International Black Summit Interview Series
The International Black Summit Interview Series is a Podcast that interviews current and past participants and facilitators of the International Black Summit. The Podcast explores their Summit experiences and the ways in which they use the Summit Tools and Distinctions in their lives. The International Black Summit, Inc. is a 501c3, 100% volunteer-led organization. Founded by, attended by, and delivered to people of Black African descent committed to empowering and transforming the lives of people of Black African descent around the world. The purpose of the International Black Summit is to provide an opportunity for participants to bring into being their vision for the Black community and the world.
International Black Summit Interview Series
International Black Summit Interview Podcast: Adrienne Coddett
April 3, 2022
Black Summit Interviews
Season 1, Episode #1 - Adrienne Coddett
On April 3, 2022, we recorded the first International Black Summit Interview Podcast. In this inaugural podcast session, Glenn Greenidge and Grace Lawrence interview Adrienne Coddett about her work as an educator and sports coach in Ottawa, Canada who effectively uses the Summit Tools and Distinctions with Black youth.
Adrienne Coddett is a community activist/advocate and high school educator. Her organization, 3Dreads and a Baldhead/BeMoreCommUNITY (founded in 2000), provides opportunities for people in Black communities to transform their lives by maximizing their physical, mental, spiritual, and economic potential. Adrienne is also well known in Ottawa as one of the five co-hosts of Black on Black, Ottawa's weekly connection to African and Caribbean communities, which broadcasts every Saturday morning 11am - noon on the University of Ottawa’s radio station, CHUO 89.1 FM. Adrienne can be reached on Twitter @3dreads or on Instagram @3dreadsandabaldhead.
For more information about the International Black Summit, please go to:
Website – blacksummit.org
Twitter – @blacksummit
Facebook – facebook.com/blacksummit/
IBS News Sign-Up – bit.ly/IBS-signup
IBS Annual Summit Event Registration – blacksummit.org/ase
The views and opinions expressed by the person interviewed are their own and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the International Black Summit.
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Welcome everybody to the first International Black Summit interview.
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Podcast, we're going to be hosting monthly podcast, sessions, and we welcome you.
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Those of you who have participated in the international Black Summit in the past, and those of you for whom the International Black Summit is a completely new thing.
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We welcome you, and for those of you who don't know about the International Black Summit.
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We are an organization that was developed, created in 1,991, and our purpose is to provide an opportunity for our participants to bring into being their vision for the black community and the world.
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I'm Grace Lawrence and with me tonight is Glenn Greenidge!
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Welcome welcome. We're going to be interviewing Adrienne Coddett. Adrienne Coddett is a past participant of the International Black Summit, a past facilitator of the international Black Summit, a past Registrar
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of the International Black Summit and just an all-around. wonderful human being! I want to say a few things about Adrienne, just for those of you who may not know her or know about her.
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She's fantastic human being and she's an educator who works with empowering black youth to fulfill on their visions for their lives, their families, their communities.
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So just a little bit about Adrienne I'm just going to go over some of what it says here.
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So Adrienne is a community activist and advocate high school educator.
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Her organization. 3 dreads in a bald head be more community was founded in 2,000, and it provides opportunities for people in black communities to transform their lives by maximizing their physical, mental spiritual, and emotional potential Adrienne is
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also well known in Ottawa as one of the 5 co-hosts of Black, on Black, which is an Ottawa weekly connection to African and Caribbean communities, and which broadcasts every
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Saturday morning from 11 o'clock a M. to noon on the University of Ottawa's radio station.
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CHUO 89.1 Fm: So welcome, Adrienne.
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Please join us. Welcome, welcome! so, Adrienne, there you are welcome.
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So for those of you who are listening to the audio.
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Adrienne has now joined us in our virtual studio, and we just want to say thank you for being with us tonight, Adrienne.
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We're looking forward to having this conversation with you really looking at an exploring what you've got out of participating in the International Black Summit, and how you use the tools of the International Black Summit.
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The tools and the distinctions in your work, in your career, with black youth and in your own life.
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So welcome. I got it. God try it now, I'll meet yourself now very awesome.
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Thank you. Wow! Hello, welcome! How would be what it be like Oh, it's so good to see your faces great to see you chillin here raising in the snow?
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You know i'm with you it's april and it's still cold in Toronto.
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I'll tell you yeah a few more flurries just to keep you on your toes.
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Keep all those folks who think shorts are appropriate I'm like there's nowhere to go.
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If you start in April with shorts, where do you go after that?
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So we holding it down. good to see you. Thanks for having me.
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Thanks for we're very excited to have you and looking forward to the many conversations that we'll have tonight around
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You and the work that you do, and and your relationship to the international black summit like long lovers.
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This I absolutely summit summit tears. I mean survivor.
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We have to get into that tonight. I know exactly what you're talking about.
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So when was your first international black Summit event like? what event was it a prerequisite?
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Was it annually bent like? What was your first exposure?
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Well, I was actually forced to think about that. Of course you know about 30 min before we went on.
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Air. No, I just realized that today, actually, when I thought about it, I was trying.
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I had a calculator out doing the math in case you asked me like how long it is.
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I want to make sure and get the numbers right. And this is actually my twentieth anniversary.
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Oh, my first actual summit event! so I would. My first summit was Toronto, 2,002.
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So this morning when I woke up, I said, Well, Lord, 20 years ago my life was a rightful mess around the same time.
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At the same time 20 years ago. Goodness gracious!
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But really and truly the story begins with the summit from the year before the 2,001 summit event, because that's the summit event that I was actually introduced to.
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And leading up to that event because Jackie and Dawn were going.
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We used our radio show immediately as an opportunity to amplify the message of the summit to unfold folks in coming share.
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The declaration, and from the moment that we read it on air, and we have Bill Davis as our guest on air, I was. I was like, okay, what I've got to do.
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I'm a do. but in 2,001 my life was not you in the in a situation that would have allowed me to go to that summit.
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I was on my last year contract to be one of the spokesperson's of North america's carnivals, which included Carabana and Ottawa and a bunch of other carnivals that don't make no
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sense, but it's all good so I had to be in Toronto in person.
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That same weekend, But since that was the last year of my contract I was like, Okay, if you all are gonna have this event every year around this time, and it's gonna be in Toronto I'm used to coming down anyway,
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I will take up the space to do that and I have to Admit my friends thought I'd lost it because they're they were calling me during the entire weekend my phone is ringing Adrienne where are you I don't see on the
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road. what you're doing here you don't need to i'm not a weekend who can care about her weekend, and I just i'm saying it's like yo I mean this important meeting and it might
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stop stopping this and just come on and I didn't I I mean we went out there with other participants when we had a break, but I really did go cold turkey on that and I never intended a carabana again until I don't
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know when. but yeah, It's 2,001 technically but 2,002 was my first summit event, Adrienne, for some of the
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The American, and and and and other other hemispheres.
