/
IBS News Sign-Up – bit.ly/IBS-signup
IBS Annual Summit Event Registration – blacksummit.org/ase
The views and opinions expressed by the person interviewed are their own and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the International Black Summit.
[This transcript has not been edited nor proofread]
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Welcome to the International Black Summit Interview podcast Series. this is a monthly podcast session where we interview current and past facilitators and participants of the International Black Summit.
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So, for those of you who are not familiar with us the international black Summit's purpose is to provide an opportunity for participants to bring into being their vision for the black community and the world.
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The organization was created in october 1991, and since then we've been engaging in a conversation supporting our individual and community empowerment, so that we can create the visions that we have for ourselves our families our
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communities and the world so welcome We're glad you're with us tonight.
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So. My name is Grace Lawrence, and with me, Glenn Greenwich.
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So tonight this month We're going to be interviewing one Gaza Michael Vandalay.
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One gaza has been a facilitator of the International Black Summit for many years, and i'm just going to read her biography to find a fascinating woman.
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So. So let me just read this I think we're going to have a fantastic conversation tonight.
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Really give an opportunity to get a flavor of the International Black Summit.
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Our conversation, our tools, and our work. So Dr. Moan Gaza, Michael Bond Delay is a veteran educator, facilitator, and higher education.
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Administrator, and is an executive leader and elite performance strategist who supports individuals and organizations with a accomplishing what they envision; while Senior Director at a National Higher Education Association for 16 years She, honed
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executive and organizational leadership skills, directing multi-million, dollar education, initiatives with a terminal degree in history. Dr.
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Michael Bondolay used his skills of the historians craft to track and leverage patterns That inform strategic, winning Dr.
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Michael Bandalay specializes in leveraging historical knowledge of African-american achievement.
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The to teach heightened self regard and self-accountability.
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She is currently CEO of the black, magnificent life, digital learning complex where people of African descent learn how great they already are and how to become even greater. Dr.
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Michael Bondolay enjoys nothing more than activating individual and organizational strengths, often undistinguished as a mother, grandmother, and community resource, she is honored to bring maternal wisdom and community regard to work
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that celebrates the infinite capacity of every human being.
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So thank you. We welcome Michael Vandalay, Dr. Michael Banderley, with us this evening.
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One, Gaza, if you could join us now. so that we have an opportunity to talk with you.
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We really are looking forward to exploring with you your experience with the international black summit, and how you use the tools and distinctions of the summit, in your life and in your career, in your family, in your community, and in all aspects.
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of life. So if you could join us right now. by turning on your there you are, Welcome!
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Welcome. good good. you you know i'll what I love about these is that we always find out something new about you, and I didn't know that you were a grandmother.
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So Congratulations. Okay. I I got a 13 year old 6, 2 £200.
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Oh, wow, yes, who I am. Love it Cool organized. I thought one could love excellent, excellent, excellent good doing, really well.
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Have to check in with people well, Well, we're We go ahead and get started with.
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How did you first get introduced in International Black Summit?
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What was your first experience? No. I was introduced to the international Black summit.
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I was sitting in a landmark up for and just sitting there, having that experience, seeing the value, saying the deep value by Frank, and saying to myself, Damn!
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I gotta put one more thing on my list that I gotta do, cause we gotta bring this kind of transformational conversation to our community to black communities.
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And I met but neither I don't know i've met her there. If I knew her pride, I think I met her there, I can't remember the news last young Benita. I guess that Yes, vita walker she
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was there, and she kept saying to me, You like this? Oh, you know something kind of like this.
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I was like, and she told me the name it's a natural back summit, and I thought she was talking about another organization.
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I said, Yeah, I know about this, and by the time we finished over the course of the several days she made me aware that No, it wasn't the organization that I thought it was, but it was something quite unique to me and I told benita I said
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listen wherever they This is about. This is about 4 weeks before Brazil.
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The Brazil sum. Oh, okay, almost 20 years ago. Yeah. Yeah.
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And so I was like. I remember hurriedly on a break, trying to find out how much.
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How could I make it happen? Could I take off from you know I was trying to?
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And I wasn't able to do it in just 4 weeks before we noticed, and I said, where i'll be at the next one matter of fact, what are what are you all coming together again?
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I said, Well, we don't come together again. until October meeting. I said, October, we don't need that, so we have, she said at last.
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I said, i'll be there and I was just came all up in there uninvited, and to some extent, then it was such a compelling invitation, I mean we understand what occurs in the international Black summit, when you
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when you really understand that this is a a vehicle by which you can garner the
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Where was the whole for developing yourself, or reading yourself, or whatever you want?
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I mean who who cannot be at that location at the appointed time.
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So that that was my first introduction to this national license, you know It's interesting.
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I think you're probably the first person that we've interviewed so far.
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Who's first interaction was not an annual somebody event maybe not.
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I think maybe Adrian could that but certainly you are the first person who's first interaction was the October meeting.
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That's a little you know that's and that you just you know in invited yourself, and came I think that's beautiful because it's such a welcoming space.
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Well, that's what they told me when I arrived they're like who are you?
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I had no dirt to bring my sister right? Yes, I remember that. Yeah, yeah. matter of fact, I I think I greeted you at the door.
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You may have very well, may have I just remember you would take care, everybody, because that that was your space.
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But at that time i'm like they don't know me.
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Today. They don't know me today, because this is this is my this is something that I know is going to be as much mine as it is.
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Those persons will already be. And indeed it was again, when you realize, so you really think about what the International Back Summit offers.
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Who cannot be there. If you're trying to do something more a better big or small, in your life.
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There's no other place that I am away. certainly that I was aware of it that time on the planet that specializes and making sure black folks have a place to pause.
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Collect ourselves, consider our lives and vision a lot like without limit.
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Hold your hand, walk you there. Have a good time in the process.
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Just save it. let's say you don't have to stop, because, you know, coming I actually have a question for you, and that's regarding the declaration had you been introduced to the declaration of the International
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black summit before. Oh, interesting! I had no and when I was again.
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It it's like deep in it deep in my understanding that this was a marriage already done right except I have to tell you this, except for that, the first line in the first line.
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It. says it's nothing to do except me yes
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So here I am, listening newly to the declaration, and those of us who have been around interesting to Summit.
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You know there's a little tweaking of language it's not quite the same translation of English words right in our space when he grows up.
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You talk about ain't nothing to do
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Have happened for ourselves all the upward if that's awaiting our time, our attention.
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Do accept me. And it took me like, Yes, that Yeah, yeah, something to do except B.
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And in my mind the translation is to be fully who you are to be all that you that's already in you to manifest that to to respond to the calling of your heart so really engage your passions that's that's
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what there is to be. So when we be back and we are supported and encouraged to be that through the international black summer, will we be in that way?
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That's exactly right because every time we engage there's more There's the more that we are invited to to summon the conjugate, and to be well you know.
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I think this is a great opportunity for us to actually share the declaration of the International Black Summit right now for anyone who might not be familiar with it.
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And this is something that you can see anytime read any time on our website.
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So i'm just going to share that page from our website right now.
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So for those who are watching on Youtube you'll be able to see this on your screens.
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And for those who are listening through a podcast platform you can go to the website anytime, and there's a page called our Declaration.
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And you'll see this there, and and let me add that the declaration was put together at the first summit.
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Actually from Saturday overnight to Sunday, and was presented Sunday morning to the body.
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And I think there were maybe 2 minor word smithing that took place.