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Let them explain to them what Caribana is and and and why it's so important to the Western in community in Canada.
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I mean, this is a pilgrimage of carnival events.
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With this being the grand papa of them all, is the largest carnival event in North America.
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People at its height, and heyday approximately. 3,000,000 people traveled into the Toronto area on the first weekend of August.
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It's a holiday here, in Canada long weekend that is now emancipation.
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They weekend, and it was part of what we did, growing up in in in that carnival understanding, established at the 1,967 mark, it becomes one of the longest lasting elements of Caribbean
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folks in Canada's contribution to the history of this country.
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So if you were from the caribbean this was like you've been doing this from since you were knee-high to a grasshopper going down there, and then, when you got to be a young adult and you
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didn't have to be tethered to parents and you could carry on and join a band and get in a costume and get on the truck and be a reveler.
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Be a masquerader. This seemed to be a ride of passage, and I really did believe it was going to be my life forever and ever and ever again.
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And just just to let folks just to let folks know it wasn't just Canadians who attended so we're talking about.
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We're talking about all over the Caribbean would come up.
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We're talking about all the Americans that had any kind of affinity to carnival, because this was the closest carnival in North America to come to, and was the biggest you know one of the biggest ones, and of course in New York But
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But yeah, yeah, it's happening in you know one's happening in, you know, one of the most multicultural cities in in the world.
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And and you know I heard kari I'm.
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Kyle Lowry, who used to play for the raptors.
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He, when he came to Toronto. he called it a clean New York, which is true, we're trying to still be clean.
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We're trying trying, but But I you know the Phony and I grew up with that Caribbean. You know a lot of people know about the Brazilian carnival in Rio.
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They know about. You know all of that We but and many people know about the Carnival and Trinidad.
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But anybody who knows about carnival now also knows about the carnival in, or Carabana it's changed its name.
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We still call it Carabana, I mean whatever the new name is.
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Who knows but it's. still carabana and I remember as a kid, because it when I grew up as a kid, Toronto was but very much a clean city, it's not as clean as it used to be, and and a
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very staid, very Protestant, very square, and had, you know, strict rules around a parade parade, went down the street.
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There were barriers. You stood on the outside of the barriers, and you watched the parade go by, and Caravana came and was like, What kind thing is this?
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You have to jump inside the parade. they didn't like it. fascinating thing it's been one of the most fascinating things to try to be the person who has to convince the city Council that this is okay to
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do we're like yeah no it's not santa Claus.
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It's like a rolling concert you should have heard the things we've had to say to city councils to be able to get endorsement for this, and you know Carabana has had its ups and downs
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and It's started off as a very community based understanding and You know, continues to have pretty deep roots in Toronto's Caribbean communities, and it represents the carnivals that are outside of the sort of season that
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you mentioned which New Orleans, Brazil, Trinidad being the big 3 that are, you know, just at the end of the just before. Sorry the Lent Lent period fasting period.
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For Christians, you know Carnival Tuesdays.
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The day before Ash Wednesday. so you got to get it out of your system.
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And the other carnivals that follow will be related more to either Emancipation day or harvest crop over emancipation time.
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So Caravan falls, and around the carnivals of the Eastern Caribbean states. so you can jump off from Carabana, and you can head to Barbados and Tiga say Lucia St.
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Vincent Grenada, and enjoy their carnivals that are around the same weekend as well.
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So. so the summit was able to pull you away from all of that.
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So I want to hear. So what was that experience was was like to have you have this, this, this phenomenal experience being in the middle of everything, and and you not be part of that?
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And to be part of the international Black summit so tell us a little bit about what that experience was at the first summit.
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And and and you know what you got from it. So my first summit had really begun the way in which I got into registration.
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So Jackie had put her say, Jackie, great Jackie Ottawa had put her name forward after she attended her first event.
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She came back she came back from that first event, and she just kept saying, Oh, Lord!
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The thing was powerful you know it's a powerful experience and we should have just made me ask a few more questions about what that might have meant, but we did so.
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We like we were all like you're coming to toronto next year.
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This is what's up and i'm on the registration team, so we don't get you all registered. don't worry.
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We got you I think One of the first things that that caught me was they held a leadership body and facilitator body meeting here in Ottawa in the April before the Toronto summit
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and I still think that's one of the largest summit shares.
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I've ever been to in my life, jackie Ottawa, who has roots in our Federal government on the political scene, decides of all things is totally hilarious, because this place has been so unwelcome to a black
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people like forever. And even this year, with the Trucker convoy, when I think about the International Black Summit held a summit share on Parliament Hill in Center Block, like are you kidding me?
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Like, but truly like just let's really ground ourselves in this really situation that we're doing here unwelcoming to black people.
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So much so you've been elected as a black person and you're like, Get me the hell out of here.
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These people don't don't roll and we had a summit share with more than a 100 plus people in the room, many of whom have traveled to be part of this facilitator meeting.
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So I begin meeting some of the individuals who i'd now call family, and one of my most memorable moments we are in.
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I had maybe had locks in by 2,002 i've had locks for maybe just under a decade and When I started my locks myself, I you know, was looking for someone else to like you know.
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Get me looking sexy like they got you looking sexy and in essence magazine.
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So I noticed that in essence magazine it was always cafe Derek scurry, and they worked at this salon called Locks and Chops.
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I was like I like that name i'm just gonna make an appointment.
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I'm gonna be in New York for march break i'm gonna make an appointment i'm gonna go.
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And so I went, and then, shortly after that my Mom decided she was going to start locks.
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I thought she's full of nonsense so I didn't believe her.
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So I took her to locks and chops, and when she went to have her appointment I waited for her.
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But there was this guy in the salon, and he was on the phone.
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He was carrying on with the phone company in a sweet cost, like a sweet, sweet, sweet, sweet cost that is music to my ears.
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When I heard it I was like, oh, my God, this like love songs!
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And I remember flashing an eye at my mom and going mom that fella telling you he's from Guyiano I'm telling you he's from Diana fast forward to this summit. chair.
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We're now into the casual part and I see this brother who i'm looking at the whole time, and i'm like I seen this guy before. but it's irrational I don't really know and he
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puts on a sweatshirt, says locks and chops.
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I walked right up to him, and I was like Oh, my God that's you.
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It was you who was cussing the day I was up in there, and we've been in love ever since, and after that I mean driving folks around picking them up at the airport, making sure the meeting had whatever it needed to have sound, familiar
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not. I was doing that before my first summit I took a whole group to a party after y'all got out of whatever Long-ass meeting that I couldn't attend, because there were rules back.
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Then, if you had to attended the summit you couldn't come to the meeting.
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So I wasn't even allowed to come to the meeting and we would joke.
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He's like. Why, working for these people already and even come to the team yet?
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Somebody said they needed a logo that looked like Toronto.
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I found the logo. they said it's gonna be for the name tags.
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So all of a sudden i'm putting together name tags and seeing all these names, i'm like Lord, these are some curious and interesting names.
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I said, Well, I can't wait to find out who this education Chick is.
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I had all the names in my head. because i've been doing these name tags for weeks, leading up to the event, and even my prerequisite course was the Thursday.
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I had the name I had to put out the name tags before I could go into my prerequisite, and then on the Friday, I remember.
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That's how I met Juliet Williams She was She was there, bright and early, looking at us hard talk about these people.
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Black people are so disorganized they don't even have the name tags straight in your grill, and I remember you know name changes.
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Please do change my name that's not my name anymore.
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I wanted this name on my name, tag and back. That not meant several late night at the Kinkos, because there was nothing happening on site.
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So I spent most of my evenings at the Kinkos doing name tags.
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I spend my day with my group in in the summit conversation, and I spend my evenings hanging out hard with participants.
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So it felt like home was everything I want I was like lining and enlightenment.
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You know it's it's interesting you talk about having given up more quote unquote given up the caravan and attending Caravana.
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But You've got so much more because one of the things, or at least I say we get so much more because one of the things about the International Black Summit and the transformation and the personal growth and the emotional expansion and
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all of that that comes with the conversation, the tools, the distinctions of the International Black Summit is we also have fun, You know you.
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We do. how we do right we have fun we dance we one of the things I love about an international black summit is that there isn't an international black summit where I haven't been on a dance.
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But we will dance in the middle of a hallway anywhere.
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We're throwing on the music. and that music is facilitated, as we know, absolutely. and the people managing that music catch a guide and information through music.
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You know it's just it's a you know I don't even know where to go with all of that.
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So I think that is just a wonderful thing the way that we engage the International Black Summit Absolutely. Hey, Adrienne?
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You know. I know that you have been a schoolteacher and involved in lots of youth.
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Kinds of activities, and and you actually also formulated a relationship with them.
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International Black Summit and one of your programs. But tell us a little bit about the work that you do. what use?
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And then tell us a little bit about the the program that you actually incorporated some facilitators for the International Black Summit to participate, and not just them.
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But the community and the use. Yeah, you know, sitting in that room at 34 20 years ago, you know, I was very concerned with 3 things.
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I I I still have the notebook. I was not Well, physically.
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I had just actually taken a a round of radiation treatment for Graves disease, which is high per thyroidism, something that I had been badly for about 4 years from when I started teaching until February of 2,000 and
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2 where I finally gave into the treatment itself, or having the treatment My finances were in the toilet, and I was finding myself I was.
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I was act that's actually it that boom the universe told you I was finding myself.
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I was trying to figure out, you know, at that stage of my thirtys like.
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Who Who who was this identity because this was a new identity, i'd been an athlete for a significant part of my life.
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It had been so part of my life I I didn't. I was lost about what to do next, and I had started teaching, and I was educational assistant, so I was trying to find my way there.
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But I left that room clear, not fixed, but clear about something that was possible, and if it was possible for me at 34, I started to imagine, you know, 4 years into being a high school teacher.
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What would be possible if this was introduced to the students that I work with I'd met many an amazing young person coming out of the summit space in the in the youth summit, and I started thinking that you know well the first thing
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to do with my organisation that needed to be pushed a little bit to get some youth and and let you sort of find their own way with the support of us as a community. and by 2,004 I created the way, because we were
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going to Ghana, and I brought Gary Galamore, and so you need cornet.
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I got around the youth rule by bringing former high school students and the commitment that we made with each other was that the 2 of them would inspire by what they were figuring out about their own lives as twenty-something year
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olds take on running, and coordinating and creating inside of the youth space for 3 dreads in a bald head, and that's where it began By 2,005.
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We were having our very first or 2,004 Also, we were having our very first gathering of black youth, which we call the Black Youth Conference Day, and that took off that allowed us to then invite facilitators from the
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Summit Youth summit to come and join us. and that because became an enrollment tool for youth, to have everybody come up here every February to enjoy a weekend one day, at first and then it became a whole
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weekend till when we couldn't do it just once a year, we we were imagining possibilities of being together continuing the conversation as youth all year, and that's what led to the creation of the leadership Academy
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that created facilitators like Ali I, Luol, that would then be fully engaged in creating and cross-creating between the summit and what we were doing here locally.
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But for my teaching career. what i've been able to build and create was to finally be able to bring the international Black Summit into a classroom, something that I imagined from the very beginning. and I just couldn't figure out what to call
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it. I needed to call it that it's the international black summit. but I couldn't say that to the school district, So this is the side event called the Black Youth Conference Day, which is really just to youth.
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Summit really but we had to you know switch over the labels, and it's like we know what it is. They don't.
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They don't necessarily need to be attached to what we know that it is.
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It's this same purpose. manifesting itself regionally through this opportunity, and i'll say i'm sure you're gonna get to it in another question.
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What has now been the legacy of that has actually finally been that thing come from?
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Because what we did for Black Youth Conference Day. what we do for international black Youth Summit is now a credit that students of the auto Carlton District School Board can earn while they build their way from November through to
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June in their annual event known as the Black Youth Forum.
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Excellent one. Wow! Kudos Kuro fantastic.
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So tell folks a little bit about what kinds of things and skills that are gained at these events, so that people can really get their arms around the before we go there.
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Glenn. I just want to remind people that the purpose of the international black Summit is to provide an opportunity for participants to bring into being their vision for the black community and the world. and the youth summit has a a Slant.
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And a slightly different expanded purpose related to that. And so providing these these youth with that opportunity to bring into being their vision for the black community and the world, and to fulfill on the youth summit purpose as well is such a
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fantastic thing, and also to mention, because you talk about going to Ghana also to mention that the International Black Summit has a number of different programs and events, including an annual event that's held in August each year somewhere in
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the world, and that end annual. That annual event has been in many, held in many countries around the world, many locations around the world all over the United States.
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Here in Canada. Toronto ottawa It's been held in Ghana.
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It's been held in London, England it's been held in Brazil.