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But this document was actually created by people who came together on on the first summit, and, had an idea of why they were there.
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But really were there inside of the conversation of empowerment.
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And to make this transational technology available. when Gaza Dr.
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Mongaza talked a little bit about the the declaration and the and the summit as a as a space.
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To to participate when so let's go ahead. and i'll read the declaration, so that everybody can get a real sense of what the spirit and and really the what was available.
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So this is the declaration of the International Black Summit.
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We declare ourselves, our community, and all communities, whole and complete.
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And this is the part you was talking about. There is nothing to do except B.
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We assert that we are responsible for generating community as possibility and distinction.
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We listen for, and Grant being to the possibility and creation of unpredictable results.
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Conversation of about and for those of African descent is one of power, self, generation, abundance, responsibility, unity, and integrity.
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With the possibility of being. We stand for the expression of our spirituality, ending the murders of our men, women, and children.
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Building economies, responsible for funding our community, maintaining wellness of being in our bodies, providing human services, establishing nurturing relationships, altering the conversation of who we are in the media empowering our youth.
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we declare that our community manifest itself in the world as a contribution in the transformation of the universe.
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Atlanta Georgia october seventh 1,991. and so we what we normally do is, we'll say, today's date, and then we take a moment of silence to just clear the
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space, because this is what we do to begin and end any of the international black summit events.
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So you got a taste of this declaration, and as as when Gaza pointed to there's there's a there establish a relationship or a resistance, or something that you see, or that you cause to be written in
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that declaration, and the opportunity is really to notice it.
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Be with it, and then transform whatever that is, that resistance to allow you to be present to, because all of the work that we do is about being present.
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Having you be present. so. Thank you, Glenn. Exactly.
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Thank you you know it's it's it's great one gaza for you leading us right into that conversation around the declaration, and when you talked about the point there's nothing to do except be and and how
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many people initially interact with that. notion is what do you mean There's nothing for me to do.
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I've Got to get it I have things to do i've places to be stuff. I can't just lie in my bed all day, you know.
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But what you talked about in terms of being and nothing to do with accept B doesn't mean that there isn't action right?
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But looking at being, and allowing yourself to be your deepest, fullest self, will then promote your actions from the deepest source of yourself.
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So say a little bit more about how that showed up for you.
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Well, I I was just gonna add to what you said it's like it.
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It really does call for you to act on your higher b you know It's not like an external thing like over there.
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What's it but to be the thing so that you can have you can, so that you will do, and have that those things that you choose.
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And so, you know, being able to work that through through your mind, to feel it, talk to other people, and check in, and just have partners in the process of exploring that possibility for yourself newly what it means to be is in and of itself just such
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a just a a grand space to find oneself it's a nurturing space.
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This is what you get when you come to this summer. this is what you get when you're in the facilitated by It's like planting a sea and fertile.
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Soil right? The seed has everything that little little acorn is that oak tree unrealized, and we'll become that old tree when and only when it's placed in the right environment that nurture me loving
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environment, and that that's so you get to hang out in these kinds of conversations.
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Where are you? saying, Hmm
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Like that You're being invited to look at things from different perspectives over and over again, which allows you to discover You're all right.
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You're on perspective, it's like trying on different kinds of clothing.
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And then, when you, when you understand is a perfect fit for me, you get to have it, and where it and let that thing work on you, because here we have that see finding its environment this possibility.
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So So you said that your first exposure to the International Black Summit in person was coming to that first meeting the October meeting the annual I mean, we have meetings throughout the year, but there's a year.
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End meeting that happens in October each year. And so what was your experience?
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That weekend you came like if you were to describe.
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You know how you felt when you left what might have shown up for you during that meeting?
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What was it like for you? Exploration for me I didn't know I I know you all do folks just said
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And actually they think it took some time it'll be hours we're gonna decide what they were gonna do with us.
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It was like, Hmm, I I Are we supposed to you supposed to send a summit before you come?
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So. So there was that conversation and for me it was like Okay, I you know, whatever I need to do, whoever I need to be. whatever questions I need to answer, whatever money I need to pay Just this. is not a problem. let's flow.
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It. No. Now, Now, if I remember correctly you were coming to on that Friday today to be a facilitator for this conversation? you and your sister is, Is Is that correct? Now, this is this is an unseen hadn't
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been to annual event hadn't you know this is a first event, but you and your sister were clear, and were a demand.
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Were the man to be included in this conversation so it wasn't like you know.
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Show up, and oh, we can't do this all right see all later.
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No, no, it was like no, no! Well, we this is. this is what we want to do, and what you need to do to have us be here.
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Let let me, like they say, put it on the shelf so everybody can get this, you know, when you meet that special man or that special woman, and you know what you want.
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You know what you need you know what you're praying for, and everything.
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Everything I saw on the website. every information that I received about the International Black Summit checked off another box. Right?
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Oh, I looked at where you had been you international you've been to Africa. I'm.
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An Africa travel I it was just It was like, oh, my God!
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So I actually had several weeks between the time I learned your name and the time I met you, and in between i'm looking at you know the source of information. I'm talking to Theita by the way, Benita ended up becoming my
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administrative support person. I hired her. Okay? Oh, did you?
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We might move she's just excellent she's a sweetheart that that that higher rate association I She worked there on my team for for quite a number of years.
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But So by the time I got to atlanta I was doing like this.
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So i'm like Oh, it's don't be all right, right, and and it was so there was no hesitation.
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It was just a matter of the more time that I spend the more certain I will be calm and let's get the party started.
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It. It had to do with trusting what I knew about the International Black Summit, but it also had to do with trusting myself.
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I was I knew enough to know that. if if it don't work. You don't work, but but it was so important I mean my God like I said, you understand? I mean, and I would just ask anyone who who might listen to this.
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Interview at whatever point, in time, when you realize there is a place on this planet, may just for you way to hold your heart, pull your hand to hold your head to honor you as a person of African descent who is functioning suddenly so that
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you can rise, will not knock on their boot.
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You crazy for me? you know one of the things that we say is that it will call to you, you know, when you, when you listen to the declaration, or you hear about the summit.
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For those people who are meant to be in that room.
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It will call to you, and and that whole call conversation where we talk about there's nothing to do except be being from that depth of who you are.
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That depth of who you are will direct you to that room if that's where you're meant to be absolutely yeah, .
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Or to this zoom. Okay, We hear a lot today about people.
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Doing the work. Okay, this you know that's a heightened conversation today.
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People all the way all the time talking about, you need to do some work I've done my work, and I often wonder what what what did you actually do like?
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What did you actually do and it's all it's often spoken in a way that suggests that done that been there done that right finished.
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And so i'm so glad to hear that people are acknowledging that there are some experiences one can give oneself to grow, and where you go, and what you get, and how you support it and what you do, with, that is.
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everything is every because someone is is hanging a shingle and calling themselves, you know, counts to a therapist, or whatever does not mean.
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They're fit, and you want to be very careful and very selective with again making sure you trust your life too.
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You trust your development, too, is gonna give you what Actually, Yep.
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Empowers and works for you. And so, being in in the international Black Summit was that?
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And oh, my God, don't let me talk about what I had never!
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Yeah, those 5 Og facilitators at work. I had never even seen that.
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So all Mg: Once I saw the fearless 5 Oh, my God, I've never experienced anything like that before.
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Or after you get that kat and j k and perry and Robin cool, you get him up there at the you can't do nothing.