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It's been held in South Africa It's been held in Jamaica, like all over all over Memphis, Tennessee, Florida Atlanta, New York, Detroit all over all over so just wanted to
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give people a little bit of background about that great Thank you, Grace.
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And And so to answer your question, Glenn, I think I think we got to give a summit Answer.
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We give people nothing, we give them nothing we do, though, provide an opportunity, and we allow for a condition in space to have people be clear so that they can build whatever that thing is for their lives, for what they see.
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We disrupt conversations that we have in our head about who we can be, be, whatever whatever form it comes, we see ourselves as disruptors to that.
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So when I think about the model that i've now been able to articulate in a classroom and to train educators and to train myself as an educator, Dr.
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C deconstruct, reconstruct, to construct
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Filled then with the cosmology and the distinctions.
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I can now use those in a classroom to, you know.
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Shake things up as far as conversations that keep us stuck in the way that we might be trying to avoid confronting the amazing that we are as people.
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And when you get to do that and see that occur in young people you are you? you Even my sinnical crusty bring yourself is able to know that magic is one thing.
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There's there's magic I you know I can't explain that magic.
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But what I have seen all over the world occur for people who, from the registration point of view, I watched how you came in the room on the Thursday.
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I saw and watched all of what it took for You to come out of that room on Sunday shit.
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You can't tell me magic can't Happen and i've seen it in the best possible way ever I've seen it in me, so I don't need any other testimony to know that there is something incredibly.
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Available impossible for people who have a facilitation of their lives such that they can be their vision fulfilled. Well, that's great.
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That's so great. One of the things you talked about is distinctions.
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And so distinctions are, are some of the tools that are utilized that people get to utilize in their conversation about themselves, and about the people around them.
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As you said, and it has them break up their who they know themselves to be, and are able to invent them.
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Selves newly. what were some of the distinctions that that that you enjoyed, or that you were confronted by in your first summit, and and give us a little taste of what what you encountered yeah, and
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i'd like to know what your favorite international black summit distinction is what's your favorite one favorite one?
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Oh, man! Oh, I think it depends. But my first group I was cutting by the power of 5, and how in sending across from 4 people who claimed some random selection in the room, you know when they send you to go pick a group i'm one of those people that like linger
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but like hope. Oh, well, all the groups are taking i'll be left out of the group work, and I can work by myself.
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So I remember when they you know they said okay go go find your 5, and you know I wasn't right out the gate.
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I wasn't kind of in the middle but I wasn't at the end.
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I was like somewhere between the middle and the you know group every I saw people matching up, and I started panicking.
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I'm like Oh, my God, if I don't get with a good group!
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What's gonna happen. i'm gonna ruin my opportunity you came to the summit to learn some shit.
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Look at you. you're already. screwing this up and then, you know, somebody nudged me, maybe, and and this group formed, and I remember sitting across from this group and I was like, okay there are 4 versions of me coming back to me.
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Right now, and I don't know what to do about that right now, and you know going through that.
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But leaving the space with the, I think, with the question
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And then tracking all of that throughout the year, I found my struggle was often dis distracted by trying to give the question more meaning, or what was what was it I wasn't answering it correctly, or anything like that And so
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I just found that in trying to figure that out it kept me present to something throughout my year which was important for me.
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And as far as my favorite distinction, it does depend on the day, but probably clearing.
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But I will. I will recall and do recall my use.
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Inside of a particular trick I was, I was fortunate to learn from a master facilitator the distinction of no out there but to take no out there as far and ridiculous.
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So it can really highlight. How ridiculous you're being in that moment.
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So i'll give you an example where we're in London.
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We had a participant who got a parking ticket outside of the Anna boot.
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Parking ticket and a boot. on her car outside of the London subway.
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So it. I was like trying to fix this, but this was like a lot of money, and it seemed hard to fix.
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But the summit space takes care of people so that's what occurred, and you took care of the boot and got the tickets taken care of, and got the boot off all right. good.
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The real quarrel was because she was driving participants who had some disabilities.
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Physically physical disabilities. she felt like the universe should just kind of compensate that, like i'm doing this good deed.
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So you shouldn't just give me a ticket no matter how there is no handicap parking find this road period.
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Okay, not a one and there's all kind of signs Say, hi, try Park here and see if you don't get a ticket like It's all kind of time.
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And there's a casino across the street so day 2 participant gets another ticket.
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But does come into registration with a challenge to the universe.
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You said, Make them give me a ticket today. Watch, Nc.
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And by noon the concierge comes running into registration he's like
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That Lady Car got another book on him. Are you getting made?
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So now my whole stomach is paid you have to go downstairs and tell this woman her car is the next boot. Then I saw how she carried on the first day.
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So i'm like this is gonna be a problem but across the street.
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The gigantic pea. it's bleinking carking. i'm like all right, I saw the mystery I tell her sister.
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Yes, this has occurred. Got it. But you know what Park had crossed the road.
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She looks at me, and she tells me something about £9 a day.
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You expect me to pay £9 of this I as opposed to the £600 that you jumped got it.
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It's awful for having the summit on this street this street fought for being in this part of town. it's this part of town fault for being in London.
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It's London fault for being in you can shoot it's Great Britain fought for slavery, who and I was like, Oh, my goodness, how is that conversation so present for when you trying to Manipulate to get what you want instead
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of. just do the work, Adrienne, this is how you end up in these situations.
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You take things too far instead of just do the simple thing like park across the street, Right?
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Yeah, and it wasn't. nothing about that. sister, But you got a chance, Adrienne, to take something so ridiculously far that even you had to stop and say, Oh, God, girls, stop now, I just stop confront the thing that you
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are unwilling or unable to be, with which is another distinction which is called Trigger.
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But I actually wanted to go back to clearing. So you talked about clearing and clearing is a way of removing the thoughts that are in your head.
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Say, say, say, say a little bit more about about that distinction clearing how we better use it.
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Yeah, And I think that that that actually connects me to Why, there are maybe certain distinctions that are important to people is kind of something that I've learned with my my my fearless furry friend furious styles that although we've gone
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to puppy. school. and we've learned all kinds of things. It was the first distinction that he learns about does best, which is to sit.
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He'll do it for every single thing he knows that one. Well, so I would say that the first your first prerequisite course is like probably very important for cementing that thing that gives you that maybe first affinity to
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a distinction, and for me in that clearing it was in my prerequisite course, where somebody said it that really had me be clear on what clearing was when they described a yard that the grass is high and it's full of junk you
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know you kind of stuck in what to do you can't place anything new there.