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But when you bring yourself to that account, say you got 5 experience loving just, you know, listening spirit, we'll we'll We'll ready to jack you up if a Jack is and you know might be helpful to you just just make the black folks wait regularly at
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all. And so that was just. Oh, my God this is again such an opportunity!
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But you don't find every bit you don't find every other day
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You know it's interesting what you what you shared about the the 5 facilitators up at the front of the room at that first annual summit event that you tend to attended because one of the things that I find unique perhaps
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not unique, but certainly distinctive about the International Black Summit is that there will be 3 people, 5 people, 6 people up at the front of the room.
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Facilitating the conversation, you know, up until that point I had attended all kinds of sessions, and you know events and conversations, and some symposia and and there would be often in a session.
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Once. speaker, one leader, once you know what I mean up at the front of the room doing their thing and
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And in this, in this experience, having having multiple people up at the front of the room, the depth of conversation that becomes possible.
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The the multi layered lenses through which I mean to have a conversation seen through that many different perspectives that the same time guiding and facilitating the conversation where the conversation itself wants to go is a powerful powerful experience that
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I haven't really experienced anywhere else that that that group facilitation being facilitated by 5 masterful people up at the front of the room.
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This is the other thing that was such a magnet for me, like, you know.
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Well, my My formal preparation has always been the study of black people.
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African American Studies, African History, African Diaspora in history.
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That's not all that was study that's all about my my and look at ventures that's all they represent.
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Okay, Well, what this has given me is a understanding of my culture.
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Our culture, and I can see it and recognize it even if it's called by some another name. And so when I saw this collective responsibility occur right, I resonated with it so much, because I know that so much of traditional
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African governance, if you will, and social order has to do with bringing the whole together.
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Right. We we we hear about boot right with South Africa, and that the whole reckon silly truth and reconciliation.
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Momentum that was that that began with the with the South Africa.
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Freedom of bye. I am because you are. I am because you are.
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You are because I am this is all this is ancient this is an essential aspect of our lives, and when we get back when we get that we're, we're we're further because we're working together and we do that without regard to what
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I might not get in the process. Understanding this old African business I get whenever I get I get so.
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So I saw, I said, Oh, my God, the people that have to convey before any real major decisions are made in traditional African societies right?
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And it's the same thing with that distinction alignment
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Alignment. This is a way in which this is a distinction that we use in international like Summit.
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When we come to recognize how we are already aligned, how we are already on the same page and on the path up to the same outcome. right?
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And so it calls persons who are participating in the process, so not to not like, simply agree, but to look and see.
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And receive the possibility that what is good for one is good for all, and to look for so fine it is always there.
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But can you find it? And so, when I participated in the house.
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This is our culture manifesting itself, and we don't. really I don't know that we know that because so often we're not as familiar with with these traditional African ways of being.
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But they are rich, they are life giving they're abundant in what they give back to us.
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And so that was the other part of what draw drew me further and further into the summit.
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I knew I was home. we could talk about some other aspects.
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We listen to the spirit. Not right sometime, maybe, on Tuesday, Thursdays, and Saturdays right.
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It's not like something that you do sometime it is a principle.
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When we train facilitators. It is a way. Oh, facilitate. That is essential to sit pause and listen beyond your own ears, because we African people know that's what we do that's What we do I can't
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talk about anybody else, so we do and I know we do it very well, right.
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There's a reading people in the middle of reading people there's a listening.
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And then there's a listening beyond and so we call for all of ourselves, not just our minds, but our hearts and our spirit.
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It's a manifest what it is that this person is calling for, or what we are called before.
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You can know what your situation is. So you know all of that wonderful deliciousness that is African culture.
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You find in the space of the summer. Yes, I think that's so true and like you said some not always distinguished as such.
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You know. but I will say when you when you talked about the experience of home feeling that that feeling of home I think that that's a common experience for facilitators and participants, and i'll say for me the summit
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has been my spirit of Wakanda. You know it is the spirit, you know, watching the Black Panther movie.
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And when I watch the new one that's coming up you know and you see the Council and the engagement, i'm like I have had that I have experienced that space it's not it doesn't look the same but I've
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experienced that energy i've experienced that collective conversation.
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So and and and how we engage in the you know the whole notion of talking stick, and not interrupting and allowing people to control all of that kind of important communication in terms of supporting the relationship.
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And the spirit of the community first and foremost.
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So if you didn't get it the facilitators aren't reading from a book there's there's no manual.
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They're listening to space. Listen to space for each other and and and deal with what's in the room.
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So we come together and there's something that comes up that's a collective, and so inside of that conversation the the the these keenly listing facilitators and we've got facilitators at the front of
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the room. we've got facilitators at the back of the room, also listening.
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So we've so not only are the people do you see the people in the front of room.
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But you've got other people that are working and listening the conversation, and if they hear something they'll notify, send up a note, or or send up a text to the people in front of room, hey?
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By the way, here's what I heard are you hearing it as well, because it it then begins to shape where the conversation is going, listening to conversation, listening.
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The things. The other thing that, among Gaza pointed to was distinctions.
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So we have the declaration which is kind, of our mantra kind of our mandate that that's kind of what we're standing for, having happened out in the world, and then we have these distinctions
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alignment was the 1 one of the ones that that she she brought up.
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Clearing is another one that comes into space. very frequently, because we want to.
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We have that those conversations in our head, and sometimes we need to clear them out.
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So we can actually hear what spirit is providing for us.
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And so between these distinctions and listening we begin to get ourselves and we listen for ourselves, and we hear things that we hadn't heard before, because we've got a new access point or a new frame of reference for that thing that
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we've been doing for 2030 years. and we hear it differently where it's like.
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Wait a minute I Don't have to do it that way here's. I've discovered another possibility another way of being for myself.
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That may be more effective that may cause a breakthrough in my ability to get things done.
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So those are the kinds of things that that get brought up inside of the space inside of these African people.
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Having these conversations, and connecting spiritually, mentally and physically, inside of the space Back to you, Jackie Grace.
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Well, I just wanted to pick up on the distinction alignment, you know.
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You mentioned the distinction. one gaza and I'm.
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Curious, would you say that's your favorite distinction you know If so, why, if not, which distinction is your favorite?
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I pondered that question that's how I receive the written possibilities and questions.
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You know and that's like for me it's like asked my grandmother.
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Choose my favorite answer for me. it's like this it's like it's like a a contractor was building a house.
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You have a set of tools, alright distinctions. Okay, for my life.
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What I like right to move you through life, and whatever life will bring to you in a manner that you want, and envision for yourself. right.
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And so good news is that we have such an array of distinctions that I get to choose which distinction best fits.
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What circumstance and life that i'm working for alright so it because my favorite in the moment right it may be that.
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And then the other thing it does is you understand that you have many different tools.
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So you don't have to struggle trying to try to use the the the back of the clients to drive a nail.
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You don't, have to do, that there's a better tool for instance, if you let's say you find yourself pissed off because of whatever whatever would it? Okay, and your immediate reaction is anger or whatever right, whatever emotion pops up for you
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right with the distinctions as tools, Handy ready to be used at any time to stop notice.
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Alright that's a distinction noticing I get to really determine which tool is best fit for this particular circumstance.
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Right. am I? trigger? Does that mean I got some stuff? I need to look at me about it?
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Ain't even about that person, because I really ran that yellow almost red light.
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I I did that I did that right. but th these tools help to guide you, guide me.
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So really looking at what is in front of me, presenting as a challenge.
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And what are my options cause? I have options. I have options.
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One of the things that I found among many many folks is that when something occurs we don't think we have but one option.
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Oh, 2 option. you have me options for how you're going to engage that thing so the distinction don't like that for me.
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I will tell you this, though. grace there there's this there was some that against that that I was like, Oh, that ain't going a lot, too.
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But right they don't make no dog on sense the distinction no right way to be hmm Listen.
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When I came into the summit of a family, the Summit Space people from my no right way to be.
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And all my life my dad Araba. Okay, the my Sister's my oldest sisters get it right?
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Right represents family right? you know there's certain things that the right grades to get is the right way to look.
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Is it right school to go to Then the right way to carry yourself?
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Talk about no right way to be that's all so I was in that space.
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And then I can't even remember I know it's a training weekend, where I tried all I can't remember the the scenario, but I try it on this notion of no right way to be and what it gave
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me was just a wider view of possibility is is like It didn't It didn't mean that it was wrong.
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That notion was wrong It is a it's an expansion link like no right way to be what if I ain't gonna be right.
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What i'm feeling right and is there? something between right and wrong and and what what is that like?
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What does that smell like feel like? Is that a place to play?
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Can you call cultivate something in that space? So that was one distinction.
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I I was like, I know it and lost it now i'm not in 9.9% in.
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But you know this this 1% right here. it is a right way to be, and quite frankly, I still hold it.
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There's the right way to be it helps me to understand it's not either.
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All there's a right way to be and I am open to other possibilities that you might see no introduce like that.
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It's not like no way period in the conversation into consideration. such a mind opening kind of engagement that distinction gave me, and can give so many others.
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So let me ask you, are there while we're still talking about distinctions and using the distinctions as tools?
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Are there any examples from your life or from your work that you can think of?
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Where using the distinctions made a different in a specific circumstance?
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And if so, what was the circumstance? and how did the how did the tool make the difference make a difference in my life?
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Every single day literally like literally, because cause the the the distinction. Have you first of all to notice that I can't emphasize that that might sound like a small thing like this.
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Even like my goodness, so so give us one from yesterday or today, that actual circumstance
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I Wanna give you something deep and profile. Hold on, Okay.
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Recently, or even historically. while you're doing that Okay, good while you're doing that, i'll say that the no right way to be
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I'm looking to see see if there's a specific circumstance.
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I will say I have used no right way to be in with in my work with the summit, right in terms of working with people, and outside of the summit, working with teams working with other people with my siblings where
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somebody reacts in a way that's not how I would react someone sees a direction that's not the direction that I would go in and and and recently actually working with contractors on on a rental house that my
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parents own with my siblings and and the contractors having a different view of everything than I would have had.
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And and giving space like no right way to be is like, okay.
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Their their way of being is different. it's not wrong it's just different.
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And and so not coming from wrong, not coming from morality, not coming from but looking at whether or not their way of being is is different.
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And can we can we find a way that works through through both sets of lenses?
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So it made me more open to engaging with people who were interacting with life from a completely different different way.
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And so actually actually making that divide crossable absolutely. you reminded me of of so like i'm the CEO of like Nixon life, did you learn to set up right?
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And so every day i'm engaging some aspect of building that learning center, and what you just said in terms of dealing with, you know, vendors consultants, what have you that happens all the time?
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But actually establishing the complex, the decision to establish the complex.
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Had everything to do with the fact that I had these tools it's almost like So this is a business.
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It's a full profit business not nonprofit we gonna make some money.
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We make it a little bit, but we gonna make some money I think that's a black box one that would do.
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That's another conversation, and so the the distinctions and the tools are for me.
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The stepping stones for the business building, because it requires me to be a particular to bring myself in a particular way every day, right.
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And so I have, for instance, I I i'm bringing on 2 people right, and the process of looking for a person who is going to be writing copy, and some other things for me required me to you know put the word out engage a lot
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of different people get a lot of notes. Get a lot of you know people who who did not respond.
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Get a lot of people, for instance, who was who were like how much you paying?
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I'm like, are you interested cause if you're not interested. I I don't know that we don't have that conversation, you know. and so it.
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It was, and that was pushed back. And so this is like all the time.
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All the time I learned through the summit that every no every push back is a step towards your goal, as a step to realize in your vision.
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And so if I had to say in one space and examples that I can give you it's from really building my business.
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It's from really building my business thank you thank you so I think I think i'd like to for us to to move into your experience as a facilitator specifically you know we've talked about your introduction to
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the summit your first meeting, your first annual summit event.
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Did you? You came to that first meeting already deciding that you were going to become a facilitator?
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Yes, may I for the annual 7 event and so what has your?
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Because I know that you've been pivotal as a facilitator, and as the team leader for the creation of the structured facilitator training process, so what has your experience as a facilitator being like
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what end? and and what has been underlying that ongoing commitment.
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You know, when I came into this space like I said I had not seen the 5 principal facilitators actually conduct lead an annual somebody that I was so just on understanding that there were some skills interactions that we're gonna
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up this black folks count me in. Once I saw that level of skill, the level of knowledge, the level of skill that was brought forth in those facilitators.
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It then became for me a very personal self-development quest.
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So like I got to have some of that. I got that, whatever that is, whatever I gotta read without the seminars.
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Whatever training, whatever lectures, whatever practice comes i'm gonna learn this.
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Okay, because this is for me and my people and so that's what it became for me a matter of of becoming a facilitator, so that I could exact the kind of outcomes that I saw others exacting from from engage
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participation and what it. It was a very natural kind of of evolution.
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If you will for me to ultimately lead the development of the structure.
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Facilitated training process because i'm trying as an educator right like like for me trainers educator.
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So i'm watching this all along for my first engagement i'm watching as an educator I am I am trained.
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I don't know if they still train folks like that now but i'm trained to wait for the how can I get in with this job?
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Because it's my responsibility to get it in it's not there.
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The child's responsibility to learn as responsible you can get it from me.
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I got to get it in i'm looking i'm listening.
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Right and So when i'm in this space i'm looking and I'm listening.
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But how these people doing this stuff right It and and the other thing that do me is like every facilitator has a different way of doing so.
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It's not like a strict rest recipe you can follow right?
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Cause. I tell you that that Anthony. Oh, he very different from Perry.
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Okay, alright, and so i'm watching and i'm watching and i'm like more, and more the more frequently I came the longer I was able to observe the more I could see.
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Oh, there's some patterns here, there are some patterns that are replicable.
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We can. we can. We can garner Bill. we can codify them, and we can teach others in a structured way.
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Right, because there is much to be gained from structure. There's much to be gained from nonlinear right some things you don't want structure, some things you do when you have them both.
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You got the best of both worlds. And so I began, you know, wanting to capture this because this is gold was then it still is.
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This is on a knowledge base that transforms anybody that is particularly suited for black folks with anybody, though. right? Well, we're I would go to the weekend training, and i'm like okay Well, what are we doing and I would get sometimes
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I would get. did you? Did you get it? Oh, well, you gotta try harder.
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You gotta do it definitely. What was the getting right? And I?
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So I wanted to be in such a way that we could.
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Those who wanted it, it could be captured with some level of regularity.
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And that those who are giving it can readily see the gyms that are being dispensed.
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Through their their facilitation, so as a facilitator Wow!
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First of all, give me all, making me confess all my
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Unspoken, you know, when I can to the body. there were levels.
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It was train me. there was just, there was training, and then there was Senior Facilitator.