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You can't do anything, maybe you're even stuck and overwhelmed by how much it appears that you have to get out of the space in order to put something new there.
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But it really is true. Once you plate is filled like, where else are you going to put things so clearing that getting it all out of the way such that you can build, construct into that new space newly not necessarily attached to
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something particular. but maybe still on a foundation of something and that's familiar.
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So clearing explained in that kind of waveform it was really the first distinction that I understood for operationalizing it into my life.
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And maybe that's why i'll choose it today as an example of my favorite.
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If you ask me tomorrow, you know that might be a different answer.
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Well, you you also mentioned Trigger, and and and so Trigger comes up a lot in in my day-to-day life.
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Let the folks know what what it was like for you Oh, we love that one in the Senate State that's one of our some space favorites.
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Trigger. you know we have a unique approach to Trigger.
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I mean, most people are familiar with the word trigger and the word clearing and these kinds of things.
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But the way that the youth, the International black summit uses these words it's different.
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It's Why, it's a distinction for us we have a particular approach and way of using those those terms as tools absolutely so neither positive or negative.
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Necessarily I mean that's the judgment I might place on the trigger afterwards.
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But something that kind of brings me to attention about something I may be unable to be with, or unwilling to be with, or i'm discomfort might feel like those things like i'm like uncomfortable you know I got I got
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this like embarrassment. adjacent kind of thing that I go on with where I don't want to see somebody be embarrassed.
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That's why i don't particularly like pranks or certain things for me to do to other people as I I don't want to embarrass anybody. so like what that when it happens.
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That's not happening over there. it's happening in here how i've used that, too, in teacher training I did a Pd.
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Day last month, where I found they were going to pay me money essentially give white educators a talking to.
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They're bringing a bunch of black black studies courses into the school district, and a bunch of white educators signed up for my workshop, so that I can just give them a talk and to like look you're a teacher teeth you teach you relevant stuff.
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You don't know all day every day so I don't know why, all of a sudden, you got a problem.
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Just do your job. page. One day one and don't be an asshole workshop done.
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So one lady starts saying, Oh, well, you know, when I start talking about black issues, this one student in my class seems uncomfortable.
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I say? Well, how do you know that students uncomfortable?
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Did you ask your student? Did the student expressly tell you they are uncomfortable?
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I said so. Then I stopped. Right then I said, boy!
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And I looked in the looked in the participants is Jack Jackman Lawrence from the Ocdsb. here.
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I say, what do you're expressing right now? is what we call in the International Black Summit?
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A trigger being triggered by something that's not going on in the kid.
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That's you sister. what are you uncomfortable about is showing up in that student. But it's not about the student.
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It's just you and and and she comes like oh, my God, I feel so, and and I also shows to another aspect of the conversation.
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We've taken 10 years of black youth conference and we've given it to black youth, and we've had some white youth also participate.
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When the youth decided that they needed a parallel space for the adults who came with the youth, they designed something partnership to their youth curriculum for the adult curriculum, and that room has not had the you need to be a black
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person kind of labeled. to it so that's been something that has delivered been delivered to anybody who claims to be an adult, and we've seen the power of engaging in this conversation to folks who've
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been exposed to it, and so that's just another offering Now don't get me wrong. i'm not there yet.
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I'm still under construction for the should white folks come and be part of this conversation.
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I'm still under construction, but i've seen it powerfully change opportunities for folks who are now in the language that we use today.
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Their allies, co-conspirators and accomplices, and some of my most reliable for all 3 of those spaces in the school district. That's great.
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You know one of the things that you referred to Adrienne everything that you're sharing is just so powerful, and you talked earlier about the question when you were at your first summit in your group.
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Of 5. Then, looking at your question and taking that question into your life for the following year.
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And so just to mention for people who aren't familiar with this at the International Back Summit Annual event, we end the event each year with a question or an inquiry that participants are invited to live into and explore for the
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upcoming year until the next annual event and So when you were looking at that quest, you recall what that question was, or any or any path questions that you that you particularly liked or worked or we're engaging yeah What is
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available when I consciously own all that I create i'm like what is available.
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When I consciously own all that I create, I Remember that one all of it, exploring that question all year in your group with others.
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You know what's available with consciousness, what are you creating that you haven't owned the good stuff the accomplishments that you're not owning, and maybe some you know not as good stuff and ugly is
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all you muddy that's all me it comes in the package.
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And so you know that that that I think, too, in reflection. Now, at 54
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I get to see the the like you know i'm seeing and feeling the experience of growth, i'm seeing and feeling the experience of being still stunted in some aspects of my life, I do feel and I feel the demon still but what I
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don't now feel is a necessity to be attached to any of those spaces as they emerge i'm like I i'm I'm zen about it.
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Now, because i'm like Okay, you know is there really anything for me to do.
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No, it's just and and you know I can still see that I can contribute inside of my vision, even holding the considerations of my demons.
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Oh, very powerful, very powerful. So what would you say? Someone who is contemplate?
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And considering attending any of the international summit events, especially the annual summit event, I would say, emerge, immerse yourself in your opportunity.
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One of the things that caused me to feel like the facilitated body was a space that I could take in.
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I know, after the first event I spent that first year and then I got to the end of the year, and i'm like this thing.
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Don't work these people, but you know what they're going Brazil next year, so have one more chance one more chance and see what happens.
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So you know, after after a little while, what I got was okay.
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After a summit event. If you want to get a bit of a refresher, if you want to feel like you know, get a little Perk in your in your enlightenment, and you transformation.
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You should probably attend those quarterly meetings, the leadership body meetings.
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It was a chance to reconnect, not only just with the relationships which were building for me, but were really important too.
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But to reconnect to the sort of essence of what inspired the conversation.
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That year. You come together then, and then by 2,005 I was like I got I got.
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I got to sit behind the curtain for the first time, and in 2,005 in Miami I went down to help with help.
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Charlie who was work in the Miami Angle.
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This was the year that we we may have lost our minds where we decide.
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We have in tree summits, and then the nerve to have one in Jamaica.
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2 2 that's right so we're gonna do 3 different summits, and I was on the I was on the destination to my army.
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So I came, took my chance. I shot my shot I like Charlie was going early.
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I'm like i'm gonna come to help you out yeah, yeah, she had to.
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She had the set up for for the hotel, and went on all the meetings, you know.
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She wanted you to go. Come, help her with all these things. And I remember coming into one of the facilitative meetings just to drop off something. and I remember Cat turning to me. and she like, Well, you might as well just stay and I was
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like. Well, you know, they got rules, Cat, you know. you got rules.
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Yeah, the rules say you got to do do that. Stand up in front of everybody and and and say, why you should be a facilitator.