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Well, you know the way I roll trying neat
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When you first joined as a trainee and so I would always declare myself as a senior facilitator of my life, right of my life, and I held it that way.
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I held it like that, which meant I put the responsibility for for acquiring this skill on me.
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It wasn't anybody else's responsibility and the way I wanted it to manifest was in my life right.
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I wouldn't showcase for anybody else, and I say that you know I don't tell all you still, and so I've held it like that I've held it like that.
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And so when i'm in the facilitator body that is well, first of all, it's a responsible that I have.
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I can't facilitate others before I facilitate myself right right, I can't suggest that you take a particular pathway.
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If I haven't actually done similarly same or similarly and so as a facilitator first of all I think it is, it's a very high honor.
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It is one that is life giving and life saving. and I quite frankly would love to see more people join the facilitate the body with the express responsibility and accountability. so to to learn and to actually become very skilled in
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back, and so that enlivens me, because it occurs to me, like, you know, like the declaration says, like like our just like the facilitators commitment, says we take the conversation outward, and so how we take it
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out, determine exactly how it's reflected in the world and how many others will be actually engaged in transforming the universe.
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So someone Gaza. you know one of the things that comes to mind is
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What would you say is one of your maybe most memorable facilitating experiences where I so let's say the old, when someone else, when you facilitated what was what was your experience, or or maybe you receive something from
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facilitation that's that's a possible but I want to start with with you as a facilitator.
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What was your you know what what would you what would you say is one of your moments that that you connected with the with the the opportunity and possibility that facilitating for the international black summer is and was embalise okay? i'll always remember this I can't remember the
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details. I believe it was a woman. And there was a conversation about what what was needed, right, and why this conversation they come forward.
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It has something to do with our history, and It was something very much related to a particular historical deity.
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That I love right, and for me it occurred like a god moment like because I was able to provide this information.
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It was about a billionaires, she's a deity a national dialect, and so of of in Zimbabwe, and I was able to literally put pieces together in that conversation that made whatever it was makes sense for this
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person. So that was one that the that that I will always remember, because I sat there with my mouth open for about 2 min before I even jumped in and said anything, because I was so stunned.
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But again listening spirit i'm like oh, this this is this is about a millionaire.
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I can't remember the details, and I you know apologize with it.
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Well bring it. And, boy, you know Honda, and telling the history.
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Oh, boy, you know how she had facilitated the first chimer ring of the first war and the second timeranga, the war when when,
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Zimbabwe received his independence. It was, it occurred to me that it was received as pivotal to this person.
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In that conversation, and and then and then flip it. What what would you say?
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Was one of those moments when you receive facilitation and and and we're opened up immensely by it.
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I I have to tell, you it it wasn't me directly. but because, as you know, people come to the mic and through other people's lives, you get your life, and so it was through other people's. lives I remember, one time.
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There was a gentleman who anthony was working with, and he, the gentleman, was talking about what you wanted for himself, and because, I didn't know this at the time.
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But facilitators had had history. They knew that some of what was being said was not the full story, and the way that they just carefully track for him.
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His history I don't know if he remembered or not but they were causing Member the tracking and being trained as a historian.
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I'm like that's when I was like Oh, my God because you know, history brings you to to your present.
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Nothing just happened. when you can track that pass, link the the the common thread.
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You got remedy, and so it was like for me.
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It was like. This is the same thing we do with history.
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You can you can. You can talk about right about interpret any historical event as you like, as long as you have the evidence.
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What happens, don't say it right can't say it not credible, and the facility was doing exactly the same thing.
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They were like. Why, you say that we're looking for the evidence and I heard it in that way that was like she's so recent.
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Oh, my God, these folks are tracking and packet and making some things happen up in here, cause you're train to track right.
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Put it together to make it make sense to to to hear what the person is saying here within that thing right that's like if i'm in the archives i'm trying to track up installed or whatever i'm in
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the archive I see what's written but I don't I I have to also leave room for what's not in the archive right?
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And look for. and it was the same kind of process it's golden, and it makes the outcome so credible because it's not like you making up stuff along the way it's based on actual occurrences people get you know it's like you
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have a aerial view, and you get to show them you on the ground.
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You don't see all that I see come up here with me let's take an area of you.
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Not? Can you see why you got this outcome? alright?
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And can you also see where you can take a different action in the future to get a different outcome?
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And it becomes clear just clear this day like match, so like that.
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Well, folks I want you I hope you're listening because that was an example of our distinction tracking.
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So that's one of the things that We use as part of the tools to have myself or someone else be present be right there in the conversation, so that they can listen for the opportunity and possibility that they may have overlooked in their
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life that now is showing up inside of the work that we do inside the international black summit, through the facilitation and listening to space.
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Excellent, excellent Thank you. absolutely. Separation to say this: Yeah.
01:00:06.000 --> 01:00:14.000
The tools international black so it's not like then it's like when you get this, it's like it's.
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It's like sing in advance just like they're related.
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Yeah, you know. And so the wonderful thing about being a facilitator.
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Oh, the International Black Summit is that you get to use all of it behalf of your uplift on behalf of apps. And it makes you want to strict, because for what other reason might you be in inspired.
01:00:50.000 --> 01:00:58.000
01:00:58.000 --> 01:01:03.000
How do I get the summit? We sure do. And we did.
01:01:03.000 --> 01:01:08.000
What and the mute is facilitated is we don't just play random songs.
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We have the facilitator facilitating the music.
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That's right. I want to thank you for letting me be myself.
01:01:18.000 --> 01:01:25.000
Hey? i'm on slide Oh, made me strike a tune up in here because that's who we are.
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That's what we bring and it's so valuable It's not just like you know, hanging out and doing nothing.
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This is a valley, I mean, we know how many lives are saved through song into music, And we we invite that.
01:01:42.000 --> 01:01:54.000
Yeah, we invite that right. We know how much is safe When you remember what your grandmother did that ancestral revenue when they did they go?
01:01:54.000 --> 01:01:59.000
Maybe some people off. Maybe some people are not okay.
01:01:59.000 --> 01:02:15.000
But if you understand who you are and if you're celebrating who you are, you say the reason I say that there's an international black summit, and why people are attracted is because we often hear conversations about what we are not and
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how we are not enough, I mean, if you live in this world you go here if you're black right at some point on the other.
01:02:23.000 --> 01:02:40.000
And so that kind of toxic orientation must it must be addressed? Because you don't want to walk around with 1 one on top behind your back, and you're trying to figure out why you can't get it right and
01:02:40.000 --> 01:02:46.000
it's something you know that's been dwelling That's been given to you over, and over so many different ways.
01:02:46.000 --> 01:02:58.000
We not even talk about that. But it's right and so when we will be seeing, and when we dance, and when we I will be cool.
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Oh, for spirit consciously not like as a we will accommodate.
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But no, no, no! it is essential ring. Full well we can bring all of ourselves into the facilitation process that is in and of itself is a way in which we acknowledge.
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And so celebrate who we are as we are like nothing's better than that.
01:03:21.000 --> 01:03:41.000
And I do mean nothing. Come on, make it joel you know as as you're speaking, the the the music the dance, the joy, the expression, you know the international black summit for me has been one of the first spaces perhaps the only spaces, so
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far, but certainly first spaces where I experienced joyous productivity.
01:03:48.000 --> 01:03:55.000
There you go from there, where you know. My background was that you went to work, and it was serious.
01:03:55.000 --> 01:04:02.000
And a corporate background. Right? So you go to the corporate office and you have your office, and you speak to your secretary.