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And then people are like, Yeah, I hear no no we don't do that.
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Well, yeah, I think she should. but can others hold your consideration about her and this and that.
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I'm like I didn't I didn't do that at first that like Oh, i'm breaking the rules, so I kind of sat in the corner and you know I got I got behind the curtain and I was
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like, All right. Well, you know, the next time they do the whole stand up in front of the room.
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I must stand up in front of the room and i'm gonna take my shot, and I did at the October meeting after Miami, and that's when I joined the facilitator body and I was like Okay,
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these phone calls these weekly what what? what the phone calls was weekly, where we everywhere weekly with your group.
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Yeah, with your group. Look, this is where now you really do understand that to be a facilitator of this conversation? well, everyone is a facilitator of their lives.
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So if you involved and engage you're a facilitator, but to be this group, this is an uncommon and unnatural commitment to be doing this work.
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How it then shows up not only the annual event, but in the relationships that you build with your group and your team, and whoever else is present, you really get a heightened sense of something for your life.
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That, then, you know, shows up in the space when we gather that collective energy.
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It's like when all the marvel characters came together, and you know we fight Danos and we win you know, and I really saw it as a way for folks to win
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If you use that adversarial model you can win in your life with this, and and hold all of the considerations for your life when you're like i'm not i'm not that and like we'll fake until you make
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it, or whatever other mantra you need to kind. of step out there and take the risk at first to discover that you're more powerful than you assumed yourself to be so great.
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Absolutely. Oh, great, You know I just I Don't know how much more time you have available to be with us, Adrienne, But we do have a We do have a few more questions.
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We're hoping to yeah well that's a little bit longer, you know, when you got summit business, you got carve out the night, so i'm good I would learn about going to completion.
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Whatever is none of this, none of this. The meeting will be from from 10 until 11.
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None of that right? So So for you know I get I guess I get to to talk like i'm i'm some kind of Og summit person 20 years deep.
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But I do remember the longest, latest alignment in my 20 years, and I think that was Ghana.
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We were in that room until 5 a m trying to align on. I can't even remember what anymore.
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But it might have been a location or something. and when it I mean who is left in that space.
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That is why we refer to you as a summit survivor.
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If you still up in there, struggling to stay away, trying to continue to just do the thing that we're called to do for an alignment which is to get present and to remain present enough, no matter how much time has passed that
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was. It was bonkers when we were doing it.
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But when it finally got to that moment where we're like boom this is it, and everybody.
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So I remember that one most distinctly woo 5 in the morning we came out there with birds chirping and and sun rising.
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I'm sure I kicked myself off the island I am I was at that event, but I was not at that 5 A. M.
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Meeting. I'm sure I was in my bed yeah leaving it and allowing the space I was trusting the space.
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So I haven't gotten into what the distinction alignment is for the international Black Summit.
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That's something that we can engage in another time but it's a distinction in appropriate and a process that we use in the international black summit that I might add is very unique to the summit space I haven't encountered
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that in any of my other organizations over the years and it's really just to say just a brief to say it is a way that allows everyone to participate in moving forward.
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So it doesn't move forward unless the everyone in the space is aligned. and I tell you that's one of the most powerful things that I've seen inside the International black summit that I've never seen anywhere else.
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But, anyway, go ahead absolutely go, Jackie Grace. Well, just you know, just looking at first.
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I want to ask about a couple of a couple of summit stories, because I know some of your summit stories, and and you would raise Carabana and Carnival, and the theme of that, and giving that up.
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And yet I remember stories around Brazil and the and the carnival and a parade, and you know, and and that experience with the summit. and then another summit, where where there was a post summit to
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anguilla's carnival and all of that stuff.
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I would love to hear you just share a little bit about how you have managed to weave your experience of carnival into your experiences of the International Black Summit.
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So I think I referred to as the oppressed summit.
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The space for rejuvenation and relaxation after a summit annual event.
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But weaving my love for how we come together, and we generate inside of interpersonal spaces has been my favorite part of facilitating in the summit.
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So I remember in Brazil we were setting up for our opening night event, and I remember the one part of the event had us in this gallery.
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And we were. You know this gallery is a important gallery to solve the doors.
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The only black-owned gallery, historically black families, blah blah blah! And then
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We were also asked to wear white, and so everybody complied with the requests we wearing white. and then a blocko band of women came to the front street outside, and they began to play.
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And you know this is the big drums. This is, you know, and Salvador is unique.
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This original capital of of Brazil. This is the capital of the province that has the largest African population.
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Yeah, yeah, by here, 65,000,000 people of African descent.
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So a blocko drum in this part of the Brazil.
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This is going to be closer to the African origins and roots of carnival.
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So they began to play, and as they play you know we came down to the street, and that next thing you know we're in a parade.
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We're they're they're taking us from the gallery to this other venue, and and we're in a parade.
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There's people along the street we're dancing to the black Hole band, and I don't know how we look to those folks, but I was having a ball got to where we you know the the the day and night placed
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and there was a big show. There was food. We were sitting in a place of Providence as visitors.
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This was just an amazing experience. Later on, during that trip some of us would be at the market, having fish, and we were with one of the translators for the summit.
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So the waitress spoke to him, and then he started laughing.
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So he said to me, said the waitress thinks you're a celebrity.
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As to who she think I am. I because I had my head tied in a big white turban, and you know I'm wearing all white boo.
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I look like an arisha so I didn't know that our little parade situation was on the local news. You know there's some shots of us.
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So this particular waitress she's seen the local news and she recognized me from the local news, so she's asking him like who what celebrity I am.
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So she's gonna go get a piece of paper and bring for my for my autograph. I said.
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Well ask her again who she thinks I am and then I'm.
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A sign that person. Oh, my goodness so I mean i've just experienced some, I mean righteous foolishness all over the world with you all has been I mean you know it's It's interesting one of the
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things just to bring you up to speed a little bit, Adrienne, about where we are right now.
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This year, as we move towards the 2,022 annual summit, then in August of this year 2022
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The the leadership body recently aligned the location of the of the 2,022 annual summit event.
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So it will be virtual and physical and spiritual and it will reflect where the freedom spirit of the underground railroad is.
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And so there's an opportunity for there to be locations of groupings of people, because the last 2 years we've had the annual event has been virtual.
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Only you know some people self-created their own little groupings as well, but reflecting where the freedom spirit of the Underground Railroad is.
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So there's an opportunity for people around the world around the locations of the underground railroad to perhaps come together to create satellites or locations for this year's annual summit event So So our
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enrollment manager is asking if you know of a person, organization, or community that might be interested in in being a part of this year's annual summit event as a location.