01:04:02.000 --> 01:04:05.000
You get things done, and deadlines and all that kind of stuff.
01:04:05.000 --> 01:04:14.000
And then the firm would have a cocktail power and you were supposed to be at the cocktail hour, and now have fun cause you're at the cocktail hour, as opposed to our spaces where
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we're the meetings are can be joyous we can be having fun and getting stuff done absolutely.
01:04:24.000 --> 01:04:31.000
And and I think that That's also for me I say that that's part of African expression.
01:04:31.000 --> 01:04:39.000
You know that that we we dance and we sing and we get stuff done, and we don't have to step those things out.
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You know it's not like work, has to be dry and and no phone cause when you think about it is greater to celebrate, then you exerting effort to help yourself or somebody in your community that right?
01:04:58.000 --> 01:05:11.000
There, and that's where it's like we have been oriented in particular ways to a different cultural wind, that is all.
01:05:11.000 --> 01:05:29.000
And so when we find ourselves looking at that which there's nothing to do but celebrate and run into and embrace pulled your arms open, for we we are taught to run away from, and what you just spoke to was like by yourself what do for
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self party right that's a t-shirt but that's a movement.
01:05:36.000 --> 01:05:46.000
What happened if we ran to each other and work for ourselves I better stop making sure it's come up in here on a Sunday night.
01:05:46.000 --> 01:05:51.000
It's the same as all we have an honest conversation about this this.
01:05:51.000 --> 01:06:00.000
Upcoming election. Just imagine this is the way I look at this.
01:06:00.000 --> 01:06:04.000
This is an example of using the the tools of International Black Summit.
01:06:04.000 --> 01:06:10.000
Are you trying to suppress and make it difficult for me and mine to vote.
01:06:10.000 --> 01:06:19.000
Oh, that's so wonderful! it's almost like saying, Oh, you gonna make us have to run 10 miles instead of 5 to get across the web.
01:06:19.000 --> 01:06:25.000
Well guess who, working out every morning yes, who guess who I'm stretching Oh, my!
01:06:25.000 --> 01:06:35.000
I. Yes, we buy a new shoot. Okay, yes. we go form a track team
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I have never hurtled in my life i'm gonna do some hurt, cause guess what if you say 10 i'm gonna be prepared to do 20?
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There's someone built and the the we've had to do that, anyway. Folks running 1010, you know 5 or 10, or whatever you running on flat land can't do nothing with folks who running on a on a incline and we are born on
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the incline. So we got in us already we've demonstrated in so many ways.
01:07:10.000 --> 01:07:26.000
So let us change this whole building conversation around other people don't do. The only thing that matters is what I do because we don't.
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It. we've done the and consistently cause over and over again? We persevere.
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How how you want you won't raise that gate hat have you ever seen us client palm trees because we can get up that thing.
01:07:43.000 --> 01:07:54.000
Okay, pound trees, coconut tree whatever right so we just need to have some call tree clam and training going on.
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That's all we just need to have them on tas making that macaroni and cheese and frying that fish and sand.
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Baby, I know nephews you ain't you ain't never voted before, and and you got reason you got reasons that may be cool, but this time I meet all till you all go down there.
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I need you to be there when the place before the place open, just like you at the Apple Store.
01:08:21.000 --> 01:08:24.000
When that new product come up, and I need you to sit on that on that ground.
01:08:24.000 --> 01:08:32.000
At 4 0 A. M. 2. Whatever you got to do Okay, bring your phone in shit, because we don't get this done.
01:08:32.000 --> 01:08:36.000
Conversations we need to be having, and with the of the International Black Summit.
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Those are the conversations and the abilities that you give yourself.
01:08:42.000 --> 01:08:50.000
Let me just like, Okay, yeah, that's all I got 3 months?
01:08:50.000 --> 01:09:00.000
How is the rat it's perfect that you're talking about doing the work cause one of the things?
01:09:00.000 --> 01:09:04.000
That has this go from one annual meeting to the next.
01:09:04.000 --> 01:09:09.000
Is that actually are the question or inquiry that we engage in.
01:09:09.000 --> 01:09:14.000
And so we. So we have these tools. We have the declaration by.
01:09:14.000 --> 01:09:36.000
We also have this engagement that we engage for that year to inquire into to a self reflective ourselves inside of that, the context of that question, or inquiries that that we have for that particular year are there any ones
01:09:36.000 --> 01:09:49.000
that jump out at you that that were like, Oh, my goodness, this one was one of the ones that just, you know, took me out out into orbit.
01:09:49.000 --> 01:09:53.000
Do you have any of those? The first one is, I am enough.
01:09:53.000 --> 01:10:18.000
Okay, Okay, I am enough. Yes, I remember. Yes, Okay, because as A as an educator facilitator. I have often discovered that in the background undistinguished when working with that was big Now, it's Funny you ask about
01:10:18.000 --> 01:10:24.000
what's jumped out. for me because can I tell you i'm, just jumping up and down for the 2022, 23.
01:10:24.000 --> 01:10:33.000
Oh, this is one of the most powerful ones that Oh, that I've seen, and that has resonated like this with me in in quite a while.
01:10:33.000 --> 01:10:41.000
I, as I become present to I am I am.
01:10:41.000 --> 01:10:44.000
I just described black people I am, when I become present to that.
01:10:44.000 --> 01:10:52.000
What is it to rest? And the I am this gamble?
01:10:52.000 --> 01:11:00.000
Yeah, I better dropped in balloons and popped up when I become present to who I am.
01:11:00.000 --> 01:11:08.000
So that's been my life through our history we don't know don't know how great we are.
01:11:08.000 --> 01:11:15.000
Oh, yeah, Michael, a nice song or declaration i'm saying that track.
01:11:15.000 --> 01:11:20.000
And we just talk about where to track our collective diets.
01:11:20.000 --> 01:11:35.000
Foreign history. our history on the Continent, would be popping your call of 24, 7, 3, 6, No not body could tell you what you ain't, because you'll be looking at them like you know with pity.
01:11:35.000 --> 01:11:41.000
We have achieved what we have done, what we have created, who we have been, what we have withstood.
01:11:41.000 --> 01:11:46.000
Well, we have calls in the world you want to marry.
01:11:46.000 --> 01:11:55.000
Oh, parallel. Okay, so that's Why, that's the first part of this year's inquiry as I become present to who I am.
01:11:55.000 --> 01:12:03.000
What is it to rest in the I am this not have mercy that's putting that black seed in that black dirt?
01:12:03.000 --> 01:12:11.000
Okay, and water in it
01:12:11.000 --> 01:12:17.000
You understand all that we are, and you put it into into into that water.
01:12:17.000 --> 01:12:26.000
Oh, my God, talk about unpredictable results so That's how I hope, and everybody we'll hear it differently. Right?
01:12:26.000 --> 01:12:36.000
That's how I happen to hear because I am very grounded in our historical memory and our historical identity.
01:12:36.000 --> 01:12:47.000
People tell you. don't forget that. it's in the past some last from that, let me tell you also got to be very careful with some of this by modern day talk.
01:12:47.000 --> 01:12:56.000
Okay, when people say, don't look back don't look wherever you get your power.
01:12:56.000 --> 01:13:10.000
Okay, down right, left, East West and there's much power that has actually Ben did not intentionally like like hide that thing around the rock.
01:13:10.000 --> 01:13:21.000
So you won't look back and see it and i'm here to tell you, because i'm rooted in that historical memory like, like, let's let's remember let's put all of our sales back together and see ourselves
01:13:21.000 --> 01:13:27.000
fully up for who we are when you get present to that game over.
01:13:27.000 --> 01:13:36.000
So yeah, I could. I could go on and off. But I actually have an interesting question for you just inside of your conversation as a historian.
01:13:36.000 --> 01:13:51.000
You know, when I look back for myself as a member of the African diaspora, and a descendant of enslaved Africans, and I look at that history and for me I look at my family history.
01:13:51.000 --> 01:14:06.000
In particular, and for me I look at the generations that have gone before. My sister's done the family tree, and and it I I I see, a relay race like I see a relay race generation passing the baton to
01:14:06.000 --> 01:14:17.000
the next generation, each generation having their purpose, the thing that they had to carry for that generation, passing it on to the next generation.
01:14:17.000 --> 01:14:29.000
The next generation moving forward. and I look at that past, and I see how each generation has built on the generation that came before, and is built on the generation that came before.
01:14:29.000 --> 01:14:35.000
And I see where we're where our family line is now as we go to the next generation.
01:14:35.000 --> 01:14:41.000
I saw attended a baby shower today you know as we as we as we move to the next generation.
01:14:41.000 --> 01:14:56.000
I'm like this next generation, and this next generation and their kids, as far as I'm concerned, we are laying the foundation for them to fly like previous generations in my in my history.
01:14:56.000 --> 01:15:07.000
They did some hard work. they they, they they did, and they did hard work in love for their future generations.
01:15:07.000 --> 01:15:15.000
They withstood all kinds of fans in love out of love for the future generations that they were standing for last week.
01:15:15.000 --> 01:15:28.000
I'll say this briefly last week we did a session on work, and I left that session last week with a new definition of love for myself, of work for myself, and my new definition of work is work is love in
01:15:28.000 --> 01:15:42.000
action And so each of these generations did what they needed to do and have passed the baton, and as far as i'm concerned, this generation is building, so that these next and I don't mean far in the future I mean
01:15:42.000 --> 01:15:47.000
these next generations that are coming now building a foundation for them to fly.
01:15:47.000 --> 01:15:52.000
So my question for you is a historian is what what you look at.
01:15:52.000 --> 01:15:57.000
The history. What do you see what's the future use this history creating?
01:15:57.000 --> 01:16:12.000
Oh, for me, that is a question that that's like when you look at a bank account, and you have a a a more money than you can count billions of trillion.
01:16:12.000 --> 01:16:25.000
What will you do with it? Right So the first and most important consideration is for us to know that we already have it.
01:16:25.000 --> 01:16:31.000
We have. we have what is needed, right? We have the lessons from our history.
01:16:31.000 --> 01:16:44.000
We have the the the examples, the demonstrations, we know that we really are manifestations of of dreams and prayers and love of people who never have never seen us.
01:16:44.000 --> 01:16:54.000
And so what there is to do, Jackie, is to unlock that treasure troll because it will do its own work on to us.
01:16:54.000 --> 01:16:59.000
It will, it will transform what we see when we look in the mirror.
01:16:59.000 --> 01:17:06.000
It will allow us to know who we are beyond the word
01:17:06.000 --> 01:17:17.000
In addition to the concrete kinds of of of lessons that it that it will teach us, and so well our children coming forward.
01:17:17.000 --> 01:17:22.000
The key thing is, they must know it. they must be immersed in it.
01:17:22.000 --> 01:17:39.000
They must become intimately familiar with the people and the processes that cause them to be, and then they can better connect with that thing as opposed to it, being something, you know, a loop of the theoretical idea what have you But make it really
01:17:39.000 --> 01:17:50.000
really plain in in that kind of way. I like to have young people I like like, look through a Pantheon of ancestors.
01:17:50.000 --> 01:18:03.000
Learn about them, and then choose your partner you know those kinds of exercises, because, you know, depending on what a child's a young person, a old person's passion is, or inclination.
01:18:03.000 --> 01:18:09.000
There are so many great people that if we put them in front of people they don't choose.
01:18:09.000 --> 01:18:16.000
Oh, that's that's my do right there that that was what he did what she did.
01:18:16.000 --> 01:18:25.000
You know Fanny Lou Ham. Oh, my God, you know Kwan, Mayor Ray, or Sergey for comic and cool, you know, like you know, many of the Maroons.
01:18:25.000 --> 01:18:37.000
Take your P. right cause cause there's all kinds of ways in which we built, no matter what, and and so becoming intimately familiar.
01:18:37.000 --> 01:18:43.000
It is. What I would say is is key to having our young people forge.
01:18:43.000 --> 01:18:51.000
The kind of future. Oh, that's consistent and elevates moves forward.
01:18:51.000 --> 01:18:58.000
Our historical, continual like that, and I have to tell you said something very important.
01:18:58.000 --> 01:19:04.000
I just want to touch on You said your definition for work was love and action.
01:19:04.000 --> 01:19:22.000
I have to tell you guys december first I'm, i'm dropping a digital course called more black self love pivots on exactly what you're pointing to Jackie on how when you love yourself like really cause you
01:19:22.000 --> 01:19:30.000
know. let's say we walking down the street we just don't have i'll say of course not but yet, you know.
01:19:30.000 --> 01:19:34.000
But then, when you say, well, how are you treating? no black? What she doing today?
01:19:34.000 --> 01:19:44.000
What, what she, what did you do? So So the course will allow participants to actually attach self love.
01:19:44.000 --> 01:19:55.000
2 an action like that and you know there's more I could say I won't talk so much about it now, but I invite our listeners if you're listening.
01:19:55.000 --> 01:19:59.000
If that sounds like something of interest like you want to court.
01:19:59.000 --> 01:20:03.000
You want to cultivate more black self love for yourself for the people that you love.
01:20:03.000 --> 01:20:14.000
There's a process that is being completed Now a learning process that we're configuring now that will launch December one, and I invite you to go to black magnificent life.
01:20:14.000 --> 01:20:20.000
That calm, and sign up you'll automatically get the newsletter. That's another thing that you you gotta want.
01:20:20.000 --> 01:20:26.000
That's one of those streams of of black deliciousness that you want in your life.
01:20:26.000 --> 01:20:33.000
So why don't you spell that out spell out that website black voa C.
01:20:33.000 --> 01:20:37.000
K. as a capital B, by the way, Nificent and I F.
01:20:37.000 --> 01:20:47.000
I C. e n t like magnificent but it's black and I f I c n T.
01:20:47.000 --> 01:20:58.000
And then life like black n percent life. dot com thank you the little black medicine right?
01:20:58.000 --> 01:21:04.000
I'm just saying we we help you Get there. Oh, yeah sign on up going over there.
01:21:04.000 --> 01:21:13.000
Sign a map, I do, where we are so you don't forget
01:21:13.000 --> 01:21:21.000
Well, we're we're we're coming to the end and we've had some very serious conversations.
01:21:21.000 --> 01:21:29.000
I wanted to find out if you have any funny stories to share about the International Black Summit.
01:21:29.000 --> 01:21:47.000
Funny stories see? I gotta get. I got a clearance
01:21:47.000 --> 01:21:56.000
About it. Oh, look, get Susan
01:21:56.000 --> 01:22:12.000
How are you? Oh, my God, morning I guess I don't know that this is funny!
01:22:12.000 --> 01:22:21.000
I I really can. I give you a heartwarming story.