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Well. I I think, then, that it's historically awesome that then this is also the anniversary of the journey of 14 ships from Halifax.
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Nova Scotia to Sara Leon to build free town.
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This is the combination of black loyalists, Jamaican maroons, as well as those who came through the Underground Railroad.
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So this is that Canadian moment when you know, they say, go back to Africa.
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See you know what we already did. Okay, don't play with us I asked us here with all this cold rock, how you keep working with us, because we actually have a history of that being true.
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And this is like the 200 and fiftieth anniversary of that journey.
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We're people of African Descent bought themselves free and they were like peace.
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See you in Africa, so I would say how facts The citadel was originally built, and
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And then, when Maroons were tricked off of the mountain, they finished the job.
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And that is also a destination of the Underground Railroad.
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So Halifax and Halifax has always shown up in the summit space the as one of the places, not only physically but spiritually, that has been, you know, the summit conversation has been drawn, to and so and we have many, a
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participant from that area. in the last 20 years who have You know, been inspired by this, and therefore are doing things in that community that are a direct connection to their participation in the international black summit That's great that's great
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great great, I think I think I have I don't know about you Glenn.
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I have one last question, and then maybe we can share this Year's annual inquiry, and the declaration of the International Lex Great.
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So. My last question for you, Adrienne. what are 3 wishes that you have for the world right now?
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You know what? before you answer that question, let me ask you this because one of the things that we work on in the international black summit is is participants clarifying their vision for the black community, and the world.
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What's your vision? So my vision is empowerment through laughter, empowerment through laughter.
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See how that just rolled off the the Tongue Glenn.
01:05:03.000 --> 01:05:13.000
Yeah, it was easy first day from the first day. Laughter is one of the most connecting things between people.
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As an expression of our interpersonal relationship with each other.
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I can share a joke with even a person sitting in Glasgow.
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Old white man sits next to me, and he says my people are like your people.
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I'm like, Oh, i'm gonna have to fight this guy I like I had that look on my face.
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I was like. I come out to fight this old woman, and you know he shared a story about how his ancestors were enslaved by the British and taken to treasure beach.
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Jamaica, and I was like oh that's what she meant, and you know you're able to share a laugh.
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That's an example of something that i've seen in the world that you know I've been able to share and experience generating.
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It is renewable energy. and so but what i'll say for my 3 things, especially over the last 2 years.
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It's been hard right standing in front of young people trying to.
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Well thinking that you have words to explain. what's occurring to know that the student and you are feeling especially students who look like you are feeling the same sense of heavy and
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I remember that first virtual school model. I think, I cried every single day in front of my students, while I tried to teach them from the basement which I had by the time we did it. The second time I had to tell my principles you better
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let me go into the school because this is a really bad idea on the couch.
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I've been funking up drinking on participating in magical dust things.
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I don't think this is a good place for me to be teaching children.
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Thought not the right environment. huh? sorry you want me to teach from.
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Come on. And so one of the things that has been one of the most powerful things for my own life, 200, and to share with those young people and other laughter.
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Of course, empathy and grace when I was able to now understand that really.
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Are you really going to try to ask this child for your law class homework?
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While, when they unmute themselves to reply, you can hear nothing but chaos in their background.
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Are you really going to try to ride this child because they didn't do assignment blah blah blah.
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You know what content teachers your content ain't shit it might never have been.
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You gave it meaning, which means we can now give things other meaning.
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And so what i've seen in the last 2 years is by leading with empathy and grace for others, but very specifically for myself, I've been able to find a way that can allow for the radical reimagining
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of what school could be just like I don't divorce that institution, since from time.
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But we're living in the house together still as divorce I like the money I'm only in your pocket.
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Trust unbelief. and when we get to June we choose to vacation separately as lifelong lovers, and I was moving through very happily with that in mind.
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In 2,020, I said. I got 5 left on the clock I'm gonna make it through.
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How will I be able to move forward and then several fairly monumental things to my career have happened that then balances this world where I can be very overwhelmed by all the terrible going on in our world, and trust is not like
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terrible ain't taking no day off terrible is busy every day don't even understand how these other wonderful things in our world don't have the same pr team as wicked and terrible and awful and at the same time i've
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been experiencing these amazing things that have changed opportunities for my life.
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Have positioned me as a power broker for conversations that are essential in the spaces that I have capacity to do that.
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Disrupting in and i've even had white folks pay me to give them talking to, and we'll get cash apps.
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Say white guilt dollars. I accept all of them because this is what one person said.
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She said. You know, Adrienne, when you were saying these things all those years ago, since we were in Teachers college no one was listening.
01:10:35.000 --> 01:10:52.000
It seemed like and much of the struggle about whether I should just be behind the scenes, or should I be the person in front that has the capacity to do something about things that are i'm not good with that's been my
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struggle for a very long time. but I can see there is a something that has created the conditions for the thing that we're now experiencing, and it's now time to also reinvent myself.
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Moving forward. So once again i'm in that same space 20 years later, where I don't know what's available but I can only be a student with the guidance of my past and the hopes for my future and say whatever
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it, is it's gonna be frigging amazing trust I believe it's going to be amazing because it's been an amazing ride.
01:11:41.000 --> 01:11:49.000
And if I say one last thing about one of my students last week on the chat, it's like that Miss Coddett has like had a 1,000 lives.
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I was like. I really have i've forgotten 998 of them most days memory.
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Some of the things that i've had opportunity to do reminds me of my mom when she said she's like, How do you?
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How do you get yourself involved in these things? yet in my own way has always worked so.
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Continue to be guided by that blessings to your mother.
01:12:21.000 --> 01:12:32.000
Yes, absolutely. And you know you talk about this because I do know that the Ottawa Carlton District School Board has.
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Dick has given you the directors citation award as of 2,021.
01:12:37.000 --> 01:12:49.000
I also know that you are one of the Canadian Broadcasting Company, a corporation for Ottawa, one of their 2,020 trailblazers, you know.
01:12:49.000 --> 01:12:55.000
Yeah. And of course you also have your investing in people award from the Ottawa Community Foundation.
01:12:55.000 --> 01:13:00.000
So. you know. you know people have been. People have been recognizing you, you know.
01:13:00.000 --> 01:13:20.000
Yes, a slick girl, We see you all right I pray often that my students don't Google me jared class, because then you know, I cause I said, Hey, i'm just your law, teacher, and then 1 1 one sets it off and and
01:13:20.000 --> 01:13:37.000
then all hell breaks loose. But it's in that, being able to take advantage of opportunities and and dive in and and be known that that's what I was struggling with finding my own way of doing it I had
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a very big footprint from my parents of what it should look like, or could look like.