01:22:21.000 --> 01:22:31.000
So I took my 16 year old nephew to Donna and
01:22:31.000 --> 01:22:45.000
Well, the summit 2,004 yes, and long story short, he had a a a backpack full of cities.
01:22:45.000 --> 01:22:58.000
Okay, and he let some of the other young people know. Okay, 2 or 3 days in they stole this CD: cause I mean this this is fresh stuff from the us, right? right?
01:22:58.000 --> 01:23:05.000
Right, So out of his back, Okay. Left the back took Cds.
01:23:05.000 --> 01:23:15.000
So because we have relationships, and because doing gamma inside a culture where it's the same America things are done different.
01:23:15.000 --> 01:23:20.000
It was made. No, if somebody took it was about 12 or 13 Cds.
01:23:20.000 --> 01:23:28.000
And what happened They got them cds back invoice found whoever whatever we didn't get privy to all of it.
01:23:28.000 --> 01:23:37.000
But they were like Oh, no, we cannot let this happen and he got every one of them Cds that So that that's a heartwarming story.
01:23:37.000 --> 01:23:53.000
I can say about what happens in inside of a cultural context where we we obey the laws of the culture which is like back to I am.
01:23:53.000 --> 01:23:58.000
We are, Ujama, you know the listen. I am because why we took that from her.
01:23:58.000 --> 01:24:04.000
You took it from me. Give it up yeah like that other than funny.
01:24:04.000 --> 01:24:07.000
You don't have to get get kat and susan and on them up.
01:24:07.000 --> 01:24:13.000
And here I I can't yeah you gotta you gotta keep that under the lit.
01:24:13.000 --> 01:24:28.000
I I but I do want to underline that We have a youth summit which operates from from 7 or 8 to 7 to 17.
01:24:28.000 --> 01:24:35.000
So that's a use summit age group and then we have the young adult space, which is from 18 to 35.
01:24:35.000 --> 01:24:44.000
And then we have the adult space. And so when we have, when we talk about this annual summit event
01:24:44.000 --> 01:25:04.000
All 3 are taking place simultaneously, so one of the one of the beauties of this conversation is that even though we've got 3 separate groups, the same conversations evolve and at the end of the third day on that Sunday.
01:25:04.000 --> 01:25:12.000
when it's closing time We've had the exact same conversations in all 3 spaces.
01:25:12.000 --> 01:25:22.000
The other thing, I wanna say, is that these spaces are sacred that you they're confidential, so things that are said in the space.
01:25:22.000 --> 01:25:27.000
Stay in the space, so you have an opportunity to really speak yourself.
01:25:27.000 --> 01:25:35.000
Speak your concerns, your considerations. any kind of trauma that you took place?
01:25:35.000 --> 01:25:40.000
You. You have a safe space to express that and really get out.
01:25:40.000 --> 01:25:47.000
Whatever is there that's that's holding you back that you haven't Maybe you haven't said to anybody on the planet.
01:25:47.000 --> 01:25:52.000
But we we provide you that opportunity, that space to be able to say those things.
01:25:52.000 --> 01:26:01.000
And so the summit is a conversation and it's also an event, and so the the events look like the annual summit event.
01:26:01.000 --> 01:26:14.000
We have a prerequisite we have a community event that we're all going to be offering to the public that we've put in place.
01:26:14.000 --> 01:26:25.000
So we've got these events and we've got the leadership meetings, leadership, body meetings, so that once you've participated in the annual summit event.
01:26:25.000 --> 01:26:36.000
You then can come and participate and be part, of the decision making process in terms of where the organization is going, and what it's about.
01:26:36.000 --> 01:26:43.000
So it's a great opportunity for several different spaces for you to invite your friends.
01:26:43.000 --> 01:26:48.000
Your family into, so that they can be part of it because how do I?
01:26:48.000 --> 01:26:53.000
How do I know that you're doing well I ask the people around you?
01:26:53.000 --> 01:26:58.000
And if there's doing well, then, you're doing well, so it it really is about community.
01:26:58.000 --> 01:27:10.000
The last thing I wanna inject into this conversation is that the international black Summit is about you creating a vision for yourself.
01:27:10.000 --> 01:27:16.000
The vision is one of the contextes that we create for ourselves, so that we can live into.
01:27:16.000 --> 01:27:24.000
So our purpose then becomes inside of that vision, and our action is consistent with that vision.
01:27:24.000 --> 01:27:39.000
And and we use the tools and the skills and the facilitation that a that occurs inside of the summit to kind of keep us grounded to keep us focused and to keep us present to what that vision is and the
01:27:39.000 --> 01:27:46.000
fulfillment of that for ourselves, for the black community and for the world.
01:27:46.000 --> 01:28:03.000
Hello and Gaza, what What would you like to say to to complete this extravagance of conversations and just love fest that that is taking place tonight?
01:28:03.000 --> 01:28:08.000
I thought we would just thank both of you, Lynn and Grace.
01:28:08.000 --> 01:28:16.000
You guys didn't have to do this if you're watching this, Please know, hey?
01:28:16.000 --> 01:28:24.000
Nobody getting paid. Okay, Okay, this is exactly what Jackie Jackie Grace talked about earlier.
01:28:24.000 --> 01:28:39.000
This is a manifestation of love. So thank you both for putting in the work the hours on the attention for creating this space, so that more people can can engage, be introduced to get a slice of this goodness.
01:28:39.000 --> 01:28:48.000
In the world. I want to thank both of you for myself and for the many people who are seeing this participating in this, and those who are not will see it.
01:28:48.000 --> 01:28:57.000
So thank you for that that's the first thing I want to say, and that I just want to impress upon viewers.
01:28:57.000 --> 01:29:04.000
Listeners. Listen, lean in because I need this to be heard.
01:29:04.000 --> 01:29:12.000
This is a goodness you can't afford not to partake Okay, You've been wanting more in your life.
01:29:12.000 --> 01:29:17.000
I'm talking to people of african descent specifically but this magic works for everybody.
01:29:17.000 --> 01:29:21.000
You black folks that want more for your life you've been praying for more.
01:29:21.000 --> 01:29:28.000
You've been crying for more you've been on and you've been singing in blue songs you've been wrapping to them lyrics.
01:29:28.000 --> 01:29:34.000
Okay about what more? get up off of that and come and i'll participate in the International Black.
01:29:34.000 --> 01:29:39.000
So okay, get you a lot, get you a lot. You are more than enough.
01:29:39.000 --> 01:29:51.000
You have everything you need, and this is a sacred space a divine opportunity for you to actually walk the steps where you can get your hands around.
01:29:51.000 --> 01:29:56.000
It's your mind around it your arms around and your heart about in a loving environment.
01:29:56.000 --> 01:30:07.000
So we're gonna be looking for you just cause you got the video cameras off just because we don't know your name don't mean we don't know we're gonna be looking for you expecting you saving your
01:30:07.000 --> 01:30:11.000
space, because that's how we do listen to spirit so come on up in here.
01:30:11.000 --> 01:30:25.000
And then i'll last I just want to say you're making our ancestors from thank you by showing up exactly as you have the 2 of us hosts.
01:30:25.000 --> 01:30:36.000
Our audience and our audience to come. it's absolute pleasure to spend this time with you, and I am very very grateful.
01:30:36.000 --> 01:30:42.000
Thank you, thank you. One gaza thank you and thank everyone who's being with us this evening.
01:30:42.000 --> 01:30:53.000
Thank you for joining us, and we hope that you'll join us next time.