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And as a young adult I didn't navigate that well being the the child of well-known people in the community, I joke Sometimes I say, Well, when the Coddett children get in trouble. ways. public It was public information where the Coddett children get in trouble.
01:14:07.000 --> 01:14:15.000
Everybody knew, and I kind of really disliked that by the time I was in my late teens and early twentys
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So, finding my own way, and what that meant for me and what I would do you know, is something that I now can say has had a highlight real of moments that I never would have fully believed somebody saying so when I was younger but that's
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part part of the you know the demon I was willing sometimes to do the bad to make that good work, and now I just get to do the good to make the good work.
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So all right. learn that from Perry big perry he said something to me one time, and about a choice that he was going to have to make for business, and he's like he discovered he could do well while doing good and do good while doing
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well, and i've held that as an important mantra to guide myself, making sure that I chart not to do the crooked to make the straight work.
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All right. You can do the straight to to make the straight work. All right.
01:15:27.000 --> 01:15:47.000
Thank you so much for being with us this evening Adrienne it's being a pleasure, and just to share with you the 2,021 annual question or inquiry is this: when I allow space I become present so who I
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am i'm going to repeat, that when I allow space I become present to who I am, and ms Coddett i'm clear you are present to who you are and You're sharing it with the world I am I
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am So speaking to my spot so lessons declaration, unless you have anything you'd like to say, Glenn.
01:16:18.000 --> 01:16:36.000
No just again. just thank you it's always been a pleasure. You've been a great host to us coming up to Ottawa and facilitating not only in the space outside of the space opening up your
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home to us and just sending us and giving us lots of love.
01:16:42.000 --> 01:16:53.000
So just a mit Ctl and appreciate who you've been, and who your family has been, who who you've opened up Ottawa to the Summit family.
01:16:53.000 --> 01:17:04.000
And it's just been just been lovely known you it it. It is so so great to hear that! and I appreciate you all so much.
01:17:04.000 --> 01:17:11.000
You will always be family. I will always be a facilitator of the International Black Summit.
01:17:11.000 --> 01:17:19.000
I take you everywhere I go. every speech i've given I mentioned the power of this conversation.
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So there is very few places that, have Adrienne Coddett in the space that do not have an awareness of the international black summit.
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Every single question and inquiry is located in their order, along with the purpose and the declaration.
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They live in my classroom permanently, in that space and students for generations, even undistinguished, have been getting a prerequisite course at the beginning of every semester, because i've started every
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semester's class with a prerequisite course essentially introducing our them to their to the ground rules of our class, and how we will communicate with each other and very specifically, the group of students in now the fifth
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cohort of the black i if I bid them from using black youth conference, cause it's still vexed so forbid them.
01:18:26.000 --> 01:18:31.000
They tried. they're like well, Let's call this the black youth comes in.
01:18:31.000 --> 01:18:34.000
Y'all put in on that you don't get that one?
01:18:34.000 --> 01:18:40.000
Sorry I still got some therapy sessions before I will let you all do that one, too, and forget it.
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I pay for 10 therapy sessions i've only had 8.
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So and so so so we've we've landed on black Youth Forum and the upcoming and the you can see it online last year's first vert fully virtual.
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So class has been virtual for 2 years. fully and this is year 2 year 3 got thrown into a virtual space, and last year's i'll find the i'll find the link for you all so you can see what it
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is that? And it's apparently magical to allow young people to create for themselves what they see because apparently adults think that that's some novel idea that is you all that is us in this space living freely as
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young people continue, and the adults that get to work with them continue inspired by that as a possibility.
01:19:50.000 --> 01:20:00.000
No out there, because it's the youth in ourselves. that we empower when we, you know, release this conversation to the world.
01:20:00.000 --> 01:20:06.000
So thank you so much to each of you you're welcome oh, beautiful!
01:20:06.000 --> 01:20:15.000
And for those for those of you who are listening through our through our podcast on a podcast, platform, or for anybody who's watching on our Youtube channel.
01:20:15.000 --> 01:20:27.000
We will get that link from a flua from Adrienne Coddett and put it into the show notes, so that you have access to it, and also for anybody who's interested in finding out about the international black summit annually, event because
01:20:27.000 --> 01:20:33.000
we've referred to it a lot this year we will be having the 2,022 annual event this year.
01:20:33.000 --> 01:20:47.000
Just go to our website Black Summit. dot org that's black summit. dot o Rg: So let's complete with the declaration of the International Black Summit.
01:20:47.000 --> 01:20:52.000
Thank you for bringing that up joy. Thank you Adrienne why don't you?
01:20:52.000 --> 01:20:58.000
Can you? can you? Can you generate the Can you see it well enough to generate it?
01:20:58.000 --> 01:21:10.000
Okay, all right. i'll do It wonderful thank you Glenn the declaration of the International Black Summit.
01:21:10.000 --> 01:21:19.000
We declare ourselves, our community, and all communities, whole and complete.
01:21:19.000 --> 01:21:34.000
There is nothing to do except be. we assert that we are responsible for generating community possibility and distinction.
01:21:34.000 --> 01:21:45.000
We listen for, and Grant being to the possibility and creation of unpredictable results.
01:21:45.000 --> 01:22:03.000
Our conversation of about and for those of African ascent is one of power, self-generation, abundance, responsibility, unity, and integrity.
01:22:03.000 --> 01:22:33.000
With the possibility of being. We stand with expression of our spirituality, ending the murders of our men, women, and children, building economies, responsible for funding our community, maintaining wellness of being in our bodies, providing human services,
01:22:36.000 --> 01:23:03.000
establishing nurturing relationships, altering the conversation of who we are. in the media empowering our youth, we declare that our community manifest itself in the world as a contribution in the transformation of the universe
01:23:03.000 --> 01:23:33.000
Atlanta, Georgia. october seventh, 1991 April third, 2022 above, below and within, and wherever people of black African descent reside, let's take a moment of silence, please, thank
01:23:38.000 --> 01:23:50.000
you. Thank you. Thank you, Adrienne. Thank you, Glenn.
01:23:50.000 --> 01:23:54.000
Thank you to everyone who was listened to this podcast this evening.
01:23:54.000 --> 01:24:06.000
This is our first international black summit monthly podcast so we hope you'll join us next time when we interview another person who's experienced and being a part of the international black summit.
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Sharing, what, how they have been transformed by their participation, and how they use the distinctions and tools in their lives, in their careers, in their world.